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发表于 2016-10-25 17:45 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


While the miracles of Yeshua are considered extraordinary by many, they are from the standpoint of the Initiate, simply the ex-pressions一the natural ex-pressions-—of the potential of consciousness. They are a sign. There are reasons for miracles, and I wish to discuss these from the standpoint of the Initiatory knowledge that Yeshua and I possessed.
虽然约书亚的神迹被很多人认为是神奇的,但从入门者的角度,这只不过是意识潜力的表达 —— 自然表达而已。它们是一个信号。神迹是有原因的,而我想从约书亚和我所有的入门者知识角度谈谈它们。

By the time I met Yeshua, he was already demonstrating the signs. His level of creation was very high.

My task was to assist him to strengthen his Ka body for his final Initiation through the death portal to the High God Horus. This was accomplished, as I have said, through the Sex Magic of Isis and the Alchemies of Horus.

Of all the miracles that I witnessed Yeshua perform, the one that is most dear to me is that of the loaves and the fishes.

It was a very long hot day. The disciples, Mary and myself were following the Master as usual. A very large crowd formed, listening intently upon every word from Yeshua s mouth. We were all enraptured by his vision and his means of ex-pressing.

It was as if, for several hours, we were transported into heaven itself, and I noticed that Yeshua's Ka had expanded to include everyone —— another sign.
就好像在那几个小时里,我们被传送到了天堂之中,而我注意到约书亚的Ka已扩展到把每个人都包裹了进来 —— 另一个信号。

When he had completed his speaking it was late in the afternoon and filled with compassion for them, realizing that their walk home would take some of them several days, he called upon food to be gathered and shared.

So the disciples, Mary and I,and a few others who joined us from the crowd began to collect food.

But when it was all gathered, there were only a few fishes and a few small loaves of bread. Hardly enough.

It was then that I witnessed a most remarkable event.

Yeshua went inside and closed his eyes. I could feel the intent of his prayer, although I did not hear the words. Running the full course of his Djed from the base of his spine to the top of his head, I clairvoyantly saw a burst of light flowing upwards through his crown, into his Ba, his Celestial Soul. And then an energy descended, as if in answer to his request; and he placed his hands over the two small baskets and began to hand out the loaves and fishes, breaking them into pieces and handing one to each person himself.

It was most remarkable; over a thousand people were fed and the loaves and fishes never exhausted themselves. After the crowd had been fed, Yeshua gave pieces to his Disciples and to Mary and myself, and the bread had the most sweet taste and the fish a wonderful flavor I have never experienced again.

Such miracles are natural to a Master of Yeshua's caliber, and from the Initiatory standpoint, such miracles are the potential of anyone if they practice what is required.


Yeshua often used the phrase, 'I and the Father are One.' This has led to great misinterpretation. For from the Initiatory standpoint, it is simply another word for Spirit. And in these words Yeshua was indicating that he merged with his Spirit, and that is how the miracles were accomplished.

And so he would go back and forth between two ideas, which the gospels report in their own limited way.

On the one hand, Yeshua would sometimes say, “I and the Father are One.” At other times he would say, “Without my Father, I can do nothing.” This is the oscillation that occurs with the Initiatory process in which the Initiate oscillates between the strength and conviction of his/her connection to the Spirit Source and then to the other state of mind, in which they realize that they are nothing and can do nothing without Spirit.

So the one state of mind has a feeling of omnipotence. And the other state of mind has the feeling of impotence. And the Initiate must pass between these two. That Yeshua used these phrases several times indicated to me, as a fellow Initiate, that he was in the middle of this paradox.

And he lived with this paradox in consciousness until the Garden of Gethsemane. For it was before his time in the Garden, as reported by his Disciples, that he came to me and we practiced the Four Serpents for the last time. There was an intensity in our time together, for we both knew that the time was near at hand.

