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发表于 2021-9-14 11:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Denying yourself love so you don’t get hurt is like denying yourself ice cream to avoid razor blades. One has nothing to do with the other. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



You are a willing dance partner of judgement when you are making decisions based on the fear of what others may think. Is it time for you to break free and start listening to your heart and your own innate wisdom? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



As we discussed recently, many of you may be in a holding pattern waiting for others to join you before you move forward into the next phase of your incarnation. If this applies to you, you may have been feeling frustrated and impatient. If you understand you are holding space, you can move out of resistance with your current phase into acceptance, which will make it a far more comfortable experience for you.
So if you are in a waiting phase, what can you do? Take advantage of the time you have! Rest. Read. Meditate. Move into a deeper exploration of where you are. Learn something new. Nourish your body. Connect with, acknowledge, and soothe any parts of you that are still struggling with impatience (usually they are inner child aspects that just need a little reassurance). Write. Create. Pray. See the space you are in as an opportunity. Practice gratitude for all the things that are serving you in your right now moment. Ask, “How can I allow this time to serve me and my growth and expansion?” What have you always wished you had more time to do?
Dear Ones, the fact is if you are experiencing this, it is a service contract that your soul was happy and honoured to accept. Things will move when the timing is aligned to support everyone involved. You would not want it any other way. Rest assured, the forward movement, when it comes, will be well worth the wait, so be curious and open to possibilities, stay in your surrender, faith, flow, trust, model, take inspired action when you are nudged to, and make the most of the time of pure potential you are currently in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Your self love practice is much more effective if done consistently rather than sporadically. Of course, we celebrate any moments you remember to include yourselves with your wonderful loving focus and care, we do wish for you to understand that your self love is meant to be a solid, supportive foundation for all other things to be built upon, not an embellishment you decorate yourself with every once in a while.
Your consistency is what creates the greatest accumulation of energy that supports positive transformation, and our greatest wish is that you will consciously release the habit of treating yourself like an afterthought. You are worth so much more than that, and when you decide to include yourself in your own thoughtful considerations so much more becomes possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



A great many of you are about to experience an up-levelling of your service. We would like to discuss this today.
Many of you, as souls who are on the planet to assist, came onto the planet with the hopes the great shift of ages would occur. You had very clear service contracts, as your greatest desire was to help. Due to this, many of you are very diligent, serious souls. You had a mission and nothing was going to sway you from that job.
What is very interesting is that many of you came in with the exact gifts you had in other life expressions, lifetimes where you had gifts and abilities and used them very well. You decided to pick up where you left off in what you considered to be your highest life expression, so you came in with those gifts very close to the surface for your discovery and use.
Now that the shift is well under way and you are entering the next phase of your incarnation, many of you will take those gifts and abilities to the next level. You may take those skills and use them to expand a certain area like never before, or you may take that skill set and decide to use it in brand new, unrelated ways.
There is a great excitement about this within you, and this is why so many of you are feeling anxious and excited about this next phase. This truly is a best case scenario for you from a soul perspective, and you cannot wait to get into the new! For many of you, your spiritual path will feel fresh and new compared to the heaviness and fatigue so many of you have felt along your journey. This heralds the profound shift between martyred service, and joyful, supported service.
You are on the cusp of the new and you can feel your souls beckoning you forward. The energies are accumulating to launch you into the next phase, and great discoveries will be made about yourselves, your abilities, and your greatest contributions, however you wish to express yourselves.
And for some of you, it may look like spiritual retirement, where you pass the baton of active service to the next wave of enlightening human beings and shift into contributing from your state of beingness and joy.
This grand reshuffling of souls and purposes is no small feat, and is being orchestrated with divine love and wisdom, so stay in the flow, follow your hearts and your greatest joys, and look to the future with the assuredness that only comes from knowing with complete certainty that you are exactly where you need to be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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