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发表于 2020-9-20 12:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The Final Battle for Earth is Here!

As I said, this is what has saved the earth! This is what has “tilted the scales” enough, between the positive energies and these levels of highly-destructive energies – which are still coming forward on the earth – and to the earth, because don’t think this is limited to just what is happening on the earth! Because there are still these levels of extraterrestrial interference that are coming to the earth to take part in this vast confrontation between the forces of darkness and light. You might say that IT IS THE FINAL BATTLE!

You have entered “the final battle” for planet Earth. And I know this is a “prediction for the coming year of 2021, so I will just tell you now that this is a battle that will extend far beyond your coming year! It will be in operation for many years! It will not be finished for quite a few more years, and I cannot give you an exact timeline because we do not know what is going to occur on the earth – and how the balance of power may be shifting and adjusting between these two forces! It is still in flux, because it is a dynamic energy equivalent between these two forces -- which each command vast sources of energy reserves – even “off planet,” which they can bring to bear on this confrontation.

So, it is almost beyond description as far as giving you a big enough picture of what is happening now – the possibilities of how this may synchronize and shift – and evolve into new levels of confrontation. And we are very concerned about this, obviously! And not because we fear defeat in any way, but because we are committed to bringing to bear on the situation all possible reserves of energy and intelligence, indeed, even throughout the galaxy!

And that effort comprises a great degree of our work at the present time – it is to locate and to activate some of these civilizations who have tremendous energy resources that they can send and bring to bear on this situation. And that is what we are doing now! We are “marshaling our forces,” so to speak, so that the Forces of Light are receiving vast amounts of reinforcements, shall we say, from extraterrestrial realms, of course.

And that is our focus at the present time – it is to bring as much of this positive energy as we can muster, to bear on the situation, because that will have the effect of “tamping down” and diminishing the levels of this very negative and, in many ways, destructive energy which is opposing the light at this time on your planet. And so, it is our aim, through these efforts which I am describing to you, to prevent many levels of the destruction and damage which would and could, otherwise, operate on and effect the earth.

And, I’m sure what we are doing will morph, in time, into the process of including more and different types of activities which will be focused upon “marshaling our forces” in a response to this situation that I have been describing to you, in order to “stay on top of the situation,” as you would put it, in your vernacular, so that we are very well aware of what is happening, and we are able to respond to things “in real time,” as you would say – and not allow things to get out of hand in any area of what is happening.
我相信我们所做的事情会改变,随着时间的推移,会包含越来越多不同类型的活动,专注于“集结我们的力量”来应对我向你描述的情况,以便“掌控情况”,如你会说的,所以我们很清楚正在发生什么,我们能够“及时”应对情况 ---不让情况失控

This response is needed, because this is a very large, a very extensive event of energy and consciousness which is now playing out on the earth. And it is only going to increase for several years in your future.

Now, I’m not saying that it is going to be this intense at all times, because it will flareup and subside, in cycles. Some of these time cycles will be of very long duration, where it has subsided and seems to go away, and perhaps one side or the other will think they have succeeded in taking command of consciousness of a planet. But that will not be the whole picture at that time, because, you see, we always have more forces that we can bring to bear on things such as this!

Nothing is static at any point in time, and that is another major perspective that you need to keep in mind as you are evaluating this situation, because, as in all things, there is “an ebb and a flow.” It comes and it goes! Things change! You will see circumstances change and shift back and forth – many times – over the next several years, where you will say, “Oh well, the light is winning now! It has been successful! It has completely beaten back the darkness, and all of that is gone.”

And then there will be another flow of these energies to the earth, because so much of this is extraterrestrial, you see. You cannot see what is coming many times! And that is the mistake that many people make when they are attempting to evaluate this situation and predict how it may evolve in future time on earth.

Even we do not know, and I could not tell you, all of the different time-frames involved, regarding when the light will be predominant – and when it seems that the darkness has reared its head again. So you will just have to wait and see what happens. But I can, and have, given you, I believe, the basic dynamics to have an accurate overview of this situation. And I believe I have done so.

You can have a short break with this, and then perhaps Count St. Germain will speak to you on this theme a little later. For the present moment, I am Portia, and it has been my great joy to be able to speak to you in this way, and Namaste.

Participant Question: Where are we now in this cycle of darkness and light?

Lady Portia: You can be wherever you choose to be, with the command of your consciousness that you have, you see! You can join either part of these two energy opposites, and it depends on the consciousness level of a person – and, more importantly, what they are choosing to focus upon in that specific moment in time, as to which energies they are going to contact – between the darkness and the light, the positive or the negative, so to speak. Because people shift back and forth all the time between the two of these energies.

You see nothing in the universe is “set in stone!” Everything is consciousness and energy which is moving and evolving. And, as you change the focus of your consciousness, you change what you are connecting with, you see. So you can connect with the light, or you can connect with the darkness, the violence, the negativity.

It would be, obviously, so much to your benefit to be aware of where the focus of your consciousness is located, and this is what many people do not have awareness of now, when their consciousness has been led into some of these areas of negativity, violence, fighting, and “one group against the other.”

