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发表于 2021-5-18 12:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Once again, being here is a source of great joy;  it is reason for much gratitude to Father / Mother God, for a mission that is being accomplished.  When I started my journey in this group ..., of course I am able to see a result in the timeline), but exactly because of your free will, this result can be changed at any time.  Today I see that the preparation that I did, that the teachings that I went through, the paths that I opened, became enlightened, flowery and extremely easy to walk.
Today, each Being of Light has a voice, no longer that moment of being looking for someone to give him a voice.  Today, not only here, but there are many channels around the planet, which are giving voice to the Beings of Light. And more and more, this information is being passed on to the channels.  Many channels still think, that they are worthy of only one being, two, three at most;  but I would say that nobody is exclusive, there is no such feeling.  It would be very funny for us to choose a person, just for us;  we who say only a Being of Light to present itself.  What feeling would that be?  However, for a channel to reach this maturity of connection, a lot of time is needed, a walk is also necessary, a demonstration of faith and total commitment to the mission is necessary.
I have many channels across the planet, each fulfilling his mission with me.  Yes, each one has a mission with me.  So I can say that I started everything in their journey;  not all, but a good part.  And today everyone is being guided, to simply put themselves to listen, so that the Beings of Light have more voices, so that they can speak.  I already said here and I will remind you: You will not see me speaking through new channels.  Not that I want to be boastful and think that they have no capacity, that's not it.  As I said a moment ago, those who channel me have a mission with me, those who do not have I do not interfere.  And if I never showed up, I won't show up anymore, because there is no more time for this preparation.
I opened the way for many Beings of Light, not only here, but in many channels around the planet;  and this has been extremely important and relevant, because it brings you new ways of asking the same subject.  Many subjects have already been dealt with here and spoken in totally different ways, by each of the Beings of Light. But in the end they all come to the same purpose.  So don't be surprised if you start to hear a lot of messages, from various Beings of Light on other channels;  not mine, mine only on channels, which have been walking for a long time.  I'm not speaking out on new channels anymore.  This has a reason, which I cannot place here.
我为许多光之存有开启道路,不只是这里,还在全球各地的许多管道中。这非常重要,因为这会带给你新的询问相同主题的方式。许多主题已经被处理,在不同的方式中被每个光之存有述说。但最终他们都执行了相同的目标。所以不要惊讶,如果你开始从不同管道而来的各种光之存有那里听到大量的信息;不是我的,我只在这个管道(Anjos e Luz Terapias),已经进行了有段时间。我不会在新的管道中说话。这是有原因的,我在这里不能说
So why am I saying all this?  As I have said to you, the moment is of extreme caution, the moment is of great attention.  So you still can't (the vast majority) distinguish whether a message is true or not.  What do I call true?  I call it true, a message that is effectively said by the Being of Light, who presents itself there.  This is the first point.  And also to distinguish if that message was not manipulated.  What do I mean manipulated?  Involved with negative energy.
That is how I am at least giving you a reason to know whether it is me or not.  Old channels channeling me, true message;  new ones, I’m not the one talking.  I am not here neglecting any channel, I am being very truthful and frank.  Many things I say here are commented out of here in a derogatory and judgmental way;  always replying that what I say is not from the Light. I already said here and I will repeat: I will give the test to whomever I want.
这至少是我给予你的一个缘由来分辨是不是我。老管道,传导我,真实的信息;新的管道,并不是我在说话。我不是在贬低任何管道,我是在说实话。我在这里说的许多东西在批评和评判的方式中被注释。总是回复说我所说的不是来自光。我已经说过,我再次重复:我会给予 我想要给予的人测试
So with me it's very easy!  And I will expand this, to any Being of Light that you have doubts.  Ask, ask if he is speaking or not.  The big problem is that you don't believe in yourself.  So you immediately think: "I'm going to ask if it's him and how will I know that what I'm going to hear, is it true?"  You really won't hear anything, because you already doubted yourself and even worse you doubted us.  So when we say to you, "We are going to give you an answer", what does this mean?  It means that we will prepare an answer, compatible with your ability to understand us, compatible with your ability to believe.
So the less you believe, the more intense our response will be, so that you have no doubt.  Or do you think what?  That we will give an answer, which will bring you more doubt than certainty?  So when we speak, ask for proof, ask who is there;  just ask, "Who is truly speaking in this message?  Show me that it is really, the Being of Light that is there ”Now, believe deeply because you will receive the answer.  Do not think that it is a lack of respect, or that it is an affront to ask us for proof.  No, we don't see it that way.  Because you are in a sea of mistakes, in a sea of falsehoods, in a sea of negative energies.
