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发表于 2020-6-30 11:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


If you are always reacting to the energies around you, you are always playing energetic catch-up. You will find yourself constantly trying to adjusting your energy and losing your balance because of external influences.

It’s like getting in your vehicle to go some but rather than being able to travel to your desired destination by the most direct route, you are perpetually being detoured. This can be discouraging and exhausting.

Dear Ones, what we want you to understand is you are in charge of your own energetics and your journey. Each and every one of you has the ability to be the bringer of energy rather than the catcher of energy. You get to be the predominant energy of your own life, and when you do you will find the energies adjusting to reflect those preferences. It is one of the greatest ways you can serve.

Isn’t it time to take the wheel and lead through your own light and wisdom, purely and unimpeded, knowing that is how you will create change in your life and on your planet in the most empowered way possible? You are ready. It is time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



It is at the point when you do not know the answers or how to proceed that you surrender into the flow. This act is exactly what allows your guides to lead you to the new potentials and solutions that exist beyond what you can see. This time of not knowing so many of you are in is serving the great purpose of getting you to move into the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the Divine Combination.

We understand that for many of you surrendering into the flow can feel like a very scary prospect. What we wish for you to understand is that true surrender automatically lightens your energy and creates a greater sense of comfort. You will not be careening about wildly because the flow is always customized to move at the perfect pace for you, providing you exactly what you need. It also has a built-in steering mechanism – your gratitude and broad intention.

We urge you to start to play with the core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust because it is the empowered operating system of enlightening human beings. You do not need to fear it if you understand that the flow is what will love you forward into the next exciting phase of your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Do you have a dream or desire that keeps coming back into your awareness? A persistent dream exists to call you forward so you can have that experience. It is beckoning to you because it is the key to how your soul wishes to express itself. We want for you to understand that it wouldn’t be calling to you if it wasn’t trying to take you somewhere valuable. Isn’t it time to listen to that clarion call and allow your dream the opportunity to take on a form that is unique to you and gives you the joy of that co-creation? Your dreams want you as much as you want them because they can only express themselves through you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


原文:https://trinityesoterics.com/202 ... urday-june-27-2020/
翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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