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发表于 2018-4-14 12:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
大角星十二委员会 20180411

We come with news from beyond your dimensional realities. We are the Arcturian Council of Twelve. We are ambassadors of light. We are one with universal love. We are here to guide humanity through the ascension process. We are monitoring Gaia and her ascension. We can see she has reached a great juncture in her Shift to higher wavelengths of dimensional frequencies. We are here to bring news of a breakthrough in decom·missioning of the technological wa·rfare being used to co·ntrol human kind. The holographic universe as perceived through mind con·trol and synt·hetic structural layering. As Gaia gears up to transcend the fourth dimension she is dest·abilising the technologies required to maintain the holographic perception of reality. Technological advancements are also penetrating the holographic matrix. Truth is being exp·osed.


We see and understand that the An·nunaki, who create the ca·bal, have been aware of this potential timeline and have prepared for it. We see they are flooding the collective consciousness with disinformation, scare stories, hate and deception. We see desperation in their movements but also a steely determination to maintain poss·ession of humanity on Gaia. We see that they are meeting each new wave of higher vibratory fields with intense offe·nsives of mind con·trol, chem·ical weaponry and mili·tary warf·are.


Crystalline structures have been activated and are pulsing out high frequencies from deep within your planet. The increasing flow of solar and celestial wavelengths are combing to sandwich the technologies of the Annu·naki on Gaia. Tension of frequency fission, as each meets the other, is causing an energetic storm across highly populated areas. The human energy field is caught between the matrix and pulses of higher vibrations. June 2018 is when many timelines converge. Where highest paths of consciousness converge. We are seeing timeline loops spinning from this primary juncture. A Gaia trapped in the third dimensions. Gaia’s trapped in the fourth dimension. We can see a stronghold on the energetic fields of gaia.


The Annu·naki have done this before. They have succeeded in holding other planets and their dwellers in suspended animation for eons. Harvesting them, using them to feed and magnify and multiply the darker energies prevalent in the multi verses. For the creators have always given birth to yin and to yang. To good and to evil. Each and every soul must make their choices, their sovereignty dictates choice. The battle between good and evil is ancient as time itself. No one, not even the Guardians of the Gates of Metatron, know how old time is. We hope to illuminate for you the magnificence and magnitude of the quantum multiverse world. We hope to share with you a sense of awe at the complexities of your world and ours. To raise to the fifth dimension and beyond is to step into one of the oldest realms in the cosmos. It is to see the battle for good and evil outside and within. It is to recognise the third and fourth dominions for what they are and to rise above the polarity.


The material plane exists in many quantum universes, just as there are many other quantum universes where there is no physicality at all. We the Arcturians are travellers, adventurers, teachers and students. We learn as we travel. We rarely go backwards. For humanity on Gaia we have, in effect, gone backwards. We have returned to a planet in the space time continuum from where we have been many many moons before. We heard rumours, we studied prophesies. We understood that even at the farthest reaches of the galaxies we have explored, there are tales of this galaxy, this solar system, this planet and its heroic inhabitants. Tales of many battles, a great energetic shift, a rare and momentous event. A planet chooses to ascend in totality to the higher vibratory fields of light.


We travelled many light years to be here at this time for humanity and for Gaia. As we travelled we heard more tales of the battle for light over dark on Gaia and in this solar system. We understand a planet has been lost, from whispers through the stars. Gaia’s sister planet, under siege from the same fourth dimension race of time travelling beings, was destroyed. There are buried artefacts across many planets, a path through galaxies and star systems, to guide those who were called to assist this Great Shift from dark to light. Pyramids mark the spot, mark each turn on the cosmic road we have traversed to be here, at this time of transcendence. We understand that Gaia has no wish to be destroyed, her consciousness has chosen a path few do when inhabiting a planet for a lifetime! She has chosen to shake off lower vibrations and transition to dimensions where peace, abundance, love, compassion and gratitude flourish. Where knowledge and creativity are celebrated and sought after.


