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发表于 2021-6-5 11:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

There have been many deaths in the past 18-24 months across the globe. Many are due to the viral infection of Covid 19, but there have also been a larger number of suicides, deaths by illness and accident as well as people passing suddenly and unexpectedly. The question could well be asked why so many people have left the planet? The answer lies in vibrational frequency and depths of consciousness.
All human souls have a life contract that pertains to their soul journey, the depth of their spiritual understanding up to the last lifetime and how far they have come, or have grown spiritually, in all of that time. While all souls come from the light and are all connected to the Supreme Source, the wheel of reincarnation is fraught with the danger that, once the soul has anchored their spirit again in human form on Earth, indoctrination, trauma and abuse could see it deviate from its divine plan  ̶  one can lose their spiritual perspective and connection to their higher self very quickly in the dense vibrations of Earth. In addition to this, all human sous travel along their path with soul families that can become fractured over time if there has been a lot of trauma, karmic intervention or deep loss of connection to Source to one or more souls within in between lifetimes.
The vibration of a person’s consciousness can be steeped in human misery for many lifetimes, keeping their soul imprints trapped in lower levels of the spirit world after each death, causing their oversoul to keep reincarnating again and again. It is only when their soul can release some of the trauma accrued over those lifetimes, resolving karmic debt and limiting soul contracts that their vibrational frequency can rise enough for them to begin awakening to their divine blueprint.
There are many circumstances behind the passing of souls around the globe in recent times, many of them seemingly before their time. As upsetting as losing a loved one is, we wish to assure you that their passing was always assisted and supported in the most loving way. To choose to take the death door offered before one’s soul contract is completed is always a risk due to the fact that the wheel of karma could be activated, the soul may become stuck in a lower level of the fourth plane or, their reincarnation to finish their soul’s contract will result in the realities of life being harsher the second time around. However, many people who have died recently have stayed beyond their time and have been called ‘home’ to allow the ascension of the planet without as much resistance and negativity.
All angelic and higher realm frequencies MUST be grounded through a human body in order to make a positive impact on Earth. Accordingly, only those people who have begun the process of awakening or whose soul has achieved a level of mastery in a previous lifetime (and agreed to assist humanity as part of their soul evolvement) can withstand the energy of etheric beings without becoming frightened, unwell or misled.
So, people are now finding they need to make a choice, to either awaken or leave this lifetime, because the gap between the first, second, third, fourth and fifth dimensional frequencies are becoming too vast for people caught in the three lower dimensions to comprehend what is happening around them. The more people that awaken, the higher the vibrational frequencies become in the human collective consciousness, in the universal mind and in the many sub-levels between the dimensions. This causes much disequilibrium in the subconscious states of humans stuck in the density of third dimensional physical realities, because their physical bodies cannot withstand the heightened energies being absorbed by their etheric bodies.
All of you are on your own journey. The human psyche will judge and condemn those not seen to be doing the ‘right thing’, while the Creator of All That Is will lovingly allow free will to determine the outcome one’s life will ultimately take. Be aware that no man is an island and all in the Universe is energy that is connected through the energy of unconditional love. There are many lives that could potentially be saved simply by accepting the person as they are, leaving judgement and advice behind and simply holding the space for them. However, should people choose to leave now, whether it be of their own volition, because it is their time or because the energy on Earth no longer matches theirs, please know that they are never alone, no matter how low or advanced their consciousness is.
Send love to the planet, dear hearts. Deploy God’s army, the Elohim, to spread love, the Violet Flame of Transmutation and the Christ Consciousness gold ray into the Human Collective Consciousness, to nature, to Mother Earth’s diamond core and to innocent people whose energies are being intervened upon. Ask it be done in the highest and best way, with Divine ease and grace and by the law of Grace and it will be done.

I AM Lord Melchizadek.

传导:Victoria Cochrane

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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