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发表于 2017-11-15 07:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



事实是,华盛顿特区大多数的政棍自参政以来都变得非常富有,和他们的工资不相符,且无法证明他们财富的来源。意味大多数人都被收买了,这就是要把这班家伙关进大牢的原因。据美国国安局消息说,众议院少数党领袖佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)最近故意在公共场合表现老态,目的是为了找个借口逃避逮捕。

同样的,当局来源还表示,发生在上个月1日的赌城大屠杀事件,老布什雇用G4S安全公司(http://www.g4s.com/)的雇佣兵在赌城上演事件不过是烟幕,其真正目的是为了干掉美国总统特朗普和沙地王储穆罕默德.苏丹(Mohammad Bin Sultan)。当局说,特朗普和穆罕默德在曼德勒湾酒店的套间里秘密会面,以讨论大规模逮捕911恐怖袭击的元凶。











无论如何,沙地前驻美国大使和布什的班达尔.苏丹(Bandar Bin Sultan)家族的亲密盟友,现在都被沙地正派势力所取代。五角大楼消息说,班达尔和王储穆罕默德.苏丹「可能是以色列的占领911事件的见证人」。当然,揭露以色列的阴谋将会导致在瑞士的罗氏家族,快快躲到院子里藏起来。

目前,他们在美国的业务已经告罄。在这方面,美国国安局的消息人士说,克林顿/布什的最高级别旅行者(以及儿童的虐待者)约翰.波德斯塔(John Podesta)的座机,已被美国战斗机拦下,并被逮捕。即使是在主流媒体上,克林顿/布什集团与娈童圈的崩溃已公开可见。此外,特朗普上周又发布了13千多份关于甘乃迪谋杀案的文件。

可萨暴徒和他们的喉舌媒体奴隶,继续抱有一种错觉,认为特别顾问罗伯特.米勒(Robert Mueller)最终会因为「通俄门」而被特朗普下令逮捕。然而,五角大楼消息说,尽管米勒参与了911事件的隐瞒,「他仍然是一名海军陆战队士兵,仍受命予海军将领约翰.凯利(John Kelly)和占士.马提斯(James Mattis),作为一个完美的布什-以色列阴谋集团的一网打尽。」




目前,他们在美国的业务已经告罄。在这方面,美国国安局的消息人士说,克林顿/布什的最高级别旅行者(以及儿童的虐待者)约翰.波德斯塔(John Podesta)的座机,已被美国战斗机拦下,并被逮捕。即使是在主流媒体上,克林顿/布什集团与娈童圈的崩溃已公开可见。此外,特朗普上周又发布了13千多份关于甘乃迪谋杀案的文件。

可萨暴徒和他们的喉舌媒体奴隶,继续抱有一种错觉,认为特别顾问罗伯特.米勒(Robert Mueller)最终会因为「通俄门」而被特朗普下令逮捕。然而,五角大楼消息说,尽管米勒参与了911事件的隐瞒,「他仍然是一名海军陆战队士兵,仍受命予海军将领约翰.凯利(John Kelly)和占士.马提斯(James Mattis),作为一个完美的布什-以色列阴谋集团的一网打尽。」