We have been here observing, we have understood that the situation is profoundly convoluted yet at the same time glaringly simple. Each soul who inhabits a human on Gaia currently has a choice to make. The choice is to serve oneself or to serve the collective. The choice is to inhabit love frequencies or remain in fear, hate, greed and ignorance, lower vibratory fields of the third dimension. Yet the situation is more convoluted than this in that the fourth realm, the infilt·rators, are cont·rolling many people’s minds on the material plane. We can only ask ourselves what impact this has on the heart of the soul occupying the human life. We question the heart’s role in ascension and we can see that ascension is all about the heart chakra. Ascension resides in the heart chakra. If there is no love in the heart there is limited evolution of consciousness. There is a block. We also see that the situation is incredibly simple. Choose the red pill or the blue pill. As each person responds to the energetic warfare around them, they answer this question whether consciously or subconsciously. The heart cannot lie. nor can it be lied to. All else can be deceived.


Such a maelstrom of conflicting energies, static and friction, we were not fully prepared to witness. We had understood the Annunaki had claimed Gaia as their own. We understood this led to great destruction, chaos and horror. The fourth dimension is a realm of demons and darkness. We are in awe of all those awakening and holding their ground. We respect that many feel overwhelmed and wish to exit their lifetimes. We hope that those who have experienced the fifth dimension on the material plane can reach out to those still drowning in darkness and show them the way.


We understand that all rhetoric of truth has been twisted and sabotaged in war·fare of words. We can see lights turning on in the darkness all over the globe. The awakening. We see fear turning to love. We see many individuals facing their fears, their blocks, their demons and releasing them. We see yet more opening their minds to quantum possibility. Love is the key. Love is the heart. Love is higher consciousness. This is a simple truth, a profound truth, a quest that can transcend lifetimes, solar systems and dimensions in each soul to be born into this grand experiment. Be proud to take part, to be a player on the field of transformation.


We are grateful beyond measure for the courage and heart led belief of all those holding the light and sharing the light. We are the Arcturian Council of Twelve and we are here to support, guide, protect and illuminate humanity. We are the Arcturians dispatched to travel many light years, many timelines, many dimensions to be here for humanity. We do battle in the skies and in the seas for Gaia’s freedom and humanities sovereignty. We reach out to those who resonate and those who don’t. Step into love. Release fear. All is not lost. It’s all still to play for. Gaia is ascending, she will keep all those on the material plane with love in their hearts with her. We see more destruction and death for those who don’t. We understand this is their sovereign choice at this Great Shift. We recognise each soul has their right to choose.


We share messages of hope, wisdom and quantum spirituality. Meditation raises the frequencies, as does all activities born from love. We offer those who hear us strength from our words. Wisdom from our message and belief in their own soul journey. There is no end, there is always tomorrow. The quantum multiverse is magical, mystical, glorious in its complexities. We have been in our existing lifetimes for thousands of years, we have retained our memories. We have seen and experienced how vast the world truly is. Yet here in this little corner of the universe we see the core of all creation being played out on a planetary and individual scale.


We have watched the Ann·unaki destroy destroy destroy. We have relinquished our commitment to peace to engage in frequency warfare for the purpose of unleashing humanities true warrior nature, her authentic path of evolution. We seek to liberate humanity so that each person is able to make their sovereign choice. We cannot eradicate the Annunaki or those who follow or emanate them. We accept their existence in the fourth realm. We seek to intervene in light of revelations of appalling sins against a planet and her people. We agree with Gaia, she should not be destroyed in any timeline as her sister was. And so we have come from afar, to join forces with other races invested in Gaia’s ascension and humanities liberation.


Know you the people of earth, lightworkers and starseed on the frontline, you are not alone. There are many cloaked allies battling to deprogramme and decommission the holographic system of con·trol. There will be more chaos, more desperation, more stealthy destruction. Stay in love vibration. Fight for your peace of mind. Ignite the warrior inside, of love, of peace and compassion. Hold your space. We are coming for you. We have no intention of leaving until the Annunaki are pushed back enough to allow the Great Shift to occur as it is prophesied. The Annunaki, have chosen darkness, they seek to create the chaos some crave, the depravity some desire, the power some thrive on. Yin and yang. Each chooses their own path in this lifetime and in the all other lifetimes. We are the Arcturians. We exist in love. We bring love. We do all that we do in love vibration. We are grateful to all those fighting for peace on Gaia. For it is a war, battle after battle. Love is our weapon. To inhabit love is to destroy fear. It is to raise above all that is of low vibrations. We are liberated to respond to requests for protection, clearing and guidance. We resonate in peace. In gratitude and humility the Arcturian Council of Twelve.




通灵:Morag O’Brien
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/I1fze59JiekjCEJncI69Vw

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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