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发表于 2024-2-19 09:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Greetings Dear Family of Light,


We are very excited to be speaking with you today. Because so much is happening in the moments.


You are experiencing a major Shift, and it is changing everything. As we have stated before, Shifting and Changes will be the New Normal as you move closer to the Grand Event of your Ascension. Your Earth has already raised up in her own frequencies and is steady within 4th density.


Your Mother Earth’s Active Frequency shifts, Your Solar Logos, and all the Intense Cosmic Frequencies you are receiving through the Photon Belt and through Other cosmic Events. Along with the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional Frequencies coming in from your Star Families, Everything is in Motion for the grand Event.


Your Solar Logos in these moments have been very active, pushing several M class flares. One of them was even a Large M9 which was directed towards Earth which caused a Geomagnetic Storm to erupt.


That Storm is also pushing High Frequency Rays which are hitting the Earth’s Poles, and being absorbed within her core. She is Then using these Intense Frequencies to help amp her own Vibrations into the 6th Dimensional Level.


These Intense Energies are to help push the Awakening in this Final Phase of your Ascension.  She is boosting her energies to help awaken her children, and this is what you are experiencing. She is actively boosting 6th dimensional Vibrations, and this is to help change everything. She is shifting you into a new beginning. The shift you are experiencing is moving you up into a Higher Octave than before. What this means is it is allowing for more expansion to take place. This expansion is what is bringing the change.


Your Mother Earth has been Very busy in this last week,


After the activity that was reported in our last update, The Amplitude has begun a new phase of intense movement. From 5:00pm UTC on the 9th of February, a series of peaks began around Power 40 hertz, right at a 5th dimensional Level. These movements increased in intensity from midnight until 4:00 UTC the Morning of the 10th.


The Higher Peaks were Shortly after 1:00am UTC, which reached Power 60 Hertz…


At 2:00 am UTC, the Level then raised to Power 65 hertz, which is well above 6th dimensional frequencies, and then fell back to Power 60 hertz around 4:00am UTC The Morning of the 10th. She stayed at that level for most of the Day, Until Later in the evening. The Power then dropped back down to 40 hertz at 6:00am, and then Down to 23 hertz by 7:30am UTC.


Then right after this amp up in frequencies, The Graph had over a 30 hr blackout.

然后在这个频率的激增过后,(舒曼共振)图表有超过30个小时的黑屏 (请看下面的连接--舒曼共振图)

Indicating that the graph was unable to track the frequencies during that time.


Soon after the blackout, The energies On February 13th, showed the peak was Power 17 at 4:00pm UTC, and reached Power 36 by 5:00pm UTC.


Everything amped up again yesterday, Just in time for your Valentine’s Day, and the celebration of Love. On The 14th of February, From 4:00am UTC the remaining frequencies were immediately set in motion in all four measurements. The first significant peak was Power 48 around 6:00am UTC, Power 52 at 8:00am UTC, then another 6th dimensional boost of Power 65 shortly after 9:00am UTC.

昨天一切又活跃起来,刚好赶上情人节。在2月14号,从凌晨4点开始,频率立刻在所有四个测量值中启动。第一个显著的高峰是在早上6点左右的48赫兹,早上8点的52赫兹,然后早上9点过后另一个六维的推动,65赫兹 (请看下面的连接)

And the last movement of yesterday, which reached Power 55 Hertz just before 2:00pm UTC.


At The Time of this update, for Today February 15th, The Power has Moved Back down to a Power 19 hertz, which is back within 4th dimensional Level.


This massive jump in vibrations is to help push humanity into a fast track, to move things along at a quicker pace. You are well within the final Phase of your ascension. This Final Phase is expected to last in your time perspective into your Year of 2030. However, The Infinite Creator will act when the Moment is Right, which could be way before then. This is why we do not wish to give a time of an event, it is all up to the Divines will. As of this moment, Humanity, Must rise into the Higher Vibrations to reach the levels needed to make that massive jump.


Those who are already awakened will continue to lift higher and begin to achieve The Abilities of Light. Meaning, You are expanding. You will begin to feel as though you are living within 2 different realities, you will feel and witness, the collapse of all things of the 3rd dimensional vibration. You will begin to witness the enhancements of ones own awareness, which can bring forth your psychic and healing abilities.


The Changes will, start within you, and will quickly manifest into your reality. The changes to expect are, the raising of your awareness of your Personal expansion. You are expanding to receive more Light within. What this does, is allow the Blocks and Negative Vibrations that you hold within your Bodies, to rise to the surface, to be cleared. This worries many because the stuff a Person pushes down, is what they don’t want to deal with. When this takes place, Forgiveness is key. Forgiveness of One’s Self, and forgiveness for all Others. You must let it all go. Master Sananda said it best when he was in his Human Form. “Forgive them, for they know not what they do”. Those who are still in 3rd Dimensional Mindset do not know their Truth, They do not know that when they harm others they harm themselves. We are One. One Love, One Light, One Source. We Love you and Honor You,


来自:Chellea Wilder

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