【原文】2017-11-13 Benjamin Fulford
Khazarian mobtakedown:  Hundreds of Saudi arrests followedby hundreds of U.S. arrests
The great purge ofKhazarian mobsters continues as hundreds of arrests of Saudi princes, generals,and politicians is now being followed up with the 842 sealed indictmentsagainst senior Khazarian gangsters in the U.S., confirmed by Pentagon, CIA, andother sources.
Pentagon sourcessent the photos below showing Hillary Clinton and U.S. Senator John Daesh McCain in custody wearing orthopedic boots to hide GPS anklebracelet on their right leg.
The fact is thatmost politicians in Washington, D.C. have become very rich since joiningpolitics, in ways that cannot be remotely justified by their salaries.  This means most have been bribed, and that iswhy most of them are going to go to jail. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has been deliberately acting senilein public recently in order to have a medical excuse to avoid arrest, NSAsources say.
These same NSAsources are now saying the mass shooting that took place in Las Vegas onOctober 1 was an attempt by mercenaries working for the G4S security companyhttp://www.g4s.com/ hired by George Bush Sr. to create a distraction in orderto kill U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Sultan(MBS).  Trump and MBS were meeting in secretat the suites in the Mandalay Bay Hotel, owned by MBS, to discuss the massarrest of the perpetrators of the 9/11 terror attacks, these sources say.
Both Trump and MBSwere evacuated safely and the arrests have now begun in a way that can nolonger be denied by the corporate propaganda media, multiple sources confirm.
As the arrestswere taking place, Trump had a secret meeting in Vietnam with Russian PresidentVladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.  Here is what a CIA source, who had eyes andears at the meeting, had to say.
There is a lot more than the the sideline meetings and brief handshakes that the media has portrayed.  The three world leaders (Trump, Putin, and XiJinping) met off the record.  PresidentJokowi [of Indonesia] was there as well (as a representative of the Soekarno M1gold holdings).
Trump was informedthat next month, Putin and / or the Central Bank of Russia officially announcethe new gold-based currency, supported by Russia, China, India, along withtheir gold holdings, will use Gold Collateral to support the new currency,which will put a lot of pressure on the US dollar and the Rothschild's globalbanking system, and was also agreed among the participants it is time to tacklethe North Korean situation. "
It is stillunclear whether Russian action will be successful, but there is no doubt thatan alternative to the current US petrodollary system is needed. The UnitedStates government in the special district of Washington, DC (is not part of theUnited States) is definitely bankrupt. This can be seen in the fact that USpublic debt has decreased by $ 640 billion since September 30. In addition, theUnited States experienced a $ 539 billion trade deficit and a $ 666 billionpublic debt deficit in the fiscal year that ended on that date.
It is probably nocoincidence that the United States government claims to have obtained $ 800billion from Saudi Principals arrested and $ 250 billion from new product salesin China. This would bring $ 1.05 trillion, almost enough to pay the $ 1.205billion of new debts accumulated in 2017. The rest, presumably, hope to extortthem from customer states like Japan, South Korea and Qatar ( hence the bigsale sales of weapons). However, these numbers are almost certainly more basedon a desire than on a real one.
For example, aJapanese cabinet member, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, contacted the White DragonSociety to denounce all American money claims that took place when Trumpvisited Japan last week and said: "Japan does not he has more money togive. "
The Japanesegovernment has assigned a "numerical system" that gives every citizena single number to recover eclipsed money in multiple bank accounts underdifferent names. This has led to $ 1 trillion or $ 8.8 billion being deliveredto Americans during Trump's visit, says this source. This is a big amount ofmoney for common standards (or government), but far from what the UScorporations need to move forward.
The Saudis,obeying their khazarian masters, apparently tried to use the war against Iranto make him afraid last week in a disappointing attempt to rescue thepetrodollars and start the apocalyptic 3rd World War, imaginary from Khan'sfanatics.
Pentagon sourcessay that the Saudis flew with some F15 to Cyprus in "a desperate move thatdoes not scare anyone, because Saudi pilots suck, and Pakistani and Israelipilots will not risk that Russia stop them or stop them."
Instead, SaudiArabia "was under pressure to return the [Libyan] Prime Minister [Saad] toLibya. It could also be a secret Israeli attack on Iran, speculating onEgyptian sources.
In any case, SaudiArabia's former ambassador to the United States and close ally of Bush's BandarBin Sultan family has now been taken over by Saudi purity. The Bandar and theCrown Prince Muhammad Bin Sultan "may be star witnesses that Israel hastaken 9/11," Pentagon sources say. Of course, the clue to Israel will thenlead to the Rothschild family who are hiding in their compound in Zug,Switzerland.
For now, theiroperations in the United States are running out. In this regard, NSA sourcessay that Clinton / Bush's highest-ranking traveler (and abuser of children),John Podesta, was stopped to escape from the United States by US combataircraft and arrested. The collapse of the Bush / Clinton cable is publicly visibleeven in corporate media in the form of news that Podesta's companies areclosed. Furthermore, Trump published another 13,213 new files on Kennedy'smurder last week.
Kazari and theircorporate media slaves continue to hold an illusion that Special Adviser RobertMueller will eventually receive Trump's arrest as part of the ongoinginvestigation into the "Russian election interference". However,Pentagon sources say that, although Mueller was involved in the 9/11concealment, "he is still a marine who receives orders from naval generals[John] Kelly and [James] Mattis, as the perfect zipper to remove theBush-Israel kabala . "
Also, if you thinkPresident Trump is really in power, read the article on the bottom link inwhich the Chief of Staff of the White House, General John Kelly, says that hedoes not read Trump's tweeters and that his job is "to ensure that thePresident is aware of what will do it. "
Sources from thePentagon said that the tests of the US Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) weremade to allow citizens to be notified even if Google controlled by the Mafiaand the corporate media continue to lie. We hope that the list of people thatshould be arrested includes the top management of Google, Facebook, etc., sothat the Internet can again become the real source of information.
In the end, thereseems to be something ominous about what will happen in China. Last week, theChinese government announced that foreigners would be allowed to take over themajority (51%) ownership of Chinese financial companies.
Whilesuperficially it seems a good move, Japan, South Korea and other Asiancountries recall how Khazarian profiteers caused devastation by deflating localfinancial companies following the Asian financial crisis started in 1997.China's real estate market is now in a bubble much worse than that of Japan. Ifthe housing bubble bursts out as expected by the laws of gravity on finance,then we will see the Khazarian businesses scattered to catch up with a fewhundredths of a dollar, bankruptcy Chinese financiers. This announcement raisesa question, that is, if the NSA had not been right when he told us that ChinesePresident Xi Jinping was a Rothschild agent.
We must not forgetthat the ruling ruling class is responsible for tens of millions of deathssince the end of the Second World War. Various authorities, including the USmilitary, have received indisputable evidence that Kazari was actively planningto kill 90 percent of the world's population or 6.3 billion people.
This time we needto stop them forever. This means taking away the main source of their power -their control over the financial system. This means that the BIS, the WorldBank, the IMF, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, the Bank ofJapan, etc. They must be taken out of their control. They will not only handover the keys, so that after all armed men will have to do the job. That is whythe US, Chinese and Russian military forces are the best hope of humanity.


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