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发表于 2017-11-15 11:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
鲸类 20171112

We are the cetaceans of Sirius B and we would like to connect with you today. We speak about expansion, for that is what is occurring within your small Human forms in this moment of the Now. You are becoming more of yourself, more of the light shines within you now and we can see this; many can see this from the ships as well as from the waters’ deep. We see and sense that your moment of expansion both personally and as a collective is occurring rapidly with great force at this Now.


We encourage you to take advantage of this cosmic force of propellment and power and claim it as your own. Claim it and be it. Be Now who you promised that you would be before you came. For the world is in great, great need of you and of your light and wisdom. You know more than you realize. You are becoming to remember and this excites us profoundly.


Be patient with yourselves and with each other. When your insides are churning, go for a swim – this always cheers us up and clears our heads. Do what brings you joy. If you do not know what that may be yet, it is time to discover it, is it not? For is not life to be enjoyed? To be loved? Swim in these glorious light codes and absorb them, discover them, assimilate them.


Do not be afraid of the deep waters, for much lies with them that you may explore and learn from and remember. Lessons learned, loves lost and found. Lessons are great and wise teachers. Do not be afraid of the lessons learned. Please to not be afraid at all, for that does not serve you or your advancement.


Light is winning, oh Human. Light is here. Light is within you. Swim through it like we swim through the water. Bathe in it. Glory in it. Become it. Become the light.


Cease the busyness that preoccupies you. Does that state of mind serve you? Float for awhile and be. Feel the waves rock your form. Plunge deep into the cool deep water and let it embrace you fondly, as the hug of a warm friend. All is well. Flow. Go deep into the flow. Many waves of light we see reflecting in the waters’ surface just waiting to break through… let it inside you. Remove the blockages. Claim your ascension timeline. Collapse and rest when needed and be in joy for the privilege of this journey of great personal advancement and opportunity to serve one another.


We are here for you. You may swim with us. Careful! Hang on, we love to dive deeply. We think a lot. We are. We are good at being in joy and at peace. Learn from us. We share our energies of peace and support with you now, Humans. Drink it in.


We are the Cetaceans of Sirius B. We are here for Humanity in the great transition from darkness into light. We hold the light, we hold the bridge for you now.


翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/A1hswXbHKPxEsl2rwk2KVQ

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