问: I just came from Maui 我刚“去”了(夏威夷的)毛伊岛(地球的心轮)
I don't really know why I came here. 我并不清楚我为什么“来”这里
巴夏: That's all right. 这没关系
We don't know why we are coming where we are going until we get there either. 我们也不知道我们为何而“来”,也不知道我们将“去”何处,直到我们到了那里才知道
问: And I really don't know what to ask neither 我也不知道该问什么问题
巴夏: You don't have to have a question 你并不一定要 问问题
In fact, the real secret is 事实上,真正的秘密是
The more statements you make, the more doors you open for us to investigate 你陈述的越多,你为我们打开的门也越多,我们可查看的信息也越多
So if you want to make a statement, you can 所以,如果你想做个陈述,说吧!
If you want to have a discussion about a particular topic, you can 如果你想讨论某个特定的话题,请吧!
It's up to you 你“说”了算!
问: The discussion is about unconditional love 我想探讨一下“无条件的爱”
I want to know more about what do you think of it. 我想知道更多的 你对它的看法
巴夏: What you call in your frequency, unconditional love, is actually the vibration, the frequency of existence itself. 从频率上讲,你们所谓的“无条件的爱”,其实就是存在(神)本身的振动频率
And if you will look in your dictionaries, you will see the unconditional means un-conditional, without condition 如果你去查看字典的话,你会发现“无条件”的意思是“没有任何条件”
Whatsoever. 不附加任何条件
Therefore, the idea of understanding that the vibratory frequency of existence itself translates in your reality as unconditional love, unconditional support unconditional allowance 所以,存在/神 本身的振动频率,转译成你们实相中的,就是无条件的爱、无条件的支持、无条件的允许
Thus, then, by aligning with that 因此,通过与这样的爱、支持、允许 调和一致
By expressing that in your own lives 并且在你们的生活中,将其表达出来
Then you will be most highly aligned with the very nature of existence itself 那么,你就是与“存在本身的天然属性”最高程度的吻合
And you will be expressing more fully that vibration in your life 在生活中,你将会更完整地“表达”出 存在(神)的振动
And experiencing that vibration in your life 你也会更完整地“体验”到这种振动
But it begins with you. 但要先从你自己开始
You must allow yourself to unconditionally love yourself 你需要允许自己 能够 无条件地爱自己
Thus then when you unconditionally love yourself 然后,当你无条件地爱自己
It is easy to express the idea of unconditional love. 你就会 自然而然地 表达出无条件爱
If you find yourself having difficulty expressing the idea of unconditional love 如果你发现自己在“表达无条件的爱”方面有困难
Then there is some aspect of yourself you're not loving unconditionally 那这说明:在某些方面,你并非无条件地爱你自己
Now when we talk about the idea of unconditional love and unconditional allowance 当我们谈论“无条件的爱”与“无条件的允许”时
It doesn't mean that you can't still recognize what you do or don't prefer 并不是说,你不能分辨什么是你喜好的,什么是非你喜好的
It doesn't mean that you can't observe and recognize neutrally that someone may be doing something that essentially is mechanically negative 也不是说,你不能以中立的态度,观察并识别出 某人在做的一些本质上是负面的事情
That is separative, disconnected, segregated 也就是会造成 分离、阻断、隔阂 的事情
The idea, nevertheless, is that you can have the compassion to recognize that they may not know how to do things any other way 但是,你可以带着慈悲心,意识到:他们可能并不知道其他“处事待物”的方式
And you can perhaps give them some opportunity, some ideas for how they could express and feel more unconditional love in their own lives towards themselves first of all 并且,你可以跟他们分享一些理念,给他们一些机会,让他们可以在的生活中,先给予自己 更多的 无条件的自爱
So that they don't necessarily have to feel cut off and disconnected 这样,他们就不会感觉到自己被 冷落与隔离
And thus act out and lash out at others. 也不好因此而对他人 做出一些攻击性行为
The idea therefore is that unconditional love, a strong component of it, is neutrality 因此,无条件的爱,其中一个重要的部分,是 中立/中性 的态度
And a strong component of it, is compassion 另一个重要的部分,是 慈悲心
Is this making some sense to you? 这么说,你能理解吗?
