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发表于 2018-7-1 10:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

“Greetings.We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


You are awakening part of your consciousness that have beendormant for quite some time, and as you awaken these aspects of yourself, youare going to notice that you have access to more of your power. You arepowerful, masterful beings who have been limiting yourselves on purpose inorder to create third-dimensional experiences of reality, but now all of thatis changing as you move from fourth-dimensional beings to becoming thefifth-dimensional/higher self version of who you are.

Thepower that you are unpacking is the power to shift in a moment’s notice fromone experience to another. You will not need to go through the long and arduousprocess of feeling your emotions and then getting to that place where you canactivate the vibration of what you really want. Instead, you will be able toshift immediately.

Now,these aspects of you have done this in previous incarnations, because of courseyou have been fifth dimensional before. You have sixth dimensional and seventhdimensional as well. You have experienced all of the dimensions prior todescending into the first, second, and third. And now that you have more accessto who you have been, you are aligning with higher-frequency energies that areall around you.

Yoursolar system, your planet, and your sun in particular are all working to bringyou into these higher frequencies. Now on top of all of that, you have thesummoning of energy you have done in all of your previous lifetimes and inevery moment you have lived in this lifetime. You also have helpers like us inthe higher dimensional planes who are assisting. We are helping to bring thisabout for you because it is time. You have done enough in the third and fourthdimensions, and you are ready for a new experience of reality.

Youare ready to know yourselves as more powerful, masterful beings of love andlight. The final steps to becoming who you really are involve embracingeverything you have ever been. And so when you see someone out there in theworld doing something abhorrent to you, just realize that they are an aspect ofyou as well. And when you can let go of that judgment that you hold and forgiveothers for their misdeeds, you can embrace your true power, the power that canonly come from within you.

Weare the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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