And I have to tell you, it is very attractive to human consciousness when things like this start to happen – because it becomes very dramatic when these groups are confronting each other, especially in such a violent way. It is very attractive to human consciousness, and this is something that you are all going to have to watch very much within yourselves, and not allow this automatic reaction of focusing your consciousness on all of this violence and negativity, because then it creeps into your consciousness – because you are OPENING THE DOOR!

Be aware that when you focus on something, your consciousness is powerful beyond your knowing, dearest ones, and it is very easy for your consciousness to travel to some of these places that you are focusing upon, and then you are, in some ways, joining in the energies of whatever you are watching.

So I would strongly caution people who are interested in their well-being, to avoid paying any attention to these highly negative events – because it has a “drawing power” to the human consciousness, and it always has. This is the way it has always been on earth, since “The Fall.” You have to be extremely careful to monitor your consciousness, and to be aware if you are focusing on something of a negative nature.

And, if you find that you are, you have the power and ability to simply shift the focus of your consciousness – to something that is positive, creative, and beneficial to you, so that you are not deeply taking into yourself these very negative and highly destructive energies. And they have become highly destructive at this point in time!

You’re all going to have the ability to develop quite a bit in yourself awareness, and learn to monitor yourself -- to see what you are doing with your consciousness – what you are focusing upon, or choosing to take part in, and merge with – simply by the fact that you are watching it. So many people do not realize this! It is really astounding; how few people have any comprehension of this simple method of self-protection – which is to simply turn off your television!

Count St. Germain: Greetings to all of you. It is very good for us to have a chance to sit with all of you, and we appreciate your kind attention to the subjects, as well as your invitation to be with you today.

Perhaps we will have the opportunity to input some important information for all humanity, as they are able to receive these messages and to realize the importance of all that is occurring on the earth now, because there are so many “hidden situations” that are taking place now that are affecting many things – events, of course, but more than that!

What is occurring now is affecting the tenor of the earth energies with this confrontation, as Portia has so rightly said, between these vast forces of what you would refer to as “the dark and the light.” And we will just continue with this analogy, because it does seem to make sense, and it’s easy for people to understand.

Know that this is a sign of the importance of the times in which you are living, that all of this is coming to some type of a crescendo now in your world, and in your worldview, because many people can see that things are not now as they were previously!

People can sense that there has been a vast change taking place in the emotional tone, as well as, of course, the activities of many people who have been creating quite a bit of destruction and devastation across areas of this country -- in these cities that you know about. But this is not the most important thing that is occurring now, as Portia has discussed, because what is happening is far beyond what you are able to see with the physical eyes.

I just want to have a chance to talk about this a little bit, because perhaps this will clarify for people, somewhat, the IMMENSITY of what is happening now. And I want to describe, not only the confrontation, but the emotional tone of humanity, in the midst of what is, seemingly, this huge battle between darkness and light – the forces of peace and goodness against these attempts to undermine your society, and indeed to destroy many levels of the freedoms that you enjoy in this country.

And so, what I will tell you is that this is a “vast plan” for the United States that some of these political parties are planning. And I was going to say “putting forth,” but you see they are not putting it forth to you! And that is the difficulty of all of this, because so much of what is actually happening now is hidden from human sight! It is the fact that many human beings are not able to confront these things and try to stop it – or at least to “bend it to one side or the other.”

As a result, what you are seeing happening now is a vast deception of the population by those in political life who tell you one thing, while they have an agenda which is comprising goals and aspirations which are quite different from what they are telling you that they want to do.

And so, it is this level of deception which can be quite dangerous to your freedoms in this country. And that is what is at stake in this present election that you have coming up in a few months, because there is a vast need for the defense of the freedoms that you all enjoy in the United States of America! These things have been created for you through so much hard work, by so many people who founded your country.

And I was there to enjoy some of this activity, and Portia as well, because, as you know, we have been quite instrumental in the founding of this country – though we were not there in human physical form. Nevertheless, many of the founders of this country had a significant spiritual presence – which, unfortunately, has been lost in many of the leaders which you are now, shall I say, in the process of “enjoying their presence” on the earth.

As to the founding fathers who came forward and dedicated their time, their efforts, and, in many cases, most of their life’s work, to the founding of this country, they are no longer appreciated and cared about as “beacons of hope and light!” And, if their messages of freedom were ever heard, these have faded into the background of your history, I’m sorry to say.

We are very concerned about this situation, because it is very much “up in the air,” as you would say. And nothing has been decided at this point! No one can tell which way this is going, because it is in flux – it is in a powerful process of change, which evolves daily, into yet another version of itself!

And so, I’m afraid I cannot give you any definitive answers or descriptions about what is going to happen with this process in the year of 2021, or what is going to be the ultimate outcome of your election (November 2020) – or exactly the energies which are going to move you into the coming year (of 2021), because it is so much “in the process of evolving.”

传导:Star Hinman
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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