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发表于 2018-4-30 09:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


PleiadianCollective, Ashtar, Sananda: Be Ready for the New
Channel Galaxygirl,

Greetings and warm hellos to humanity this day, this preciousnow moment. We are the Pleiadian Collective, summoned here today to speak withyou on behalf of the others. Our message is one of light, of peace, of unityconsciousness and of renewal. For much is happening in the hidden recesses ofyour world that need not be mentioned at this time, for they are disturbing andmust remain in secret for awhile. We are here in full force and in ourfull support of humanity, shielding you, protecting and guiding when asked. Weare polite and only assist when asked for we much respect and acknowledge anduphold / honor your free well as a species, for this is of utmost importance.

Werespect your freedom, while others have not, and thus, the quandary. For freewill is a tricky thing, it is precious but when it is abused, it can bedisastrous. We are intervening on your Gaia to avoid another situation likeMaldek, the fourth planet in your solar system that was destroyed long ago bygreed and pain. We are here to assure you in strong force, in solidarityamongst ourselves that this will not happen with Gaia. She is a jewel of thisuniverse for all of her ascension and descension and now re-ascension journey.She is a remarkable soul, tremendously brave and she has been tremendouslywounded in the process and we are here to assist her, along side humanity,should we be requested.

Wehave known humanity since the beginning, since your beginning, since thebeginning of what the word human really means. Many of you are of us, are fromthe Pleiades, are here today to seed this Pleiadian higher consciousness deepinto the crystal core of Nova Gaia and to help things along, so that thisproject reaches its conclusion and new beginnings can begin. A new expansion ofthe human consciousness is exciting to behold and we feel like proud parents ongraduation day, yet many of you don’t know that you are indeed graduating, foryou are so caught up in the matrix, the process, and have been kept soseparated from your heart space.

Thetime of separation is long past. The time of renewal and reconnection andreestablishing your memories is here now, in this precious moment of this now.And we say this with tears streaming down our faces for you have done it,humanity. You are nearly there. Together with Gaia you are pushing through thefinal hurdle, the last push of the birthing process – the most painful pushtoo, we might add. Please know that help is more than just on the way, it ishere and we are among you, waiting to reconnect with our family of human formagain. Yes, we were involved in your creative process. Yes, you have untoldstrengths packed within your DNA deep down that you have not yet realized andwe are excited to observe your discoveries of this. You are masters and yourpowers are now returning, being returned to you – not that they ever truly left– but that you forgot to look for them, being so busy in your earth lives, inthe matrix of all matrices. Ug. We long for a new day just as you and we arehere for you, humanity, to behold the newness of you and of your planetarymother, Gaia.

Beready for the new, be ready for the change. You are this change, as are theprecious children that are now coming into your field. They are the leaders ofthe new world, truly. Let them lead you, learn from them. We are the PaleiadianCollective. You are not alone, and you are loved beyond measure.

Thisis Ashtar of the Galactic Federation. I salute you all for your hard work andtireless efforts in the planetary clearing that you have all been working sohard on. Whether consciously or subconsciously, it matters not, for you haveall been doing it and doing a tremendous job. I know that your many questionsare burning and there is so much to relearn and re-understand. I assure you,there will be time for questions and answers, there will be time for thelearning and rediscovery of your planetary origin, the Pleiades and severalother systems, and your resulting history. You are near a portal as you mayknow, and Earth has always been prime real estate as you are right near ahighly desired, coveted super highway for intergalactic travel. This may seemlike an impossibility to you, for your news has not told you true news for sucha long time and your history has been so twisted. But I assure you the starbeings, the visitors, the ETs – they are all real. Your Bible and many otherholy books and stories of myth and legend mentions them. They are real, andplayed an integral role in your history, either to benefit you or themselves.We are cleaning up the place, scooting along the dark entities who wish tostay, but their lease is up and they are being redistributed! They are beingreassigned for repurposing and Source is working with them. Humanity must beallowed to be free. Humanity must understand their past in order to understandtheir future, and of course the present mess that they have been in. This willquickly evolve and elevate as the consciousness rises dramatically and what aride it will be!

Iam Ashtar of the Galactic Federation. I look upon you all so fondly, with suchlove, you are true warriors of love. Keep your vibrations high for as thisgalactic pulse comes you will not want to miss any moment of it. It is thejourney, the experience that you signed up for. Experiences consist of littlemoments all lined up. I know you are weary, but I encourage you to not miss anyof these precious moments that are in front of you now. Bless them, transmutethem if they need it and be the radiant light beings of the universethat you are. I see the Christ in you. Some of you are afraid to let your lightshine for you have been so wounded. That is an old chapter. You are writing anew one, yes? Continue to do what you are doing so well and we will clean upthe little messes here and there before we begin further involvement with yourspecies. I am Ashtar. Be at peace.

Hellofriends, I am your Sananda. I am here today with my brother Ashtar, standingalongside on the bridge of the New Jerusalem. And we are looking down withtremendous love and support for you, our friends and family of the light, of love,who have made the sacrifice to serve by your very being here, wherever you are,in your moment, your Earth life. For if you were not where you are, doing whatyou are doing, who would be doing it? You don’t have to be a tremendouslyfamous leader or have an “important” job to be holy. Not in the least. That isthe old way. Being holy means being infused with the light of the Christconsciousness, walking the path of the master, talking with me if you choose,for we will have much to say once the veil drops and you can see all that isaround you. But yes, the game has gone on far long enough and we are ready forthe reunion. Time is stretchy. You are continually choosing your timeline andyour reality. Choose it well. Choose the highest, the best, the brightest, themost redeemed timeline of perfect love. Choose peace. Choose me. I am alwayshere for you.

Iam your Sananda. We have traveled many a dusty path / road together, you and I.You will remember. Ascension is the constant re-remembering of who you trulyare, and have truly always been but are re-remembering, rediscovering. For yourare Source light in form. That is your higher self. Pray within, not without.That is the great confusion, misdirection of energy. No. Source light is withinyou, friends. It always has been. It is the crystal seed atoms of the Christedconsciousness that infuses your very DNA, your very self. And as we all havethis can you not see and appreciate that we are all one? That we are all aglorious web of light? A fabric of luminosity?

Forwe are all one Source light in the process of ever creating, ever expanding,ever learning and relearning yet more – more of itself, more of yourself, moreof all that you came here to be. We are one. You are risen. You are rising. Youare ascending. And yes, you are weary. As you should be. You have been doinghard work. Rest in me. Stay with me awhile and be comforted. We’re all in thistogether. You are not alone, unless you choose to feel that way. Your twins arehere, your families are here, and you are surrounded with tremendous support.You are so loved family. I am your Sananda, your brother, your friend andfellow journeyer. Be at peace.




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