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发表于 2021-10-14 12:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


It is very difficult for people to let go of a belief system that they have had a strong attachment to when they come to the realization that it hasn’t been valid or serving them appropriately. It can come with all of the stages of grief – shock, anger, denial, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. The person may feel duped, foolish, or ashamed. They may also be struggling with doubt in themselves and their ability to discern what is true and what is not.
If you have believed in something that ended up not being your highest choice, we want you to understand that it is a sure sign of your evolution. It is also a sign that you were invested and you cared, and those are wonderful traits to have. Be kind and gentle with yourself. You did the best you could with the information you had, and now you are ready to move forward into more supportive energies. You can trust your soul and your inner wise one to continue to guide you forward, and that always happens in perfect timing.
Understanding that it can be very difficult for people to back away from belief systems is important. Be kind and gentle with those who are going through that process. Love people enough to give them the space to choose differently without adding to the many challenging emotions they may already be experiencing. There is always value in experience and you are all in a process of evolution that involves continually seeking your truth and energetic matches, and sometimes that comes from experiencing what is not a real match first. Your compassion and support is what will allow people the courage to explore and evolve, and that is a beautiful thing, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Many of you are desiring more joy in your lives but you can’t figure out how to get there from where you are. Sometimes it can be difficult to make a large vibrational leap from the energy you are in to where you would like to be. If that is the case, it is wise to use stepping stones, and the stepping stone on the way to joy is satisfaction.
We highly recommend you start to pay attention to any ways you experience satisfaction in your life. It could be something as simple as lighter traffic one day making your commute easier. It could be seeing a parking space open up for you in a busy parking lot. It could be a delicious meal, or rain coming at the perfect time to water your garden. It could be the comfort of your favourite sweater, or breathing in fresh air, or your morning coffee, or the convenience of electricity and running water. Just pay attention to all the little things in life that are satisfying for you.
Once you start to consciously look for and identify what is satisfying you, you naturally shift into gratitude. When you combine satisfaction and gratitude the most amazing alignment happens, and this opens the door to moments of pure presence and joy. Do you see? You can take incremental steps towards your desired state of being, just like you can tune into a radio station, by using your wisdom to find and appreciate the stepping stones that lead you where you wish to go. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



As you feel into the possibilities of a new day, pay attention to how your body responds to different choices. If you are getting a tension in your body, you are getting a very clear “no, not today”. Look for the things your body relaxes into and flows towards. That is where the energies are inviting you to go, to expand and explore. The path of grace and ease is activated by having the conscious awareness of your body’s energetic responses and following its lead because it will clearly let you know what is being supported for you or not.
And while we understand this is a different way of navigating your life than you are used to, and it will require you to put aside all of your old habits of trying to push the boulder up the hill and considering yourself lazy if you don’t try to power through unsupportive energies, if you just give it a try you will be delighted to discover that overall it is a far more efficient and comfortable system than you have ever experienced before. Allow the waves of the flow to carry and guide you, Dear Ones, for that is exactly how the universe loves you forward. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



In a world full of distractions, it can be difficult to find your way back to your centre. Dear Ones, take the time to be still and breathe. It is the most remarkably effective way to create a reset/rebalancing point for yourself and it is a tool that is always at your disposal.
Taking the time to be still and breathe is a wonderful act of self care. It brings you back to the now moment and back into connection with your body. Conscious breathing allows you to rejoin your own flow, your own unique rhythm, which will always make it easier for you to decide how to proceed in a way that truly matches you.
The simplest tools can be very powerful because they are both accessible and effective. The trick is remembering to incorporate them into your daily life so they can serve and support you. ~Archangel Gabriel though Shelley Young



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