So we understand perfectly, when you doubt and ask us for a proof.  Understand, what are you asking us for?  Proof that we are the one who is saying himself there, speaking.  You are not asking for proof of our strength, you are not asking for proof of our ability, you are not asking for proof of our Light;  because then, it would be a little complicated to answer, because there is no faith at all;  you will be testing us.  Is different.  Now if you hear a message from us, trust us completely and feel that something is strange there and you want to be sure, that message is ours, ask and we will give you a proof.  A proof that whatever capacity you have, you will have it.  And most important of all, if that message is tainted, has been manipulated, we will also tell you: “The message is ours, but it is contaminated.  Do not listen".  This we will also know how to do.
The big problem is that ... I can say, that 95% of you do not ask for proof. Why?  Because they don't believe what they are going to hear.  They do not think we will answer them, and worse, they doubt what they will hear.  This is the great truth, because you continue to find each other, zeroes to the left;  without ability, without strength, without anything.  So nothing we talked about.  you believe.  This subject is very interesting, because it allows me to put some other things.  How long have I been saying here, not just me, but all the Beings of Light who have been here, that you do not ask for help from each other, ask for help from us.  How long have I been saying this?  Long time.  And often one of us repeats the same thing.  And what do you do?  In the first problem, you ask for help from the other.
Where is it difficult to understand?  What language am I speaking?  Me and all the other Beings of Light, in what language? Is it a different language?  But why do you do that?  I understand, because you do not believe that we will help you;  you do not believe that we will answer you, you do not believe that we will give you the exact answer to the problem.
These are you.  So as long as you think this way, the future will be complicated for you, very complicated.  Why?  I have said this a few times, but it seems that I always have to repeat: And if you do not have communication, what will become of you?  Ah, I know!  You will go out desperate, out on the street, screaming, asking for help to the first person who appears.  Interesting.  They will either intern you like crazy, or they will run from you, afraid.  Is that what you are going to do?
So again, I can't get enough of repeating it because I don't get tired, I get a little sad.  Not sadness as you know, but a little upset;  because we speak, we speak, we speak, we speak and you do not listen.  You keep asking for the help of the other.  You don't learn.  Where is the other stronger than us? So you're putting us on a help strip, down there.  The first is always the other.  Interesting.  Very interesting.
So I repeat again: You will have problems in the future.  Either you learn to create connections with us, or you are going to have problems.  Because in times of despair, who are you going to ask?  Ah, those around you who don't believe in anything?  Oh, it’s going to be complicated huh?  Because they will actually think that you have gone crazy;  they don't think you are right anymore, they criticize you all the time and you are desperate, because you don't know what to do;  then they will effectively believe that you have gone crazy.  That's right?
Why is it so difficult for you to believe that we are on the side?  That we are there, around you, just call.  It is a simple gesture, which, just as you call a son to eat, call the family, to be at the table to eat.  Is it difficult to call them?  It is not.  So why is it so difficult to call us?  Ah, I understand, I understand.  It’s because you don’t see, right?  So if you don't see us, we are not there;  and if we are not there, you do not believe us, you doubt that we are there.  Ah, then comes the most used feeling at the moment, the doubt.
So very well;  keep doubting everything, keep doubting that we will be there by your side, keep doubting that we will not know how to communicate with you, because we are too good, we are too tall, we are too strong, we would not waste our time communicating with you  .  That's it?  Is this how you think?  So I will repeat again: You are in trouble for the future, and you are in a lot of trouble.  Either you learn to have us as friends, as advisers, as protectors, today and you are already late, or you will have problems in the future.
We teach a lot of things here.  I have already taught, Sananda has taught, Mary, all the Beings of Light who come here, have already taught a lot of things.  But in the time of despair, you take the devices and ask for help from each other.  It's impressive.  How can that be?  Many are already saying here: Hey, here comes another scolding.  It is so.  I wouldn't be here saying all that, if you were walking the line, if you were doing what we ask, but you don't do it.  You simply idolize the other, thinking that he will solve your problem and we will not.
So I'm going to finish this video by saying just one thing.  This sentence is already quite beaten as well, as you say, but I will say it anyway: You reap what you plant.  Only that.  Think about it.  What do you want to reap in the future?  Think a lot, but think a lot, it's not a small thing.  Think a lot.
I AM THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL!  And I don't care who complains, that I just scold them, I don't care.  Whoever does not like my scolding, does not hear, is your right.  I don't care, because this is the only way you know how to learn something.  Being sweet, and calm, and peaceful makes you sleepy, and you don't hear anything.

传导:Anjos e Luz Terapias

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