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发表于 2018-2-26 11:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
团队 20180221

Greetings dear ones. I am the Scientist of the Heart.


I have joined you this day for a very special purpose; to tell you a little bit about what is happening to you, to your physical bodies, to your spirit, to the next connection. We have also placed our five words in time. Rejoice! It’s a new game, ready? Let us join you and share a little bit about what is taking place everywhere on planet Earth.


22 Waves of Energy


There has been a rise in energy recently and with it new opportunities. That is an energy wave that is happening on your planet right now. Last year we told you there were four waves that were coming through to set in motion major changes. Most of you felt those four waves. Well now we tell you it is going to be a little bit more than that. In fact, there are not four distinct waves, there is more like 22 waves and, they come one right after the other some of them will even be overlapping in many ways, so there is a lot of change taking place on your planet right now and that is exciting to us. That is exactly where you wanted to be and part of the reason that you incarnated on your planet at this moment in time. You are a last timer. So, let us tell you about some of the fun things that are taking place.


Moving Toward Unity


Most importantly, your physiology is changing. Your biology is starting to shift toward what we call more of a triology. Very simple. The biology is the spirit and the physical being combined. What we see happening is that you are incorporating much more of the overall connection to each other. And now that humans are in a fifth dimensional reality, the unity consciousness is here and can be experienced in a new way. Now there is a lot of resistance to that which is part of the reason you are in so much separation on your planet right now. People are feeling this and of course many are rebelling against it because it feels uncomfortable for many. Suddenly you realize you have no more secrets and that threatens many people. Many people enjoy having the individuality which was part of what the whole process of pretending to be separate. To allow you to find your individuality, your unique expression of spirit. So as the energy starts to unite, people feel like they are losing that and there is a huge reaction in many places on the planet to that right now. There are also many beings that are literally promoting and propagating that for their own personal purposes, so watch for it and know that unity is the process that you are moving toward even though your news may not seem to show that or reflect it in that way. There are so many things taking place dear ones. It is amazing.

最重要的,你的生理机能正在改变。你的生物在开始转变到更多的三位一体( triology)。很简单,生物是精神与物理存在的联合。我们看到正在发生的是你在结合更多与彼此的整体连接。现在人类处于五维的现实中,统一意识在这里,可以在新的方式中被体验。现在对此有着大量的抵抗,所以你们现在如此地分离。人们感觉到了这些,当然许多人在叛逆地对抗它,因为许多人感到不舒服。突然你意识到你不再有更多的秘密,这会威胁到许多人。许多人享受拥有个体性,也是假装分离的整体进程的一部分。为了让你找到个体性,你独特的精神表达。所以随着能量开始统一,人们感到他们失去了它,对此在世界各地有着一个巨大的反应。还有许多人为了自己的个人目的在促进和传播它,所以要注意,知晓统一是你在朝向的进程,即使新闻可能看似没有展现出或反映出它。有着非常多的事情在发生,亲爱的一们。这是惊人的。

Right now, on planet Earth humans are dealing with a flu virus which has gone through just about every country. Honor this for what it is, dear ones.  And even though it will be over very soon, we also tell you that that flu virus has literally cleared a level of resistance for many and it has actually helped many to take that next step up once it clears. Now it is going to take a while to finally release on planet Earth and this is one of the worst that you have had in many, many years in different parts of the world. It has propagated very rapidly. We also tell you it has served a purpose and that purpose is literally to clear a lot of the cobwebs away and to start looking at a new way of seeing yourself as a spirit pretending to be human. Celebrate those who have had to experience it and even died from its effects.


The keeper forgot to take off his watch. We will make sure that happens right now. (They dropped my watch to the floor without me touching it.)


Raising Your Point of Perception


Let us tell you about how this is going to affect you because what is taking place is humans are forming a new physiology. It can carry more light and that is part of what this virus has done that has circulated in so many ways and hit so many people so hard; it has opened the door to release those restrictions. This will facilitate a closer connection and people will start feeling much more than you have before. Now for many of you that are empathic, and declaring boundaries has never been a strong part of your being. It was difficult to know where you began and where someone else ended. This may seem like it gets a little worse at first because you will start feeling other people in ways that you have not. Now this is also good for many who are of the lower vibration. We also tell you that the lower vibration beings are starting to see more.  The easiest way to look at this is as you raise your vibration almost as if you are raising your point of perception and when you get a very high point of perception you can see more. One can see more of what is taking place and what is behind events that are happening, one can now see how things are being manipulated and that is a good thing. Now there is a lot of change, a lot of things that are going to have to be uncovered and a lot of frustrations that many people experience as this takes place. But that is already happening. That is where the me too and the time’s up movements are coming from. Everybody is starting to see things the way they truly are instead of all the illusions that have been put into place.


The Sense of Time Space


Dear ones, you have many more senses than five senses. Several new senses are going to start evolving now that you have landed and are growing in the fifth dimensional reality. So, let us explain one of them in particular because it can be very confusing at first. One of them is simply your sense of space. We call it time/space because the two are part of each other. If you look at it as a spiral wave which we are talking about fifth dimensional time being a spiral, if you measure it top to bottom it is time; if you measure it side to side it is space. So the two are tied together in a very intrinsic way. You have a perception of time space in your physical body. You are not aware of it because you do not have any words to describe it. The easiest way we can tell you about this is you have senses of feeling energy that you have not actually described before. If you are standing up in a room and someone comes up behind you and you cannot see them you are looking the other way and suddenly they hold their hands up, they send energy or perhaps they are looking at you either lovingly or hatefully—either way does not make any difference. Suddenly, you feel something and turn around to look and see somebody standing behind you. That is a sense of time/space that is going to be evolving greatly over the next three to four years. And yes, you are going to see challenges because people are not accustomed to having that level of sensitivity. Even the empaths will have increases on your planet of which you are many. We tell you that you are not accustomed to quite having those senses honed that sharply to where you can feel things around you happening in time space. As this evolves, it would be entirely possible for you to be in a house all by yourself and suddenly you could turn around and tune in to find out if anybody else was in the house even in a different room. You now can really bring these senses to the next level.


