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发表于 2018-1-25 12:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Greetings dearest ones! I am Uriel, archangel of love and silver light, bringer of the future in this now moment, your brother and family, partner in the co-creation process and so much more.


I am here with thee to assure thee that you are ready and prepared for this new stage of your journey.


“Surprise, surprise!” you are saying to me. “ How can I be ready and yet not know what I am to create or to co-create? How can I bring the future into this now when you all are saying that we should be living in the moment and, even better, to accept who we are in the present moment?”


And I am saying to thee that this is why my Silver Flame of Illumination is needed at this time of transition, at this time of travel between the New Ascended You and the remnants of the old you. This is why you need it now more than ever so that you can easily discern and then discard as invalid these very hidden and obscure types of manipulation from the dense third dimensional reality that are continually attempting to drag you down and hold you for longer periods of time in that failing and fading old type of paradigm.


I am here to assist thee to bring the future of love, peace and contentment. The future we are to bring in together is not anxiety producing, it is not based on pain, struggle and fears of the old third.


You are here to create all that is going to uplift thee and others, your loved ones, and everyone else, to bring peace and joy, to anchor within you that feeling of empowerment, that feeling of safety and constant connection with the Source of all abundance, with the Mother/Father/One.


You might not know exactly what you want to manifest, but what you do know for certain is that you need to create only win-win scenarios, only harmonious relationships and a space for safe growing and learning for your children, and indeed for everyone else.


You do want to bring in only loving ways of expansion and expression. You do want to create a world where there is no room for deceit and fear, but only freedom of choice by the allowing of ‘all there is’ to come forth into manifestation as they wish.


You are truly free to focus only on that which makes your heart sing and open up in joy. And I am saying this to thee, that you do not have to be concerned with the methods by which you are to pay for your expenses at this time, for they will be attracted by the love and joyful way of being that you display by being only that which uplifts you the most.


There will come a time when there will be no need to pay any bills. But you see, that will happen when there is no more fear and limitation in your world.


Sooner than you think you will embody that unique self into your beautiful and magnificent physical self, and those special talents that you possess will bear fruits that everyone is looking for and sorely needs. For you see, that which you have to offer will complement those equally unique products of other marvelous selves with whom you are to exchange love and energy.


There will still be challenges and trials but their nature and feel will be different, for they will come from your need to bring into reality more beauty and love, more of the personal touch and the signature of your virtuous and brilliant self.


I will be closing this message now with love and an abundance of silver sprinkles of light.


Until next time. Farewell


通灵:Genoveva Coyle
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/cu6IiFB7fkq_mzhPzUPguA

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