抵抗運動招募規則的補充說明 2018年5月14日訊息
Entry Protocols blog post has triggered strong reactions and so it requires anupdate.
First, it was never claimed that pre-Event entries into the Resistance willhappen. It was stated that they may, or may not happen. Entry protocols were givento the surface population so it may be prepared in case they do happen.
Second, if pre-Event entries do happen, they might not happen in the immediatefuture (days, weeks or even months).
第二: 如果抵抗運動真的要在事件前邀請地表民眾,他們也不一定會在短期內就發出邀請( 發出邀請的時間可能是幾天、幾個星期甚至幾個月以後)
Third, these entries are only intended for a very small number of people,between 20 and 200 individuals. This is NOT a mass recruitment campaign for theResistance.
第三: 抵抗運動只會邀請非常少數的地表民眾。邀請人數會落在20-200 人之間。抵抗運動沒有打算進行大規模的招募。
Fourth, these entries are only intended for two categories of people, the firstcategory being very advanced Lightworkers / Lightwarriors with minimalattachments to the surface population that require a well deserved rest in amore beautiful and loving environment and the second category beingLightworkers / Lightwarriors with practical experience in culturalanthropology, communicology, sexology, counseling psychology, cultural psychology,sociology and social work. This second category will help the Resistance infuture interactions with surface population, as Resistance members are manytimes at a loss how to interact with often reactive surface humanity.
第四: 邀請名單只限於兩種類型的地表民眾。第一類是思想非常開明的光工和光戰士。這一類的光工和光戰士還要符合兩個條件: 他們跟地表民眾之間幾乎沒有人情世故的牽掛而且他們需要在更美麗、更有愛的環境休養生息。第二類是在以下領域有實務經驗的光工和光戰士: 文化人類學、人際溝通學、性學、諮商心理學、文化心理學、社會學以及社工。由於地表民眾經常容易反應過度,抵抗運動的成員們遇過好多次不知道如何應對的尷尬場面。第二類的光工和光戰士們可以在未來協助抵抗運動與地表民眾之間的互動。
Fifth, these entries will very seldom be presented to surface members withstrong family attachments. Surface population will experience many surprises intheir personal relationships after the Event and needs to distinguish betweenemotional attachment and unconditional love:
第五: 基本上難以割捨地表家庭生活或肩負重要家庭責任的民眾都不太可能收到邀請。地表民眾在事件之後會在人際關係方面體驗到許多意想不到的事情。地表民眾也需要釐清情感上的牽掛和無條件的愛兩者之間的差別:
Sixth, candidates for Resistance entry will go through a process of innerpreparation so if and when the entry does happen, they will be able to trustthe process through inner Soul connection with their inner voice of truth andwith the Resistance. People with excessive amount of fear and mistrust are notconsidered as candidates.
第六: 加入抵抗運動的候選人會經歷個人內在的準備過程。一旦他們收到邀請,這個準備過程可以讓他們感受到自身靈魂與真理以及抵抗運動產生的共鳴;從而帶著信任感走進地底世界。對招募活動感到過度恐懼和懷疑的民眾不會成為候選人。
Seventh, an entry into Resistance is considered to be a spiritual initiatoryexperience and therefore the candidate needs to go through the experience infull alignment with his own free will and on his own. This is an entrance intoa higher reality and is NOT a trap, leading to some reptilian underground base.
第七: 加入抵抗運動是一種接受靈性啟蒙的經驗,因此受邀的候選人在加入的過程必須完全按照自身的自由意志行動並且自行承擔應盡的責任。加入抵抗運動是一個通往崇高美好世界的機遇,而不是把人們拐去地底爬蟲人基地的圈套。
Eighth, banana comments that have mushroomed over the internet in the last fewdays are proof that most of the surface population is not ready for contact. Sodo not complain if there are delays in the future.
第八: 這幾天在網路上流竄著各種嬉笑怒罵的言論。這些言論代表地表民眾還沒有準備好跟抵抗運動接觸。如果交流計畫在將來有所延宕,也請大家不要埋怨。
Luckily, many people are sane enough to see with their own eyes that I have notbeen replaced with a clone, and that my intel still stands:
譯註:Edward Morgan 參加2018 台北揚升會議之後寫了這一篇證實Cobra 仍然還是本尊的澄清文章。
Victory of the Light!
原文: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/05/entry-protocols-update.html
翻譯:Patrick Shih