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发表于 2024-3-29 10:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Greetings, We are the Sirian High Council


Anticipation is rising as many foresee the grand events leading you to your New Earth experience. But what most humans are unaware of is that you don’t have to wait for anything to achieve what you wish to receive now. The ascension happens as you raise in the Light and Love of the One Infinite Creator.


You do not Need to Have a Grand event, for you to ascend. However, There are Many things that can assist you in the rising of your Frequencies, and help you through your ascension, including solar flares, astrological alignments, or other cosmic events such as other Star or Planet activity.


A Grand Event can be one, or all of these occurrences. It doesn’t just depend on your Solar Logos, but can come from any celestial event that is strong enough, to shift your awareness, through High Vibrational frequencies.


Although the Ascension process is a natural occurrence for the Earth, because of her cycle around The Alcyone Star. She only ever raised into the 4th dimension and would drop back down to 3rd dimension through another cycle. However, this is not happening the same way as it always has in previous cycles.


The Divine decree from our Infinite Creator, is that there will be assistance for you, and the Earth, to jump through the 4th, and into the 5th dimension. This has never been done before for any other races in the cosmos. But was ordered by the Divine to be implemented for Humanity and the Earth.


Many have focused mainly on an event from your Star, but this isn’t your only option for large bursts of Light.


A rare cosmic eruption is expected to occur in our Milky Way Galaxy in your coming Earth months, This will create an outburst so bright that a “new” star will seemingly appear for a short time in your night sky.


This event, known as a nova, will be a once-in-a-lifetime, experience for Humans, and it will be visible to you from Earth. As you witness this Grand event, know that these type of explosions are not common in our galaxy. The stellar eruption will take place in a system called T Coronae Borealis, which is 3,000 light-years away from Earth. It is occurrences like these, that can Jump your Consciousness into the Higher dimensions. You will physically be able to witness this occurrence, you can just imagine how powerful the energies will be. You must understand that The infinite Creator, is in Control of it all. The entire Universe is conscious and is connected to the One Infinite Creator. It is all One

这个事件对人类来说是一辈子只有一次的,它可以从地球上看见。随着你看到这个宏大的事件,知道,这类爆发在我们的星系中并不常见。这次恒星爆发会发生在距地球3000光年的T Coronae Borealis星系【注】。这样的事件可以推动你的意识进入更高的维度。你在物理上能够看到它,你可以想象能量有多大了。你必须明白无限造物主掌控着一切。整个宇宙都是有意识的,都与造物主相连。一切都是一

Many of Your Star Families assist in the amping, directing and balancing of all these frequencies to make it easier for You to transition into these higher vibrations.


Throughout the last several months of your timespace, you have been planting the seeds for the moments to come. Within your Personal Lives as well as collectively. The Dark ones have also planted the seeds for their agenda as well. These energies are very contradictory, and are conflicting with one another. The dark has sown the seeds for fear, Hate, and chaos, while you, The Lightworkers, have sown the seeds of Love, Gratitude and Peace. Those who have sown the seeds of darkness will experience their Darkness, but those of you who have sown the seeds of Light, will benefit from the Harvest of Your work. This is causing a major Split within the conscious Collective of Humanity.


Those who choose the road of Hate Fear and war, will continue to fall darker within those vibrations, Only seeing what they have created. Those who have sown the seeds of Light and Love, will find themselves in a totally different reality, than what others are experiencing Around them. Your personal world will reflect what you have created for yourself. Many on Earth are blinded by the Need for stuff, for 3-dimensional objects that they have put value to. These things are, all, part of the illusion.


You must remember to let go of the 3rd dimensional Illusions, and allow your Inner truth to guide you, and Know that the Universe is supporting you along this journey.


A Large celestial event is about to change everything on your planet. This will cause a major split in your collective consciousness. and will Jump you and the Earth Higher in Light, Into a higher consciousness state of being.


For those who choose to entertain the Dark vibrations, This event could be the breaking point for them. Either they change with the Vibrations or be removed. If all you see is the Chaos of the world, then that’s what you have created for yourself. If you are beginning to find Love, Peace, and happiness in your Lives, then that is what you have created for yourself. Owning this truth can help you to begin to plant the seeds for a better way of being. The whole point of the ascension process is Becoming Love.


A Major celestial event doesn’t have to happen for you to become a 5th dimensional being. But it is. Many Things are happening, in the process of your ascension. You are already well on your Way to becoming 5th dimensional beings, along with the assistance from the Divine. All these celestial events are occurring, to help accelerate and Lift you, and the Earth, into The Higher Light. All Things are the Consciousness of the One infinite Creator, and all things happen by the Divines Will, and by Divine Timing.


We Love you, and celebrate your Return to Oneness.



明曲注:北冕座T(T CrB,T Coronae Borealis)是在星座北冕座的一颗再发新星。它于1866年由约翰·伯明翰 (天文学家)首度发现。然而,它早些时候被观测到是一颗10等星。

北冕座T的星等通常约为10等,接近典型双筒望远镜的极限。 之前曾观察过它两次爆发,分别在1866年5月12日和1946年2月9日,视星等分别达到2.0等和3.0等。然而,最近的一篇论文显示,1866年的爆发可能具有2.5等的峰值范围,± 0.5。即使在2.5等的峰值星等下,这颗再发新星也比夜空中大约120颗恒星还要暗。它有时被昵称为“烈焰之星”。


AAVSO 观测的再发新星北冕座T 在2008年1月1日至2010年11月17日CrB的光变曲线,显示了红巨星主星的脉动。日数为儒略日。该系统的两颗恒星每228天相互绕行一次。轨道几乎是圆形的,倾斜角度为67°。

2016年4月20日,天空与望远镜杂志的网站报导,自2015年2月以来,它从10.5等持续变亮到约9.2等。1938 年,即 1946 年爆发前不久,也报导了类似的事件。到2018年6月,这颗恒星已经略微变暗,但仍保持在异常高的活动水准。在2023年3月或4月,它减弱至12.3等。在1945年爆发的前一年也发生了类似的变暗,表明它可能会在2024年上半年爆发


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