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发表于 2017-11-13 12:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
天使 20171111

My dear friends, we love you so very much,


There is, deep within human hearts, a deep desire for unity. Deep down, you all have a desire to connect in a loving and meaningful way. At times it seems like a dream to find this union with all the diverse and conflicting opinions upon your planet earth. However, unity never requires sameness, never requires similarity, and has never even asked for agreement.


As children you were fascinated by differences. You loved meeting people who looked different, or acted differently. You were curious. You learned something new with every new encounter. When someone believed something different than you, you asked with genuine interest, “Why?”  You listened, decided if the other perspective resonated with you, and then either engaged in the dialogue further or walked away. You were students of life, learning about others and yourselves at the same time.


Somewhere along the way however, you metaphorically “ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil,” and you began to evaluate the different perspectives as right and wrong.


You began to judge others and you began to judge yourselves. You began to argue, to try to convince others to agree, and many of you began to attempt to change yourselves to “fit in.” You were never meant to “fit in” in the sense of being the same. You were meant instead, like a piece of a puzzle, to take your place as a unique and precious part of creation.


So rather than fearing or judging the differences in yourself and others, explore them. Rather than arguing with anyone, simply own your own point of view, and seek to understand that of others. Agree to disagree and if someone cannot allow you the same, walk away. Let your silence speak more powerfully than your words.


It is because of your differences that the human race continues to function, evolve, and grow. Your differences help you examine new perspectives. Your differences expose you to thoughts and ideas that you might never have considered. Your differences cause you to look deeper for what you have in common and to discover how you can all benefit from one another’s strengths.


If all the cells in the human body were the same, you would not be you. There is great unity in their diversity as they cooperate to create the miracle that you are. Likewise there can be great unity among humanity if each of you simply finds your place and point of view and allows others to do the same.


God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels



通灵:Ann Albers
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/acpgTz0umyuE7cWx5_qCHw

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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