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发表于 2017-10-13 11:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【 Brenda Hoffman 】10月9日

Dear Ones,


No one will outshine another in this transition.


While it is true that you are god/goddesses of the Universes, you are also a member of a loving team of change artists. So it is that no one’s skill is bigger or better than another’s. You will receive/claim/achieve group rewards.


That thought is likely opposite of what you have been led to believe for your reward models are based on 3D accolades and honors.


You played a uniquely powerful earth role in previous lives in which you were the star, the center of global power – however large your personal world was during that life. Such is one of the reasons you are achieving the greatness of this transition. For you are ALL bringing past life skills plus many others to your current role of shifting earth and all earth beings.


But because you are re-living, as it were, parts of your past earth star life or lives, you wonder where your glory is for you have given up much to be where you are emotionally, physically, and spiritually.


In 3D, your rewards were marked with crowd accolades or the financial or emotional joy of outer-directed status. Those rewards continue to be achievable, but since this is an inside-out transition, it is the rewards you give yourself that are the most important and easily obtainable.


That is not to say you will starve to death or live in the streets, but instead that your primary reward is what you think of yourself instead of what others think of you. A difficult transition piece for your philosophies of love and joy are tested daily by those who remain solidly in 3D.


So it is you feel cheated by humans and the Universes. Where are your rewards? Even though you want the rewards you experienced for your past leadership, this is not the past nor the future.


You will achieve emotional and physical stability following your spiritual acceptance of your power. For many, that last statement appears counter-productive. For how can you be of 5D or beyond if you have difficulties paying your rent?


This chaotic time is forcing you to accept and believe in your personal power more than the power bestowed on you by others. Once you accept your power, you will begin creating that which is right and true for you.


Previous power lives – which you have all experienced – were based on the power GIVEN to you by others. So it is you expect others to give you what you desire in your current life – whether from humans, the Universes, or other beings.


Such is not going to happen for in this new world you need to internalize your power, so YOU create what is appropriate for you.


Difficult as this concept might seem now, you will understand once you fully accept your power. Trying to understand what we are speaking of now is similar to explaining 3D romantic love to someone who has never experienced it.


So it is you are moving into the place where you not only accept your power to create your life anew but also the earth. First, you will create your new earth life, and then you will apply those skills globally.


By loving yourself enough to create your life of joy, you will have the freedom to co-create with your team the joy and love that are the new dominant earth themes.


Such is why we have focussed upon joy the past few months as have so many other channels. A bit like your 3D parents telling you that you will discover romantic love after you evolve physically and emotionally. Even though those stepping stones make you angry at age 12, they become understandable in your late teens and beyond.


You forerunners wish to jump ahead without the maturity required to implement your group objective(s). Such is not possible. You need to learn to live your life in joy. Then and only then, will you be mature enough to join your team members in creating new earth structures.


You are currently rebuilding your earth being. There is no need to jump ahead, to join your team of co-creators until you have learned how to love and reward yourself. Just as it was unnecessary for you to pine for a love interest before you matured in 3D.


A few years ago, we encouraged you to create your comforts, without fully understanding that you could not do so until you matured enough to negate outside rewards. So it is we shifted our focus to your inner-being joy.


Of course, many of you believe we are ‘stringing you along.’ The truth is we are learning throughout this transition just as is true for you. Neither you nor we understood the stages you needed to complete before negating your 3D outer-directed beliefs and patterns. In essence, we initially informed you that you were capable of romantic love at age 12. So it is we needed to revamp our information just as you have had to.


This transition is a unique Universal experiment that has been successful because of you. You forerunners have allowed both you and us to experiment as we determine the requirements for this global transition– a never before experienced en masse transition.


Before you become angry with this message, please think of yourself as an Olympic champion discovering that just a bit of wind shift affects your downhill ski skills. Perhaps, as an Olympic champion, you won award after award so you neglected to calculate wind speed believing you could counteract any difficulties in your runs – until you could not. So it is now.


You are indeed champions and have been 3D leaders, movers, and shakers in many other earth lives. This life is completely different for you are creating from the inside-out instead of the outside-in.


Your anger about this particular channel is your need to have someone or something reward you. It is time for you to create your dreams based on your joy. You are not a group player quite yet. Just as a 12-year-old is not ready for romantic love. But then, it will not require years for you to mature enough to join your group. Such could happen tomorrow, next year, or never.


All that is required now is for you to acknowledge your power which can only be achieved by loving yourself enough to create your life of joy. So be it. Amen.


翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/MCtAZmhZEpY1WNpyL9lpig

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info



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