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发表于 2021-4-18 11:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


As you are integrating higher and higher energies, you may find your body leading you towards certain things. This can be specific foods or styles of eating. And you might be surprised to hear that your body may ask you to not eat at all!
Many of you may feel drawn towards fasting. One of the many benefits of fasting is it can allow you to integrate certain energetic downloads easier as the body is not using a lot of its energy in the process of digestion. Fasting can be a wonderful way of clearing your head, your body, and your energy field, to allow integration and/or energetic shifting to occur.
Of course, we ask you to be mindful with your practices. Listen to your body. Guide yourself with your wisdom. Feel into what it is you need and continue to do so. Don’t be surprised if one thing works wonders for your body one day, and doesn’t work another. Your needs are shifting as much as the energies themselves shift.
There is no one size fits all system as your needs are all individual based on your own energetic makeup and where you are on your journey. We understand this can be confusing but your body has an innate intelligence that will never steer you wrong. Following the guidance of your body is yet another way you can move with the flow, making your highest choice one now moment at a time, utilizing a system that is meant to serve you and your unique needs. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Consistency is a very important element in your evolutionary unfoldment. It is through consistency you anchor new ways of being. It is a strong energetic declaration of intention. It tends the soil until your new seeds of preference can sprout and bloom.
You don’t have to have one hundred percent compliance to be successful. You will likely have moments of unconsciousness where you forget or fall back into old habits. The trick is to not stay there. Every time you catch yourself and gently and lovingly redirect, you are reaffirming your preference, and before you know it you will find it much easier to simply stay in the new because you will have established new habits.
This is exactly how you continue to evolve, to grow and expand, and to experience yourself in your latest level of attainment. It is through the recognition and redirection into your true preferences, time and again, you drive the shift and honour your highest, most satisfying expressions of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



One of the most profound shifts you will make on your spiritual journey is taking your focus from externals and placing it on yourself. This is self responsibility. From this space of self responsibility comes developing the skill of self love.
Yes, self love is a skill to develop if you have not been taught to include yourself in your own love and care. Most of you were raised in households where loving others was valued but loving yourself was never mentioned, so it may feel foreign to you to develop a self love practice. That is ok! It is never too late to learn a new skill.
If you have been conditioned to think that sacrificing yourself for others is noble and that self care is selfish, you will have to very consciously use your awareness and consistency to develop the skill of self love. Let us reassure you that self love is not selfish. Self love does not mean you put yourself above others and throw everyone else to the wolves. It simply means you are now also including yourself in your love and consideration.
This is in no way about exclusion, it is about inclusion. It is about fairness. It is about making yourself equally important as everyone else. It is about understanding that you cannot shift into unconditional love and unity consciousness and leave yourself out at the same time. It is about simply being the love to everyone, and that means you, too. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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