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发表于 2020-9-3 11:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


When you are in the process of co-creating, you start with a broad intention. This is showing your desire to move into an intersection with the experience that best matches you and that intention.

That intersection can happen anywhere. In some cases it is easiest for you to stay right where you are and allow it to come to you. In other cases it will beckon you forward and you will need to meet it where it is. And in other cases it will meet you somewhere in the middle. There is no one size fits all solution for where the intersection will occur because each creation has its own energy, needs, and space of alignment.

So how do you know what to do? It is simple, Dear Ones. Allow the flow to guide you. If you are surrendered to the flow and not one thing is happening despite your willingness to move with it, the easiest way for your dream to find you is for you to stay still and allow it to come to you. If you are being guided into action the flow is leading you to that divine intersection.

Do you see? If you are in your surrender, faith, flow, and trust, you can never, ever miss an opportunity and will always be provided with everything you need to find those alignments. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Many of you may wonder why some of the daily messages are long, while others are short.

Lengthier posts are designed to make you stay in the energy of the message longer. Short messages are meant to be prompts for you to meditate upon. In the longer posts we set the energy for you. In the shorter posts you explore the energy yourselves.

So with that said, we present to you this short daily message in the form of a question to consider today. Who are you really if you are not the stories you’ve been told? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Working with broad intention is a powerful tool, for it honours the core essence of what you would like to experience while leaving plenty of room for the discovery of new matches that surprise and delight you in their divine perfection. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Many people who are on a spiritual journey become cautious about moving forward in bigger ways because they do not wish to “fall into ego”. We wish to address this today.

The ego likes to feel that it is in charge. It is not a part of you that needs eradicating but you do need to understand it and its needs. It is simply self interested and needs to feel important, much like a toddler. Because it is so focused on self, it naturally feeds separation.

It will seek separation by making itself more important than others, and also by separating you from your highest life expression because it fears it will stop being important if you take big steps forward. It tries to dissuade you from taking those big steps forward through the use of fear and doubt. The ego very much likes everything to stay the same and to have a sense of control.

Do you see? You are just as much in ego (separation) by denying your dreams as you are by having an inflated sense of self. It can be helpful to recognize the ego can be a growth detector. If it is going off in fear and doubt you must be onto something big and empowering. It would not be making a peep if it were not so.

The way around this is to simply let your ego self know it is important and will never be left behind. It is an essential part of your human experience, just not a part of you that is fully qualified to lead the way. That job is best left to the knowingness of your inner wise one.

Just as you would treat a small child with separation anxiety, reassure it and lovingly guide it forward. By doing so you can lead with love and inclusion and follow where your heart leads you embracing all parts of you, which will open the door to the discovery of your highest, most authentic life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


原文:https://trinityesoterics.com/202 ... day-august-28-2020/
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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