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发表于 2021-5-6 20:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
New Realm ofReality 新的現實境界

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.
問候! 一刻來自我們心與心的談話,我是KejRaj(KayRy)。 這裡表達的資訊是我的透視,也是我的觀點。 因為所有真理在你心中等待著你。 調入你內在的光芒。

We have long past the point of no return on this journey of upliftment. Each and every day more and more souls are becoming open to new ideas, new ways of life. More and more souls are beginning to understand that what we have today, this way of life, is not normal at all, and that they have been purposely mislead to for millennia.

我們已經遠遠超過了這次提升旅程中沒有回報的意義。 每一天,越來越多的人開始接受新觀念,新生活方式。 越來越多的靈魂開始認識到,我們今天的這種生活方式根本不正常,幾千年來它們被故意導誤了。

For every soul that begins to question this reality, this brings the collective closer to that which we aim for and all desire, world peace. The closer this will bring us all to the breakthrough, snapping out of the amnesia, dissolving the old illusion, and assisting Creator by being ready for his/her purest form of light/love. For receiving the wave of the most refined light from the heart of Source Creator through the Great Central Sun of the soon to be Golden Rose Galaxy(Milky Way), to Earth and humanity, uplifting all into a new realm of reality.
對於每個開始質疑這一現實的人來說,這使集體更接近我們所追求的目標以及所有人的願望,即世界和平。 越接近這一點,我們所有人就越能取得突破,擺脫失憶症,消除舊的幻想,並為創造者準備好他/她最純淨的光/愛形式而為他提供幫助。 從造物主本源的心中接收到即將通過即將成為金玫瑰銀河(銀河系)的巨大中央太陽、向地球和人類發出的最精緻的光波,從而將所有事物提升到現實的新境界。

As we move forward, with the energies intensifying moment to moment, the most important thing we can do is concentrate on the heart. Stay heart centered, focus within. We say this because the outer world is a reflection of your inner world.
在前進的過程中,隨著能量的不斷增強,我們能做的最重要的事情就是專注於心。 保持居中,集中精力。 我們之所以這樣說,是因為外部世界反映了你的內部世界。

As the light increases so does the speed at which the 3D Earth Matrix is deconstructed.

What is happening now is the letting go of the old, and making room for the new, energetically and physically.

Mother Earth is doing this through changes in weather patterns, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes and other ways, that are becoming more frequent and noticeable to all of her inhabitants.

While humanity is releasing through anger, in all its different forms. The things that you held on to for so long, hate, fear, anger, judgement, and all the outdated popular beliefs of humanity, all is quickly collapsing from within you. This is why you see what you see in the outer world.
當人類通過憤怒以各種形式釋放時。 你長期堅持的事情,仇恨,恐懼,憤怒,判斷以及所有過時的人類普遍信仰,都在你之內迅速崩潰。 這就是為什麼你看到自己在外部世界中看到的東西的原因。

Once again, all of this is leading to the one powerful wave of energy that many have come to know as the Event. When this wave of energy is released from the Creator’s heart, at that moment, the veil will be lifted. A splitting of worlds will occur here. There will be many who will transition from Earth, and will incarnate on other planets.
所有這些再次導致了一場盛會,這一能量被許多人所熟知。 當能量波從造物主的心中釋放出來時,面紗將被揭開。 世界分裂將在這裡發生。 將有許多人從地球過渡,並化身在其他行星上。

There will be those that ‘fully’ ascend, they will realize in an instant that they are in the new world. They will become invisible to many that remain in the 3D Earth Matrix. You will also have those who know they can ‘be free from 3D Earth’ at the moment of their choosing, but they simply choose to stay behind to assist the rest.
會有那些"完全"揚昇的人,他們會立即意識到自己處在新世界中。 對於3D地球矩陣中剩餘的許多對象,它們將變得不可見。 你將擁有那些知道他們可以在選擇時「擺脫3D地球」的人,但是他們只是選擇留下來幫助其他人。

Earth is now fully ascended into her 5D Body/Matrix. She has completed her transition into the 5D Body.
地球現在完全升入了她的5D身體/矩陣。 她已經完成了向5D身體的過渡。

What this means is all of her inhabitants are also in the 5th Dimension. However, it is only a memory, their old concept of the old world that remains of 3D. They are simply perceiving a 3D world that is no longer present, and refuse to release the attachment out of fear. It is but a matter of time that even their memory of the old will begin to become blurry, they will realize that the Earth 3D Matrix has been dissolved.
這意味著她所有的居民也都在第五維度。 但是,這隻是一種記憶,而3D仍然是他們對舊世界的舊概念。 他們只是在感知一個不再存在的3D世界,並出於恐懼而拒絕釋放這種依戀。 即使是他們的舊記憶也將開始變得模糊,只是時間問題,他們將意識到地球的三維矩陣已被溶解。

Many will come to understand that one must completely free the self of the old in order to experience the new. For in the new reality of the New Earth, there is no room for hatred and division. You must focus on transforming the old version of you through the heart, as well as with the new light that is available to you now.
許多人會明白,為了體驗新事物,必須完全釋放舊事物的自我。 因為在新地球的新現實中,沒有仇恨和分裂的餘地。 你必須專注於徹底改造你的舊版本以及現在可用的新光源。

We say to you there is no turning back, let go of all fearful concepts, hold your light as we move forward. You are in for some great surprises, one after another. Wave after wave we are reaching the shore, sooner than many may think.
我們對你說,沒有回頭路可走,釋放所有可怕的概念,在前進的過程中持有著你的光。 你一次又一次地感到驚喜,我們到達岸邊,比許多人想像的要早。

From heart to heart, KejRaj.



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