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发表于 2020-7-9 12:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear friends, I am Jeshua, your friend. I greet you all from my heart. I connect with each and every one of you, so feel that connection between us. Although each one walks an individual path, there is a resonance, a joint desire and search, a shared humanity between us. Feel the living heart that beats in each one of you and have compassion for one another. You are gathered here in a group, so respect the other persons, although you do not yet know them very well.

Behind everyone’s face is a story, a depth, a history that explains why someone is as she or he is, so listen to the other person’s story. The longer you listen to the story of another person, the deeper you will eventually understand and recognize a common core: the same roots in the other person as in yourself. There then emerges a sense of unity, and differences dissolve and you reach out a hand to the other person. And when many people reach out a hand to one another, a fertile ground is created and love flows to Earth. This is what is now happening and all of you here want to participate in this flow, which is why I respect you deeply. We all are on this path together.

In growing toward the One, to a unified understanding, to compassion for one another, the female energy plays a large role. It is the connecting element between people, as well as between all living things. Let us now feel the female energy here in our midst. It is your beating heart, a heart that forgives, a heart that understands, a heart that builds bridges. Let the gentleness of this connecting energy flow through you and through us all. Feel its gentleness, and at the same time, its indestructible power. The heart that understands and forgives, that reaches out a hand to another, is the most powerful energy that exists in the universe, causing new creations to take place and old wounds to be healed. It is now time for healing, because deep wounds have been caused in people and to life on Earth.

I ask you to now connect with the Earth beneath your feet, here and now, where you sit. Let your consciousness inwardly descend through your legs and feet as if it has roots going into the Earth. Feel the Earth and nature around you, the wind that blows, its power, its sound. You are part of this reality, and the Earth is aware of you and experiences you. When you attune to the Earth, it creates a connection and you feel and experience that the Earth would like to enter into a relationship with you. Let the Earth now speak to you, and it does not have to be in words. Simply experience a wave of energy that wants to now come to you from nature, from the natural environment. What the Earth has to say to you can be different for each person. Allow it to flow up from bottom to top – and relax. Everything that you feel is good; just breathe into your abdomen.

You are here for a reason. You have selected this place on Earth, partly consciously and partly unconsciously, from intuitive layers within yourself. Engage these intuitive layers now by descending into them, into the feeling, connecting part of you. What do you need from the Earth here? The Earth desires to give you something, so let it come to you. Feel sustained by nature here, by the Earth.

One of the ways to connect with the female energy is to “lose” your mind by surrendering to a flow of life that cannot be grasped by the mind. This you do by consciously being in your body and not only in your head, but in your arms and legs, your mid-section, your pelvis, and feel what wants to flow there.

I said in the beginning that the female energy leads you to what connects you with other people, to unity. But you cannot really make that connection to another without first being connected to yourself and being at home in yourself; when you can descend into your body and your emotions and can truly be who you are without judgment and attempts to suppress with your mind.

The first step, then, to unity and connection, and to an open heart, is to dare to descend very deeply into yourself. The connection with the Earth can greatly serve you here, so feel her presence. The Earth is natural through and through, so she has no problem with the rhythms, mood swings, and emotions you have as a human being: a being of nature. Everything is acceptable to her – light and dark – so feel the naturalness of her presence.

I ask you again: what does the Earth give to you here in this place? And If you find it difficult to discover what that is, then connect to the inner child in your abdomen. It is the part of you that is most free from your head, from judgment, from the regulating mind. It lives, it moves, it is spontaneous. It wants to talk with you continually and to remain connected, but you sometimes keep it away for fear of what it wants to tell you – allow it to speak now.

What does your inner child experience here? Connect with it, put your arm around it, and look at it again. Feel all the excitement of this child, the passion, the gleam in its eyes. Reach out your hand and take the hand of your inner child. Stand with both feet on the Earth, connected with nature around you and within you, connected with an alive, playful child of nature, because that is who you are – you have come here to play. In contrast to anything else you have been told by way of your work or school or society, it is the playful child within you that is the most natural and, therefore, the most spiritual part of you. Trust her, trust him, and let go of your mind.

We have now taken the step inward to connecting with your inner child and with the Earth, with the nature within you. If you are at home in this way of being, connected with yourself, then connecting with other people becomes something special, something more relaxed and playful, exploring and free. Doing that is hugely illuminating; it makes the burden lighter. Because, on the one hand, you are deeply looking for connection with one another, and on the other hand, so many things keep you back from entering into a truly open and uninhibited connection with another and with yourself.

You are full of judgments, admonitions, prohibitions, taboos, all entangled in a cultural tradition in which a mental energy, a male energy, has had the upper hand. It is now time to let go of this energy – this habit – even though it still has a hold on your lives. You have been fooled into believing that in order to be a good person you ought to be serious, controlled, responsible, but the road to connection, to a harmonious world, can only really happen through the playful, inner child. The old male energy must give way to the child within you. But doing this can lead to an inner struggle within you, because, in part, you are still chained to the old, compulsive judgements.

How do you deal with this transition from the old to the new? You can fight against the old or you can go along with the new, and you know that fighting always leads to energy loss, to exhaustion. You cannot convince the old of the goodness and the importance of the new, which is why I am asking you to look for yourself. Is it not better to travel a path of lightness and joy and to trust the messages you receive when you are deeply in touch with the Earth and with your inner child?

Your female energy can help you to do this. Each time you go inward, allow things to be as they naturally are from an open heart that understands and forgives – and first of all, understands and forgives yourself. Then a basis is created, a foundation, an inner strength from which the connection with the world, and with others, becomes quite different – richer and deeper. First receive yourself from an open heart and then it becomes natural to receive another from an open heart. Allow the energy of the open heart to encircle us all. You do not have to do anything, it is already there. Imagine that you can lean into it to receive it, and in receiving it, you give it to others.

原文:https://voyagesoflight.blogspot. ... ent-jeshua-via.html
传导:Pamela Kribbe
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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