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发表于 2018-1-27 13:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Greetings dearest healers of the heart and soul! I am Raphael, archangel of love and emerald green light, physician of this universe, multiverse and beyond, in service to the Mother, in service to you, and all that call on me.


Even just thinking of calling me draws me close to you, faster than either a phone call or a loud shout. For you see this is what I am here for, dearest hearts, to assist you and everyone in need that I am being requested to help. I have discussed this issue with thee that if one of you is asking me to fortify, to help and clear the negative energies, the distorted thought-forms and disease from the ones that do not understand what makes them feel less than happy and vibrant, then, that will be done swiftly and efficiently.


And so, do not hesitate to call on me to assist your close friends and family, and your beloved pets that are taking in as much if not even more of these new chaotic energies that are being released from the body of Gaia and from the human collective at large.


Dear hearts, you do understand that much of the compounded energies of powerlessness that are being released to be transmuted and eliminated, for it is the time, and it is the Mother’s desire to remove these shackles of disempowerment at last and for good. Many are being affected greatly, some are even becoming bedridden because these are very dense and heavy energies and they are causing severe back pains and kidney issues.


Yes, humanity was kept enslaved in these energies for thousands and thousands of years and it is the time to release all that is contributing to this predicament. The unaware dear souls are reacting, unfortunately, in the old-fashioned way, lashing out in anger,  projecting out their self-hatred and futility emotions, while feeling trapped in this game of powerlessness, limitation, and uncertainty. There is so much resentment, and feelings of rejection, fear of failure, and guilt have been used to perpetuate these feelings of powerlessness that have kept humanity in smallness and survival mode for so long.

是的,人类被奴役于这些能量上千年了,是时候去释放所有促进如此窘境的东西了。无意识的灵魂在起反应,不幸的是,在老旧的方式中,在愤怒中猛击 ,投射出他们自我憎恨和无价值的情绪,同时感到困于这个无力,局限和不确定性的游戏中。有着许多的愤恨,拒绝感,对失败的恐惧,内疚,被用来延续这些让人类保持渺小和生存模式许久的无力感

You do not have to panic, for this is your beloved partner, your physical vessel, that is communicating with thee and asking you to eliminate…just as your kidneys are meant to completely get rid of these toxic energies that do not belong in this new world that we are creating.


Send the intention to do so by calling on me, or on the Mother, or on Michael or Raj, it matters not, for we will gladly assist in making this process smooth and painless.


The faster you are asking for assistance the easier it gets for you and for everyone around thee to remain balanced and loving, therefore breaking this self-perpetuating cycle of disempowering that occurs when one reacts in fear and anger.


You are the ones in the forefront, the trailblazers, and for a reason, for you are the beacons of light and hope, you are the healers of the heart and soul and so much more. And so, as does any healer and competent physician, you have to be able to keep yourselves healthy and vibrant at all times in order to assist everyone else effectively.


You have to see and feel the truth and to discern the cause of any disturbance that occurs in your world. And by choosing to respond in a novel and empowering way, you are not only removing and eliminating the old patterns, but you are also empowering others to do the same.


You are doing a magnificent work, dearest ones!


Know that I am with thee always and always proud and eager to work alongside thee.


Until next time. Farewell.


通灵:Genoveva Coyle
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/94Vkk7xljGiSMujHmEOACA

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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