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发表于 2024-3-25 10:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Greetings, We are the Sirian High Council,


We are very excited to commune with you within these very sacred and wonderful moments within your timespace. It is a New Beginning, with new adventures to come. As your perspective rises to a new understanding, you are shifting in and out of Different timelines. The changing of a Timeline, or jumping into parallel worlds, is the process of when you change your awareness to different perspectives, you shift or Jump yourself into different realities or parallel worlds. The Shifts in your vibration allows for you to Jump into a timeline that matches your current Frequency. So as you bounce back and forth through different emotional states, you are actively jumping into totally different timelines or parallel realities. Each choice you make is a new direction, that a new timeline will take you.


Soon you will begin to Master This shifting, to where you will be able to actively Jump into your 5th dimensional selves. Moment by Moment you move and create new directions, new timelines, or parallel realities, that change as your perception shifts. As you raise in Vibration, your timelines become more Positive, aligned with more Positive outcomes.


The Interdimensional reality of this Universe, allows for each Dimensional spectrum to also have alternate realities for each individualized soul. Meaning, you create your own alternate realities with every choice you make within each life time. Resulting in an infinite amount of possibilities for your experience. This was the Source Creator’s way of experiencing itself to the fullest.


With every timeline or parallel reality you create, you also create an alternate parallel path that can be experienced as well. Plus, as you change in vibration, your realities will become much more infinite in possibilities. Once mastered, the process of Jumping timelines will become second nature. What an adventure you are about to experience. By becoming aware of this, you will be able to alter your reality at will.


Choosing and creating your own reality, is a Gift from our infinite Source. All souls, within this Interdimensional Reality, have this gift. Once aware of it, you can create consciously and intentionally your desired reality. This is done by actively becoming the desired vibration, of the timeline you wish to experience, And stay at that Frequency. You must be able to hold the vibration to stay within that desired reality. However, with every experience comes more choices, and more directions and more adventures. As you become more aware of your infinite possibilities, you grow closer to the infinite Source.


This awareness only expands itself, and can only grow closer to itself, which is the One from where it came. To say this in your understanding… You return to God. This is how our interdimensional reality works. As you grow Higher in the Light, your choices and desired timelines begin to align closer to The infinite Sources Vibration, of Unconditional Love. You return to that Love through the advancement, of moving through the dimensions. Each dimensional Realm, has within it, infinite possibilities, for your soul’s experience.


Once you advance as a soul, your choices of Incarnation also become much more Universal. Meaning you will have many body forms to choose from, within each dimensional Realm to incarnate into, creating more infinite possibilities to experience. Once your soul moves past the need for a body form, which is at 9th Dimension, staying within the vibrations of Infinite Light is all that is focused, this moves you completely out of Time. You exit the time continuum at that point. The concept of infinity is not something the Humans have ever known. So this will be quite an expansion of awareness, as it is integrated into your understanding. All things of this infinite Reality, is The Infinite Source, experiencing itself, as individualized Consciousness. Each individual, Awareness, chooses how to experience Life. And throughout each Life, you are given Infinite Possible Adventures to Experience. You are Source Creator, experiencing all that there is to experience, through an eternity. This is just the beginning, of your Many Exciting Adventures.


We Love you, and celebrate your Return to Oneness.



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