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发表于 2020-9-17 14:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


As you start to explore the idea that your beingness is more than enough, it is common for enlightening human beings to follow that thought with worry about whether you are blocked, being lazy, or doing enough.

Dear Ones, the fact that you worry about those things means they will not be an issue! You are conscious, and mindful, and energetically sensitive. That awareness and sensitivity means that you will simply not be able to stay in any energies that don’t match your true intentions for any amount of time.

You will always lovingly redirect yourselves, time and again if necessary, to honour your truest path and life expression. It is time to trust yourself, and your evolutionary process, and allow your beingness to lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Some of you may be feeling very detached and rather emotionally removed. Please don’t let this make you think you have suddenly become a very unkind or uncaring creature! If you know in your heart that you care deeply about others and your planet and are normally very empathic and energetically sensitive, it can be a sign you are being of a certain kind of service.

Let us reassure you detachment often indicates shifting into a different vibration in order to hold the space and act as a stabilizer, and that role is very important during turbulent times.

Love can be expressed in many different ways and holding the space is one of them. A parent lovingly staying calm and ensuring safety while a child throws a tantrum is a wonderful example of that. A certain level of detachment is required in order to fulfill that role to the best of their ability. If they lose their balance the situation only accelerates, is prolonged, and opportunities for growth and change can be missed.

If you know your intention is one to assist the whole, trust that whatever is presenting is doing just that. You have spent far too long cultivating your compassion and love to suddenly not care at this point. Trust in who you really are, Dear Ones, and know that the many ways you serve are making a difference. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


We understand that it can seem daunting if you have the same issue you’ve been healing come up over and over again. We would like to give you some new perspective on that process today.

While you certainly can and do heal in layers, there is another aspect that can be happening if a theme keeps popping up for you. It may be that your former wounded self is simply exploring and creating safe attachment within you.

When you have identified an area that needs healing, the aspect of you that has been seeking the love and support it needs from you will come to the forefront and make itself known. If you can sit with it, acknowledge it, listen to what it requires, and give it everything it needs in that moment, it will settle down and begin the process of integrating back into wholeness.

But just like a child that is seeking to grow and expand, that aspect may need to test its security by bubbling up and seeking to be welcomed back into your love and acceptance many times until it settles into knowing it is truly safe, secure, and always an important and beloved part of the whole.

Do you see? If something you’ve been healing rears up again, it is a sign that you are truly making progress on your integration journey back into wholeness. And before you know it, if you are consistent in always receiving that aspect back into your loving care with your patience and reassurance, it will kick up less and less, and peace and wholeness will prevail. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


原文:https://trinityesoterics.com/202 ... -september-14-2020/
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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