Constantly denying your own innate goodness serves no one. It does not ensure you keep growing. It does not assist your evolution. It does not make you a better person.
In fact, having such resistance to yourself increases your discomfort and your ability to flow and expand. It perpetuates separation, stagnation, and pain. It will continually aggravate any wounds that are seeking your love, compassion, and healing.
Dear Ones, acknowledging your own divine light is essential in order for you to step forward in your authenticity and truth. It is understanding yourself as an essential and beloved aspect of the whole. It is allowing your wisdom and essence to lead the way. It is accepting that you are the one you’ve been seeking all along, for the empowerment of yourselves and your shifting planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Finally extending your love and care to yourself is not practicing separation, it is practicing inclusion. From that balanced space it is much easier for you to be everything you want to be for everyone else. It is leading by example how to be loved and be love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
If you are an empath you simply have a natural energetic curiosity. You came in with that curiosity in order to learn more about how to read and create with energy. That was at the top of your to-do list for this incarnation.
You get to choose how you satisfy that curiosity. You can experience water temperature in a body of water by immersing yourself completely or by sticking your big toe in the water. You can gather much information with either method but you will likely find one style more to your liking.
We want you to know you are not at the mercy of how much you feel. If you understand you are simply wanting to explore energy, how it affects you, and how it works, you can adjust how much you dip into it at any given time.
Play with this concept. Understand you are always in charge of your energetics and there are many options between full immersion and not feeling at all. You can learn to work with subtleties rather than giant waves that overwhelm you and still gather the information you are seeking.
You would not have chosen to have the ability to feel energy if it also didn’t come with your full ability to be able to adjust into doing so comfortably. It is simply a skill like all others. If you approach it as energetic curiosity you will find your own unique style that works for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
原文:https://trinityesoterics.com/202 ... day-august-19-2020/
翻译:Nick Chan