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【柯博拉】 2018年5月9日 加入抵抗運動的招募規則









发表于 2018-5-15 11:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Behind the scenes, the Light forces are preparing the most awakened individualsof the surface population for physical contact with positive subsurface andextraterrestrial forces.


These preparations are part of a huge project that I am involved with.


In full alignment with the new (beta) timeline, certain most awakened membersof the surface population may, or may not be given an option to leave thesurface of the planet and be accepted within the underground ResistanceMovement or other positive Agartha factions.


Recent prophetic dream of Teresa Yanaros is a direct result of this awakeningsequence and requires a detailed analysis:

光明勢力進行的覺醒工作導致Teresa Yanaros在最近做了一個預知夢。這個預知夢需要進行詳細的解析:



譯註:Teresa Yanaros52日夢到自己受邀進入地底世界。

The dream was taking place in a hypnagogic state, that thin line between thewaking state and sleep that is a portal between physical and higher dimensions:



The dream was induced as a signal for the surface population to start preparingfor the contact with the Agartha network, and actually reveals a large part ofentry protocols.


If you are reading this, you may, or may not be invited to enter the Resistanceor other positive Agartha faction before the Event.


I can give exact description and guidance for the entry protocols into theResistance. I can not give exact entry protocols for other positive Agarthafactions, although they are almost exactly the same in most aspects.


If you are selected for pre-Event entry into the Resistance, the entryprotocols are as follows:


1. You will be physically contacted by a Resistance agent, very near to theplace where you live. He or she will be wearing plain civilian clothes and willemanate very positive energy. He/she will introduce herself/himself to you andask you if your are willing to enter the Resistance. It will be explained toyou that after entering the Resistance, you will NOT be able to have anyphysical contact with the surface population.

1. 抵抗運動的特工會親自跟你面對面地交談。會面地點會是距離你的居住地非常近的場所。他/她會穿著符合當地民情的平民服裝而且會散發出非常正面的能量。他/她會先自我介紹然後詢問你是否願意加入抵抗運動。他們會明確地告訴你:一旦你加入抵抗運動之後就不能跟任何地表民眾面對面的互動。

2. You will be given between 5 and 15 minutes to collect your personal items tobring with you. You will be asked to bring objects of personal emotional value(wedding rings, photos of loved ones,...) because all other objects (clothing,food, gold, cash, ID documents...) can be easily reproduced with replicators.You will be given a small bag and all your items will need to fit in that bag.Size and weight requirements will be very similar to requirements astronautshad for their personal items on a Space Shuttle:

2. 你會有5-15分鐘收拾個人物品。抵抗運動特工會要求你只攜帶具有紀念價值的東西(結婚戒指、親朋好友的照片...)因為其他用品(衣物、糧食、黃金、現金、身份證件)都可以用物品複製機輕易補齊。他/她會給你一個收集袋收納所有個人物品。這些個人物品的尺寸和重量跟太空人可以帶上太空梭的個人物品差不多。


譯註:太空人可以帶上太空梭的個人物品不能超過20件。總重量不超過682克。總體積大約是12.82 公分× 20.51 公分× 5.13 公分(比郵局最小的便利袋更小)

3. The Resistance agent will escort you to the entry point into the Resistance.This will usually be a service door in the cellar or basement inside acommercial building close to your home. There he will guide you to descend aset of stairs that will lead you 30 meters/yards underground to the topmostlevel of the Resistance. The stairs will look somewhat like this:


4. When you reach Resistance level, you will approach a high-tech door thatwill lead into a structure that will look somewhat like a shower cabin:


At this point the agent will ask you the last time if you are willing to enterthe Resistance. If you refuse, you will be brought back to the surface and willnever be contacted again before the Event. If you accept, the agent will leavealone and you and you will enter through the high-tech door by yourself. Youwill be asked to take off all your clothes and leave the bag with your personalbelongings in a special tray. Then you will be asked to enter the “showercabin”, where you will be disinfected from all nanotechnology and from mostviruses and bacteria.


5. You will exit from the other side of the “shower cabin” into the Resistanceproper, refreshed and disinfected. At this point you will feel much better,with bursts of inner joy and will feel very alive and full of energy.


A new set of clothing will wait for you in the tray with your original clothingbeing disintegrated, and your personal items will be waiting in the bag,disinfected and free from nanites.


6. You will enter the next room where a medical doctor will perform a medicalcheck. This check will take about 30 minutes and will be totally non-invasiveand painless. If you had any serious medical condition prior to your entry intothe Resistance, it will be in most cases corrected within additional 10 to 20minutes with a special quantum correction chamber in a painless procedure.After the medical procedures are completed, you will be given a special drinkthat will trigger a detox process.


7. You will be given your own room to rest and sleep and go through a detoxprocess, which will sometimes be quite intense and can be moderatelyunpleasant. This process will usually take 1-3 days and will help you releasemost physical, energetic and emotional impurities that you have accumulatedduring your life on the surface. During the process you might experience mildto moderate side effects of the detox process such as headache, tiredness,slight nausea, vomiting, strong emotional release, loss of appetite andprolonged sleep.


8. After the detox process is over, you will be able to move freely into someof the outermost areas of the Resistance:




You will be slowly integrated into the Resistance society and will find yourplace inside the Resistance soul family:





9. After you are accepted into the Resistance, you will not be able to go tothe surface, contact the surface population or even use the surface internet /cell phone network, except in extremely rare cases that will be directlyrelated to your mission. You will be only able to make direct contact withsurface human population after the Event.


Victory of the Light!



翻譯:Patrick Shih


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