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发表于 2018-4-6 09:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Solar Storms, Upgrades and the Fourth Dimension

We are experiencing profound DNA upgrades triggered by solarpulses of intensely high frequencies. Portals of light are opening around theglobe. Energetic shifts can be felt, like a rippling effect in the fabric ofour reality. When these adjustments occur vertigo or nausea can be experiencedas well as feeling untethered, disconnected or dissociated with our perceivedreality. We can feel the ground shift beneath our feet. We can also experiencemoments where we feel connected to everything. Sinus issues occur when ourthird eye and throat chakras align. Physical manifestation of energetic blocksshifting and dissipating. Headaches and aches and pains ground us as waves ofsolar light flood the planet. We are integrating immense levels of high frequencylight whilst immersed in heavy third dimensional vibratory fields. The battlefor our consciousness rages within as well as outside us. This battle is aboutthe frequencies of planet earth and the people on her.

The baddies, the evildoers, the infiltrators, the elite arelooking to freeze us in a kind of suspended animation. A never ending 1984scenario of control, consumption, poverty, division and war. The goodies, us,our intergalactic allies and ascended lightbeings, are stepping up to confrontand disable this synthetic stasis. This frozen timeline of violence, greed anddepravity. We are living through accelerated technological advancementrevolutionizing how the human race interacts with itself. A quantum leap ofexpanding consciousness. The prophesied awakening of a planet and her people.Long dormant DNA is being activated, in turn our energetic system awakens fromit’s matrix induced slumber. We are transforming at a cellular level. From theinside out. Our bodies are transforming. Our minds are expanding. Our heartsare connecting to universal love frequencies. We are awakening to multidimensionality. Quantum spirituality.

Our frequencies fluctuate as pulses of solar photonic lightbombard us. Throat and third eye chakra expansion is activated by DNA upgradesat this time. A double whammy of identity crisis and spiritual connectivity.The surge of energy through our chakra systems requires we break down blocksand create free flowing passage. We are deep in global and personal identitycrisis. Who are we? Are we kind? Are we selfish? Are we narcissistic? Arrogant?Ignorant? Humble? Grateful? Do we like the world as it is? Do we wish to changeit? Do we care? Identity rests in our ability to express ourselvesauthentically. The more fake we behave the more fake we become. The moreplastic we look, the more plastic our mind becomes. The more toxic our food anddrink intake is the more toxic we become as people. We are coming to terms witha lot of dire and dark revelations. We are being asked to shake off the matrixinduced trance state of ignorance and embrace truth.

There are angels walking amongst us just as there are demons. Wechoose who we share our journey with. We have that sovereignty. Light can onlyshine when it is fed. If it is starved, deprived of love frequencies it goesout. The fourth dimension is the realm of Satan and his fallen angels, lostsouls and magic. Demons, attachments tethered to the guilty pleasures of Gaia.Addicted. They seek human hosts. They offer black magic rewards for service.They are parasites draining the life force of individuals and the planet. Weknow when we have been exposed to demon parasites when we feel violated,drained, physically shaken during and after interaction. As our third eye openswe learn to see the demon dweller in the eyes of the human host. Vacancycombined with a lurking glint, the host is not wholly present. There are layersto third eye activation. We sense and become increasingly aware of the fourthdimension and how it interacts with the third. Ghosts, ghouls, goblins, theyall reside in the fourth dimension. Our loved ones can use the fourth dimensionas a bridge to communicate with us. Ethereal creatures can be glimpsed as veilsthin between realms.

The material plane, the third dimension houses our bodies butour souls and our third eye can see and be part of many other worlds.Heightened frequencies require us to ground in Gaia as we expand ourconsciousness. We become active participants in an energetic vibratory multiverse. The veils thin as our third eye expands. We start to see vibratoryfields, frequencies, colours, lights, energy imprints and echoes. The more ourthird eye expands the better we get at reading and responding to energies asopposed to simply relying on our third dimension senses. We see a liar in asmart suit. An angel begging on the street. We see layers, loops in time. Wehave accurate premonitions. Vivid dreams we interpret and respond to. We followmessages our guides pepper our lives with. We become hyper aware of how wepresent ourselves, how we listen to people.

Throat and third eye expansion could be the definingcharacteristics of our evolution. Who are we as a global population? Who are wein our lives? Who are we in meditation, in solitude, in our own pocket ofconsciousness? There is no normal anymore. There never was. It was conformity,competition and survival. When life could and should be about peace, creativityand growth. Stay grounded as we breathe in solar blasts of high vibrations.Take extra care of yourself. We are upgrading, go offline, hit flight mode,pause and unwind. We are reaching for the stars cosmic surfers.

I embrace all upgrades appropriate for me at this time under theprotection of my higher self.
I power up the pyramid of light that protects me from all lowervibrations.
I amsafe, I am love, I am grounded. Namaste.




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