问: Yes 能!
巴夏: Is there some other idea about this you wish to explore in more detail? 你需要对此做更细致一点的探讨吗?
问: If you see somebody, even negative 如果你看到某人,即使有一些负面的行为
This is actually mirroring yourself 这其实也是在 反映出你自己
巴夏: Well, it doesn't mean it's a one-to-one reflection 这并不是 一对一的 镜面般反射
Just because you can observe somebody doing something negative doesn't mean you're negative in the same way. 你不能仅仅因为看到某人做一些负面的事情,就认为自己也像对方一样是负面的
The idea is however that, you must be observing it for a reason. (当然)你会看到这些,肯定是有某种原因的
Many times you will observe negative things if only to determine that that's not what you prefer. 很多时候,你们看到的这些负面事件,只是为了让你们明确“这非你喜好”
Many people on your planet because of the way you been brought up, the way you've been taught to look at life, 地球上的很多人,由于他们所受到的养育方式,以及所被教导的看待人生的方式
Sometimes they have to experience the idea or observe at least the idea of a negative thing 有时候,他们需要亲身经历一些负面,或者,至少要看到一些负面事件
So they have a much clearer idea of what they don't prefer 才会让他们更清楚地认识到“什么是非他们喜好的”
Which gives them an even clearer idea of what they do 同时,也让他们更加明确“自己真正的喜好”
So there are many ways to use this idea 所以,使用(负面)反射的方式,有很多种
You don't have to necessarily assume that anything is a one-to-one reflection. 你可不要认为 什么东西 都是一对一地(向你)反射
There is always going to be some relevance or some difference within the idea of why you are experiencing what you're experiencing as opposed to what the other people in that same situation are experiencing. 在同一种境况中,你经历你所经历的原因,与他人经历他所经历的原因,肯定有某些关联,或某些区别
You have to determine for yourself what's true about your involvement in that experience 但你要“为自己”确定你 介入其中的真正原因
Love yourself unconditionally enough to go exploring and find out what that is 你需要给予自己足够多的无条件的爱,才能够在探索中找到这个真正原因是什么
And at the same time, thus serve the others 同时,在这个过程中,你也服务了他人
by helping them also discover more about who they are 你帮助他们找回更多的自我
And perhaps give them more of opportunity to see through you, as an example of unconditional love, how they can also express unconditional love for themselves and others in life as well. 也为他们树立“无条件爱自己的榜样”,让他们有更多机会 学习如何在生活中 向自己和他人表达无条件的爱
Does this help? 这对你有帮助吗?
问: Yes 是的!
问: And in relation to that, do have any recommendations for focuses in terms of helping the masculine or the males on this planet 你有什么建议,可以帮助男人,提升男性的能量与魅力?
巴夏: Well again, the idea is to know that in spirit, you are both and neither 要知道,在灵性世界里,你两个都是(阴阳),又两个都不是
And to allow yourself to align with that spirit essence as much as you possibly can, 所以,你只需尽可能地与灵魂的本质同频
Will automatically provide a willingness to express balance in your life with respect to the masculine and feminine energies. 那很自然地,你在生活中,就会发散出平衡的男性能量与女性能量
问: So maybe focusing more on androgynous perception 是不是以雌雄同体的视角,来看世界呢?
巴夏: Not so much the idea of being androgynous 倒不是说要变成雌雄同体
No, it doesn't mean that you have to stop being a male or that a women have to stop being female. 不是说要变成:男不男的,女不女的
It's just about the idea of expressing balance. 而是让你(通过行动)彰显出你内在(男性能量与女性能量)平衡的状态
Yes? 明白吗?
问: Yes! 明白!