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发表于 2021-7-31 11:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Resisting change is like sending out an energetic transmission that nothing could be as good as it is now. You are capping yourselves and your experiences which is a great disservice to both you and the planet. We ask you to open the door to the idea that things could continue to get even better than they are now if you allow them to. Can you make room in your life for even more joy, more love, more excitement, more fun? Do you have the courage to explore just how big and beautiful your life wants to be? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Love is a stabilizing and balancing force. If your relationship with another is stormy or contentious, it isn’t love that causes that but rather fear of the absence of love.
It can also be a fear of losing yourself in love. We would like to point out that love is your true essence, so you cannot lose yourself in it, you can only become more of the truth of who you really are. When we say let your beingness lead the way, we are really saying let the love that you are lead the way.
So let love be your constant, Dear Ones, as you allow everything that is not love, but would prefer to be, to come up for acknowledgement, healing, and transformation. The more you allow yourself to move with the flow of love the more you are embracing your true beingness, for you are all individuated aspects of the divine love that is Source, and the grand shift on the planet is about accepting and embracing that fundamental truth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Many of you are at a point where you simply don’t know what is fun for you anymore. This is yet another reason why the retrieval and reintegration of your inner child is such an important thing to do at this time. You serve your inner child by welcoming it back into the safety and security you can now offer it. Your inner child serves you because its specialty is fun!
So connect with your inner child. Ask it what it would like to do and savour the moment and all the magic and wonder it can hold. Even if it is as simple as having an ice cream cone, you will experience it more fully, more satisfyingly than ever before. Allowing your inner child to bring fun and lightness back into your life gives all aspects of you an opportunity to serve the whole in ways that make you feel more present and engaged in your life than you have been in a very long time. Enjoy! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



A lot of people have a fear of surrender because they feel like it may take them somewhere worse. Dear Ones, it simply does not work that way. Surrender is how you follow the desires of your soul, along with the full assistance of a universe that adores you, into your highest life expression.
Now what can happen if you surrender and you have an obstacle between you and the life you wish to experience, is the flow will take you right up against that element. This can cause some of you to think surrender doesn’t work, but that is not the case. It is taking you to the obstacle for it to be resolved once and for all so you can get beyond it to the good stuff. What we want you to understand is if you don’t panic and stay surrendered into the flow with your faith and trust, it will lead you over, around, under, or through that blockage into the solutions that you simply couldn’t discover from your vantage point.
Many of you are in a space of not knowing what the next steps are for you. This is actually allowing you to develop new skills, surrender being one of them. When you don’t know how to proceed, you naturally become willing to explore, to get curious, and to see where the flow is going to take you. This is helping you hone your ability to operate within the higher vibrational navigation system of the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, trust.
So if you have felt frustrated by an old issue that you are ready to finally evolve beyond, we highly recommend you utilize the power tool of surrender and use your faith and trust to stay in that flow long enough to see where it can take you. You have likely already done every last thing you could possibly think of on your own. Isn’t it time to try the surrender, faith, flow, trust, model and commit to staying in it long enough for the magic to occur? You have nothing to lose by testing out a new and empowered operating system for yourself and everything to gain. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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