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发表于 2021-1-10 15:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Someone commented on yesterday’s daily message, “I wonder what healthy interdependency looks like?” What a wonderful question! By asking the question you set in motion the opportunity to have that experience. You move into the expansion and discovery of that topic.
Healthy interdependency means working together for the whole with everyone contributing in their own unique way. This allows everyone the joy of their own self expression in a supported way which means no one person has to do all the heavy lifting. This creates the profound shift from martyred service into joyful service.
Healthy interdependency means supporting each other into your highest potentials and expressions of self in whichever way matches your true desires and your soul’s agenda. It means acknowledging and celebrating the unique gifts each individual contributes to the whole, understanding your beingness is more than enough and your growth continues to drive the shift on your planet. It prioritizes empowerment of all. It seeks to heal beyond separation into connection because you recognize you are stronger together than apart.
It means accepting each other for your different roles, strengths, abilities, and service paths while supporting and encouraging each other through your challenges. It means working together as a whole, a force of like-minded, like-hearted individuals, who together are blazing trails that make it easier for others to follow, whenever the timing is perfect for them. It means joining hands as the pioneers you are, all contributing in the ways that are perfect for yourselves, and encouraging others to the same. It means creating new foundations that the new can be built on that support the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


The peace you seek starts within first, and ripples out from there. It is an anchor, a stabilizing force, and an act of service to align with your core of peace, which is the embodiment of your faith, trust, and divine essence, and lead from there. Rest assured there are more than enough of you who are prioritizing peace to create the changes you wish to see. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Forgiveness is of great importance moving forward into the new.
There are many people who are feeling very uncomfortable and are triggered. They are feeling powerless so they are in a space of fear, reactivity, and resistance. The old power structures are crumbling and they have yet to release their attachment to the old ways and connect with their own authentic power.
While we certainly never advocate allowing anyone to treat you in an abusive manner, for that is neither loving to yourself, or loving to the other to support them in behaving in such a lesser version of themselves, we do advocate the practice of compassion and forgiveness, for the dark night of the soul, while always transformative, is never an easy time.
So during these times of upheaval, we encourage you to have healthy boundaries but also to always forgive another if they have been unkind, for it shows they have lost the ability to see your true divine nature, and even sadder, their ability to see their own. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



We have spoken of forgiveness as being a necessary element for the times you are in. The reason for this is forgiveness is an essential aspect for the experience of peace.
Forgiveness for others dissipates the energetic cord the ties you to old wounds. Forgiveness for yourself frees you to move out of resistance to yourself and back into alignment with your truth and your latest level of embodiment. Both of these shifts anchor the energy of peace within yourself, which then has the opportunity to spread outwardly, through your choices and the radiance of your own energetics.
This is yet another example of how your growth continues to drive the grand shift of consciousness on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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