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发表于 2017-11-4 11:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
伊曼纽尔 20171029

Greetings Dear Ones, it is I, Emanuel come to be with you this day. Breathe with me now Dear Ones. Stop what you are doing and by that I mean take a break from your incessantly busy mind. Which is stimulated by your incessantly busy lives. Stop. Turn your phone off or if that is too difficult at least put it on silent or out of the room. Shut the door. Switch off all noise and distraction and give me your full attention. Thank you. Breathe with me now Dear Ones. Breathe in and out, long slow deep inhale and long slow deep exhale. Ahhhh. That’s it. And for those of you who just read that and decided to skip it, I give you another opportunity. Breathe with me now Dear One, yes you. Just breathe. And here is why. You may or may not believe that these words are the word of God spoken through a channel. Many of you do not really believe it to be the word of God. That is reserved for men of ancient times who scribed that which became the many scriptures. Dear Ones these men were channelling no different from that which you read now. This is updated information for the times we live in now. The truth is the same. The message is the same in its essence and in its purity of Love for you. So I ask you to breathe with me Dear One in order that you can FEEL my presence not just read the words on the page. This is an experiential process. It is personal. It is for you.


For it is you who are calling me in to you, to serve you. You are drawing this Love and potent healing energy to you for you are ready, even if you do not believe what you are reading, you are reading this, which says you are ready to receive it. What you read and what you receive is transmitted to you at the quantum level which means the potential and possibility for you to step into the highest version of yourself will always be held for you from the minute you read and receive what is being transmitted to you now through these words.


Dear Ones it is hard for you to understand. And it does not require your understanding. Sit back, relax and receive what is your birthright and is given to you unconditionally no matter what you have done, no matter what you believe, no matter what you think about who I am or what I might be.


Dear One I am here to Love you and impart to you that which will help you navigate these times which appear more confusing and more challenging as each day passes. In order to navigate these times with ease you need a little help, a little guidance and a little support. Humanity has always had this help available to it. You call us Angels, you call us guides, we call you family. We are all in this together but we can see from this side of the veil a different perspective than you and from this perspective we can help you, give you information that will ease your path and help you reach for that which is your highest potential in any given moment. But most of all Dear Ones we hold you in absolute Love. This is All There Is and take a moment Dear Ones right now to sit in silence and FEEL that Love pouring into you. It is all around you all you have to do is be still, breathe and be open to it. Reach out for it, our hand is always extended out to you metaphorically speaking, all you have to do is reach back. Take my hand. I will guide you through anything life will throw at you. Anything.


Why is this happening? You ask me. Why is that happening Emanuel, if there was a loving God why would it allow these horrors, why are things not getting better? I can answer all of this and more, I can answer your personal struggles and your collective struggles. Just allow me to.


Dear Ones the nature of your reality is what it is. You may not like it. I would be surprised if you did like it. You would not need to be reading this channelling if you were at peace already with your reality. You would not need the teaching, you already get it.


So Dear Ones, it is highly likely that you do not like your reality, or the way things look or are unfolding on your planet. Dear Ones I have told you, those who have read these messages from the start will remember I have told you and those who are new, hear this. Everything is unfolding in Divine Perfect Order. This is the Truth. You may not like what you see. That is OK. Dear Ones that is OK. There is not a great deal of nice things being reported in your news today. Never has been for a matter of fact. But things seem to be getting worse so that you cannot ignore how bad things are. Right? This is perfect. This is showing you Dear Ones that you are not a Peace with Divine Order. You are not at peace with your reality. And you blame others for this. When you are at odds with your reality, there always has to be someone to blame, my goodness you even blame yourself. And while blaming yourself for your predicament is a higher stage of evolution than blaming others, it is still not the absolute truth. Dear Ones no one is to blame for your reality, personal and collective. You are playing the game of separation and this is what it looks like at the stage of evolution you are at on this planet. All IS Well with the game of separation at this stage of its evolution on this planet.


You are evolving. No you have evolved, out of the 3rd dimensional reality that is a belief in the separateness of you from God. You are literally being propelled into a higher state of consciousness that knows it is One with the Creator. At this stage of your collective evolution, this is what it looks like. Your world in chaos is exactly what it looks like. Perhaps you were expecting a different picture?


Ah yes. Yes most of you were. Faster change? Smoother transition? Dear Ones that was the prevailing hope of the spiritual collective community and that is what has been perpetuated to give you all hope. But this was not pure truth and while brought to you by well meaning souls, it is the human that wishes to avoid looking within that wishes things were less painful, less awful, less horrific and faster.


You want things to speed up? Then it is in your hands to get with the reality is that IS unfolding not the one that you wish was unfolding. The quicker you come to peace within and understand that what is happening on your planet, horrible as some of it may seem, is exactly what it is meant to look like and is Perfect. You don’t have to like it but you would do well to trust that there is a much bigger picture unfolding and a power of greater intelligence that has this.


The same intelligence that has your back. Align with this greater intelligence by trusting that what seems unthinkable to you is perhaps just not within your grasp to understand right now. Aligning with the reality that is unfolding will bring you a Peace so deep that you will become Untouchable. Meaning the external reality may be shocking and difficult to watch but it will stop distressing you, it will stop hurting you and it will stop having any power over the Love that dwells within your heart, that very same love that has the power to transform what you see.


Dear Ones don’t you see? When you are at odds with what you see either in your home or on tv or in the supermarket or anywhere in your reality, if you are at odds with what you see you are not in Love. When you shrink and judge and condemn you are not in Love. When you are frightened and lonely and feel helpless and overwhelmed you are not in Love.  And Love from you precious heart radiating out to all that you see is the most powerful transformer on the face of this planet. You Dear One, YOU.


You have the power within your own heart to transform that which you do not like right in front of you ONLY if you are not at odds with it!


We know how much of a paradox and a challenge that is. That is why we surround you, every moment of every day, that is why we are walking with you everywhere you go. When you eat, when you sleep, when you cry,  when you laugh, when you despair, when you rejoice we are always with you and we are always here to pour Love upon you to restore your heart to Love when you cannot. Let us help you stay in Love with your life, to stay in love with your family, to stay in Love with your children, your husbands, your wives. Let us help you stay in love with your governments, with your oppressors, with your reality. With yourself. For Love is All There Is and when there are enough hearts beating in only Love with no hate to dim their Light, this planet will be transformed beyond recognition into the Heaven that you know exists for if you did not know there was a heaven, how would you know you are living in hell?


Dear Ones, Love. Is All There IS. And I Love You. I Love you. I Love YOU. Yes I am talking to you. Turn toward me and you will be restored to Love. This is my promise to You.


I AM Emanuel in Love with humanity.


And in Love with You.


So Be It and So it is.


通灵:Gillian Ruddy
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Z_Hzeus6C2Nx5vBtoY3MrQ

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