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发表于 2021-4-20 11:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


We have spoken about the idea of growing your skills. Today we would like to discuss growing your capacity to experience love.
Do you allow yourself to feel love? To really feel it? To surrender into it? Are you open to receive love from Source, from your guides and angels, from the earth, from the cosmos, from animals, from others, and from yourself?
Are you willing to acknowledge that love always exists for you, it is your allowing of it that dictates how much you are experiencing? If you are holding yourself separate from the experience of love, why? Connect with the part of you that thinks it is not safe to love, and give it love. Give it consistent, true, unconditional love and watch it bloom.
Do you allow yourself to be the love? To spread love with no thought of receiving anything in return other than the joy that comes from expressing yourself as the love you truly are?
Can you imagine being an endless wellspring of love, with it effortlessly flowing to you and through you?
Most of you are only allowing a fraction of the love that is available for you. Grow your capacity for love, Dear Ones, both to give and receive, for that is one of the greatest opportunities you have on the planet – to anchor and expand the experience of love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



If you have a persistent theme or wound that is coming up for you that you don’t seem to be able to shift, it can be helpful to ask the following:
How am I perpetuating the aggravation of this wound? Are you showing up for yourself or are you attempting to sweep your needs under the rug? Are you making poor choices that keep the wound active or are you creating a safe space for healing to occur? Are you pushing against the issue or are you compassionately approaching it from a space of acceptance, healing, and love?
What am I yearning for that only I can give myself? It may be that the one thing you want more than anything is your own love and affection. By denying that you could be keeping abandonment/worthiness issues active. Love yourself enough to be there for any wounded aspects of self as many times as it takes for them to settle into safe attachment with you as you assume the role of your own guide, parent, and trusted friend.
Am I holding onto victim consciousness/powerlessness? We are not suggesting you negate what has happened to you in your past. You can absolutely acknowledge that what happened to you was not right or appropriate or deserved and still decide to drop the rope that keeps you tethered to that old story so you can finally embrace the full potential of your Now moment. Is it time to move out of pushing against your past so that healing can truly occur in the present?
Do you identify yourself more through the challenges and/or what’s happened to you or do you identify more with your wholeness and pure potential? Pay attention to what you talk about. If you keep referring back to something in your past, there is something that is still active there that is looking to be acknowledged and soothed by you. It is absolutely possible to gently and lovingly explore what that is until it receives exactly what it needs from you. Are you ready to move beyond the energy of surviving the past into the energy of thriving in the present?
You are doing such a magnificent job of moving through the rapid shifts you have been experiencing on your planet. Creating the sacred and safe space as the empowered facilitator of your own healing is the final frontier you have entered, and from there all things are possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Some human beings don’t allow themselves to fully heal from past hurts because they feel like that is letting the person who hurt you ‘off the hook’, or it is saying that what happened to you was ok. This simply isn’t so. What healing does mean is you love yourself enough now as an empowered adult to untether yourself from what doesn’t honour you once and for all.
Putting off your healing to teach someone a lesson or to try to hold someone accountable hurts no one but yourself. Let the universe provide the checks and balances necessary for the other person’s soul growth and evolution, and allow yourself to move forward, shining in your wellness and truth, filled with wonder for your own resilience and innate wholeness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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