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发表于 2021-7-13 12:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Connecting with and reintegrating any inner child aspects that didn’t have their needs met is something we have spoken of quite frequently. Today we would like to give you another piece you may find helpful.
Some of you may have been raised to think some behaviours are normal and acceptable that are not. Perhaps you did not get the appropriate guidance you needed, or there may been a pattern of abuse or dysfunction that has been present in your family for many generations.
This resulted in conditioning or belief systems that many of you have been working hard to evolve beyond but even though your adult mind consciously knows these behaviours are not ok, subconsciously you may still find threads of that energy continue to crop up into your experience. This is because the adult you knows better but your inner child is still operating from that old conditioning.
So how do you fix this? Connect with your inner child and reparent it. Tell it what you wished it was taught all along and tell it why what it was taught before wasn’t right. Educate your inner child with your wisdom and it will accept it easily, as all children accept new information from a trusted adult. And what you will find is you will become much more congruent energetically because all parts of you will be on board with a more appropriate way of being, and you will find evolving beyond those old beliefs and conditioning much easier than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, we understand that many of you are feeling spiritually and physically fatigued. When one shift occurs after another it can feel like like you are getting tossed in the surf. We wish to offer you an explanation as to what is occurring.
You are in the most pivotal transition that will occur in your lifetime, traversing the divide between the old and the new. It might help to visualize it like a grand staircase that stretches up into the clouds, with wide steps, each of which is like a platform of its own. With each step you take you develop a new perspective with a broader view.
You have been on this staircase or series of platforms for quite some time now, for most of you since the beginning of 2020 which started the transition between the old and the new. And like all truly transformational climbs, it is normal to feel more fatigue as you near the top.
You are now moving far enough into the energies of the new that you will start to see what it is you’ve been striving for. You will reach the apex of this particular transformational phase and will step out onto new pathways with brand new perspectives and possibilities galore. The view will be breathtaking! And the gifts that come from this new vantage point will serve you well as you begin to navigate in earnest in the new.
This is not to say that this is your final up-levelling phase. Far from it. You will always be growing and evolving as you pioneer forward in these new energies. But this is an unusually long lasting period of on-going transformation, and this will not be your norm moving forward.
So understand the profound gifts and honour that comes from having evolved to the point of being able to navigate these energies. Give yourself good self care as you complete the last steps before you level out for a longer period of discovery. Know you are doing a magnificent job and your soul is absolutely delighted to be participating in these unprecedented times of opportunity and transformation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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