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发表于 2020-7-23 15:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


A lot of enlightening human beings are reluctant to receive because they think there will be strings attached. If you intend to receive things directly from Source, you will be far more willing to accept how the universe wishes to deliver to you. It is your willingness to flow with the synchronicities and alignments with your faith and trust that allows you to be moved into those divine intersections. You can move out of your fear of receiving quite easily, Dear Ones, by deciding to allow the universe to love and serve you with its infinite wisdom for the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



One of the reasons many enlightening human beings tend to be serious and hyper vigilant about their choices is because they are simply on the planet to assist with the shift of humanity and do not wish to incur any new karma they will need to balance out later. Let us reassure you that you will not if you are approaching your choices from a space of consciousness and mindfulness. Trust in yourselves and in your own evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



The final stage of any experience is thanking it for its purpose or how it has served you. Think of any transaction – the last interaction is the act of saying thank you.

Thanking an energy as it leaves is the final step of release. Untethering yourself from a situation that has been hurtful comes from being able to new awarenesses or redirections it had for you and letting the rest go. The act of being able to come to a place of recognizing its value for you, even if it was showing you how not to be, is what allows the act of forgiveness, which again, is untethering you from an energy you are ready to move on from.

So whether it be a release of old energies or belief systems, leaving a job or a relationship, or any other aspect that you do not wish to carry forward with you, a heartfelt thank you can be all that is required to completely dissipate the cords that bound you to it, for it indicates you have had the full experience and have reached the end of that energetic transaction. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



There is a continued belief that you must arrive at a certain level of attainment in order to be of service. Because of this you put incredible pressure on yourselves to be perfect, to not make mistakes, to hurry up and get somewhere. This puts you in resistance to your own flow.

Dear Ones, there has never been a time when you have not been in service from the time you took your first breath. You add to the whole with your unique vibration. Every experience you have lends itself to the expansion of the whole. Every single time you make what you consider to be a mistake and choose differently next time, you anchor a higher energy that supports new possibilities. Every time you perceive yourself as separate but find your way back into connection, you drive the shift. Every single time you find your way back to your own divine light it ripples out and serves the whole.

Do you see? Your growth is your service. It is sacred and profound and all that is required. It is also a given if you are on the planet, in a body, at this time, and what gives your soul profound joy. Again we say trust in your own wisdom and the incredible process of discovery and evolution you are so beautifully participating in at this time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


原文:https://trinityesoterics.com/202 ... unday-july-19-2020/
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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