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发表于 2017-8-6 13:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
天使 20170804

My dear friends, we love you so very much,


Take a moment right now. Imagine for a moment that you have a shell around your body. Imagine this shell is made of any beliefs or circumstances that have convinced you that you are unloved or unworthy of love.


Imagine it is made of all the harsh and unkind words you’ve heard, all the self-criticisms you’ve ever spoken, all the protection you’ve put up around your heart. Imagine that any time you told yourself you couldn’t have what you wanted, that your dreams probably were never going to come true, that life was just hard… the shell grew thicker. The shell was formed because you thougth it would protect you from pain. In reality it prevents you from receiving all the blessings that the Divine wants to pour into your life. This is a shell of hardened illusions.


You don’t have to know the specific beliefs this shell is made of. You don’t have to worry about who programmed you or why you created this shell. Just imagine that it is there. Imagine that is has been there a very long time. For some of you it might be hardened and thick, for others very thin. Nonetheless, each of you has things that prevent you from feeling the truth of Divine Love.


Now imagine a spark of light in the center of your chest. Feel the light spiraling outward and expanding to fill your body with light. As the light touches this shell, from the inside out, it begins to dissolve or melt it. Imagine the shell dropping around you, dissolving, melting, sinking into the earth.


Feel the freedom that comes from allowing the light to expand within your awareness. Keep imagining that it expands from the inside out, naturally, easily. You don’t have to force it. Just allow it. It wants to expand.


Without your shell you are protected by the light from within. Your shell was actually magnetic to all it believed, all it feared! Now you are magnetic to light.


Do this often. Rather than having to analyze your pains and problems, you can simply dissolve them with light. You can allow truth, love, peace, wholeness, and joy to rise up from the inside out.


Practice often and you will be able to allow light to expand into your awareness even when you are challenged, in tough situations, or around difficult individuals.


Your light is your truth. It can easily rise up into your experience at any time. All you have to do is be willing to allow it to do what it naturally wants to do – to bring Divine Love into your awareness, your body, mind, heart, soul, and life.


God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels



通灵: Ann Albers
翻译:Nick Chan http://nickchan-love.blog.163.co ... 032201775111457952/

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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