There are going to be three to four senses that will be worked on this year. Now the one we just talked about, a sense of time space, is going to be evolving over several years. But you are going to start seeing new things take place. Now you have all the dimensions of time around you. You are not alone. There are 11 of you having different experiences, making different choices, having different energies worked through it and learning different things and you have been separated all this time. That is part of the game. You wanted to evolve your spirit, evolve your core personality the best way that you could. So, you hid a little bit of your perfection in each one of those dimensions of time and space.


Individual Dimensionality


Now for each of these, this is the individual dimensionality we talk about when we speak about multidimensionality—not the third fourth and fifth dimensions that are collective dimensions, but the individual dimensionality that splits you into 11 different you’s. The walls between that dimensionality are starting to thin greatly, much more than you ever thought possible. Now you have been able to feel emotions go through those walls. Emotions are magnetic. If you see the electromagnetic wave as a spiral, if you measure it vertically, it is electrical. If you measure it horizontally, it is magnetic. Electrical relates to your head and magnetic relates to your heart. So, you have been feeling things from your other dimensions of time and space because those magnetic portions of the wave go through those walls fairly easily right now. So, if you have one of your dimensional beings that is having a difficulty, suddenly had a challenge, suddenly had a life interaction that has brought them into fear, you are liable to suddenly feel that and even though nothing in your own reality would lead you to do that, you are suddenly able to pick this up. That can be very challenging because it makes you doubt yourself.  Please dear ones, that is one of the biggest challenges on your planet. You are becoming conscious creators. So, what happens when a conscious creator doubts themselves? They go into a spiral down. They literally create what they are thinking about so be careful what you put into this creation machine and what you believe in here because those two are now making a new reality for you which moves very quickly.


Now your dimensional walls have been bringing through your magnetic waves and what we tell you now is fairly soon you will start also receiving the electrical waves through those walls. This is new. This has not happened before. So, what does that mean? That means you can get ideas. That means you can put out your problems and just let them go and suddenly you can draw an idea from one of your other multidimensional experiences. That is important because that gives you access to your perfection. We tell you dear ones, on planet Earth, everything must be imperfect; that is part of the game. Perfection cannot exist here and in fact, your slight imperfections are at the base of what you call beauty. We will get back to that another time but let us give you the illustration here.


Access to the Experiences of all your Dimensions in Time and Space


Suppose you are working on a problem that can be all the fun problems you experience with being a human. It can be one of your money problems. Oh yes, that is a favorite one. People ask about money challenges or relationship challenges which are a lot of different parts and suddenly you just keep hitting this brick wall, this brick wall. What if you could set it into motion?  We are going to show you with entrainment how to do that—how to set it into motion and then let go of it. Within just a couple of days suddenly you will get a thought, you will get an idea you get something you had not thought about before because you are sending out that call into all your dimensions of time and space. And now, because of the elevation of humanity, because of everything that is taking place in the fifth dimension, that portion of the wall is also diminishing. Keep in mind we talked about this spiral before—one magnetic, one electrical. Well it is almost as if the walls had little slits in them that were sideways and they would only let through the magnetic waves. Now they are starting to thin altogether and let through the higher frequency electrical portions of the wave as well. That means when you are thinking about something and reaching a dead end, you can put it out to the other parts of you and within 72 hours you are going to get an answer; you are going to get an idea, a thought, a new way of looking at things, a new brain pathway as you build your snaps in a different way.  Suddenly you will start to see possibilities. That is new.


Now in the beginning, there will be much of this. There will be people coming up with their great ideas and everybody will be bringing them out. But your ideas will be for you first. Some of them will absolutely be applicable to everybody on planet Earth and some will not. That is up to you to discern which is which. But we tell you, when you come to Earth you are a perfect being but you must split up that perfection since nothing perfect can be here. You hide a little bit of your perfection in one experience, and a little bit more of it in another. You seem to be not very good at this. What do you call it? You call it sucking at something. Well over here, you are terrible at this. But that usually means that you hit that perfection and that other part of you in another dimension of your own experience. So even though you have got these 11 beings all walking around, some of them in exactly the same space on your planet you will never see each other. It is magnetically impossible for you to meet these people. However, you can now start to access ideas. You can now start to access some of the process around the electrical portion of the brain that you have not been able to get before. The walls between your dimensional realities are thinning and this is new—brand new. We look forward to how you work with this, how you bring this in. We also tell you that there are ways that you can send out the energy very comfortably and we will cover some of those. Some of those are coming up in what we call Entraining Light to show you the entrainment process of light and how to create the perfect call to the universe to bring your answers. But now we tell you, it is not just the universe, it is your other selves and the full perfection of who you are that you can now access in every single part of your dimensional reality and that is new.  And we cannot wait to see what you are going to do with that.


We love you, dear ones. We watch everything that you struggle with and work with. We are here to open doors for you and help remind you who you are and we leave you with three simple reminders: To treat each other with respect, nurture one another whenever possible and play well together.


I am the Scientist of the Heart.


通灵:Steve & Barbara Rother
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ZSNhEPl9Sgkjza7U5jiJww

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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