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发表于 2021-5-9 10:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


When you have a desire and incorporate even the smallest action into your life that matches that intention, it becomes a part of who you are and sends out energetic ripples that the universe will respond to. What we want you to understand is you don’t have to climb an entire mountain to create change. You simply have to take small consistent steps.
You are in a phase where you are learning the power of working with subtle energies. You are energetic alchemists! By choosing what you prefer and infusing that preference into your life in whatever way is available to you right now, you are adjusting your energy and making a new energetic declaration of your beingness.
Don’t hold yourselves back waiting to be ready to make grandiose changes, Dear Ones. Slow and steady wins the race. What one thing can you add to your experience today, that holds the energy of where you wish to go?
We want you to understand that even one small action has the power to create big shifts because the essence of that desire has gone from being something that might happen one day to something you are experiencing in your now moment, and you can, with your love and consistency, grow it from there with the full support of the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



How are you in resistance to yourself? Are you practicing negative self talk? Are you judging yourself? Are you critical of your body or how you look? Do you negate your progress and only focus on what you think needs improvement? Are you in troubleshooting mode with yourself all the time?
Feel into the energy of resistance. It instantly pauses your forward movement. Now feel into the energy of acceptance and love. If you pay attention you can feel they are energies of flow and expansion. One excludes, the other includes. One perpetuates separation, the other unification.
What if the only healing you require comes from shifting into your own self love and self acceptance? Your self love and acceptance allows any unhealed aspects of self to feel safe enough to rejoin the whole. It shifts you into an energetic congruency that is ready and willing to move forward. And it moves you into the unconditional love and unity consciousness you are seeking to embody in your spiritual journey.
It is time, Dear Ones, to truly walk your talk and that begins by extending your loving care, encouragement, and your true and joyful acceptance to your most tender, vulnerable self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



The way to heal division is to find the common denominator between you and others and to connect and grow your relationships respectfully from there. There are many basic needs human beings agree on and desire. Peace. Love. Health. Freedom. Self expression. Acceptance. Comfort. Safety. This is just to name a few. You may have different ideas on how to best achieve those things, but that is to be expected as you are all individual and have different paths of discovery your souls wish to take. But there are far more things that connect you in having a human experience than there are that separate you. It is the shift out of depths of separation into reunification that will create much healing on your planet and will pave the way for the new earth experience you truly desire. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



So many of you seek a one size fits all answer to apply to navigating your lives, but having only one acceptable way of doing things has been at the core of every control system on earth. We understand your frustration when faced with so many options, but the gift in all of that is having the freedom to decide what is right for you and your unique life expression. That is exactly how you step into your role as your own empowered leader – by trying on external opinions to see if they are your truth, much like you might try on several outfits for a special event until you find the one that feels most comfortable and appropriate. From there you can confidently step forward in that truth secure in the fact that you made the decision that is best for you, but also in the knowingness that what was a match for you might not be a match for another person. You are learning to honour the importance and sacredness of free will, both for yourselves and for others. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Anxiety is a common ascension symptom for many enlightening human beings. Most of you consider anxiety to be a negative experience, and we do understand it can be quite uncomfortable for you. But today we wish to give you another perspective about anxiety for you to explore.
There is a very fine line between anxiety and excitement. Is it possible some of what you are feeling is excitement? Excitement for being part of this profound shift on your planet? Excitement for the fact that you are in the throes of transformation? Excitement for what is opening for you, and what can become possible as you move forward into the new?
Think of being the lead character in a play. You know it is a great honour to be the star of the show. You know it is something you absolutely want. And you also know it is your destiny to play this role. But even though it is something you want and can’t wait to experience, your excitement can get mixed up with anxiety of wanting to give a great performance and bring your best to the role.
It is the same with the times you are in now. Your soul is so excited to be experiencing the shift on the planet. It is a tremendous success that you have made it this far! But you are also concerned about how it will go and experiencing the new. This is a very normal response. The fact that you are approaching it with such care and diligence is complete assurance that you will do a magnificent job. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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发表于 2021-5-9 16:51 | 显示全部楼层
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