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发表于 2020-4-7 10:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Many of you are being advised to stay at least six feet away from each other. This too is a gift.

Staying away from others gives you a chance to experience your own energies. For many of you who are empathic and perhaps had not known just how empathic you are, it will come as both a discovery and a relief.

It is assisting you in your own personal shifting to not have a lot of other people’s energies in your etheric field. This is designed to help those who have not yet learned how to practice energetic clarity.

You often don’t realize just how impacted you are by other energies until you have the experience of being completely out of them for a while. It is through this discovery that many will start to see their energetic state as something that needs to be supported for their own comfort and well-being.

By being more in your own energy, you will also have the experience of being able to start to discern what is yours and what you are picking up from the collective. If you are unsure, simply asking what is yours, or doing your seed of light technique outlined below will bring you clarity.

It is through your energetic quarantine you will be able to have more awareness, and with that greater awareness will come greater energetic mastery, yet another way the phase you are in are serving you and setting you up to serve the whole when it is time for you step out into the next phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


What needs did you have that were not being met before the pandemic? Were you perpetually exhausted? Were you on autopilot without really being satisfied with your life? Did you feel like you never had enough time to get to all the things that needed to get done, let alone spend time in activities that would bring you joy? Did you wish you could develop a meditation practice but fell asleep every time you tried? Did you want to read, to learn, or spend more time with your family?

What is this gift of time giving you? Now that you have time to explore different things, what still calls you? What feels good and supportive? What can you let go of now that you have that greater clarity? What can you add in that your soul is craving, even if that is doing nothing at all because your body is busy integrating energies and repairing from a sleep deficit?

This pause you are in can be a treasure trove of discovery, Dear Ones, if you give it a chance. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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