With the explosive force released with the practice, Yeshua's Ka body scintillated with power and conviction, which he took with him into the final hours of his life, fortifying him for his journey through death. But the times before were often spent —— I search for the right words —— in a kind of self-questioning.
随着练习释放的爆炸力量,约书亚的Ka体闪耀着力量和信心,他带着它们走过了他人生的最后时刻,为他穿越死亡的旅途强化自身。但在这之前的时间却常常是在 —— 我在找合适的词语 —— 一种自我疑问中。

Those who followed Yeshua, whocall themselves Christians, like to think that he was surefooted and always clear about his purpose and mission and that he never wavered. But I, who spent the nights with him, tell you otherwise.

Just because a being has attained a level of mastery does not mean that they are able to pass through uncertainty—untouched.

Yeshua felt the pressure of his Celestial Soul, but it is an odd thing being an Initiate. For one is human with all that goes with it —— and one is increasingly connected to, and a part of, one’s Celestial Soul.
约书亚感到了他天魂的压力,但作为入门者是一个奇怪的事情。因为一边是凡夫俗事 —— 而另一边则是和自己天魂不断增加的连接,和成为它的一部分。

It is the Ba, the Celestial Soul, that is the voice of God speaking. The high Initiate acts like a reflex from the mouth of God, but just because the Celestial Soul is clear does not mean that the human is necessarily so.

Yeshua saw in others the potential for God-Realization, and he spoke to this several times. One of these was mentioned in the Gospels when he said, “you shall do greater things than me.” For he understood that miracles are a natural ex-pression of consciousness, and that as the consciousness of mankind expanded, miracles would be commonplace.

And yet at the same time he was very aware of the limitations of those around him—of their addiction to hatred, ignorance and bigotry—and this troubled him deeply. We spent many evenings talking about this. And until a few days before Gethsemane, he was not sure if he could attain what was required to pass through the final Initiation.
然而同时他也非常清楚他周围的人所受到的限制 —— 他们沉溺于仇恨,无知和固执中 —— 而这让他深受困扰。我们花了很多夜晚讨论这个。且直到客西马尼的前几天,他还不确定他能否获得通过最后的入门所需要的东西。

I do not know the reason for the change in him, but a few days before the Garden and Our final Initiatory act together through the Four Serpents, a deep sense of peace came over him and he was sure in a way I had never seen him.


I stand in time nearly two thousand years after Yeshua’s crucifixion, and still I shake at the thought of that. It was very strange to be both the Initiate and the Woman.

As the Initiate, I stood by Yeshua through the crucifixion holding my Ka in fervent prayer—which is another way of saying I held steadfast in my intention to be there for him as he passed into death. This was an Initiatory action on my part that required detachment.
作为一个入门者,在约书亚受难时我就站在他旁边,在强烈的祈祷中把持着我的Ka —— 用另一种方式说就是,当他进入死亡时,我的意念要坚定不移的为他保持在那里。这是我这边的入门者行动,它需要超脱的状态。

As a trained Initiate such a task was easy, but as the Woman in love with Yeshua, the Man, my heart was ripped apart. And so I stood at Golgotha, wavering in my strength as an Initiate, and my grief as the Woman in love whose beloved was suffering.

In that moment I did not care for the Initiation. I did not care that Yeshua was laying a trail of light through the death realms those who would follow him.

I even yelled at Isis.

“How dare you,” I said.

In the greatest moment of my torment, Mary reached out and touched my hand. I had been alone in my grief and had not noticed hers. Our eyes met, filled with tears, and we sobbed in each other’s arms. She for her son, and I for my beloved.

The Gospels report that an earthquake struck right after Yeshua’s passing, and I say to you that this is true. It was as if all of nature went into travail, and the earth shook with anger and rage, that such a Master, such a being, could suffer at the hands of his fellow men.

But such is the paradox of life on earth.

A great storm came across the city as well—winds like I had not seen. The sky filled with dark clouds and bolts of lightning——the sound of thunder shaking everything. This horrific display lasted it seemed, forever, but I suspect it was only for an hour or so.
一场大风暴也降临了这个城市 —— 我不曾见过的狂风。天空中布满了黑云和闪电 —— 雷声撼动着一切。这个恐惧的场景似乎持续了永久,但我怀疑它大概只持续了一个小时左右。

At the tomb, Mary and I washed his body in accordance with Jewish ritual and tradition, wrapped him and left the tomb. We did this in silence. The only sound the sound of our muffled tears.

I thought it odd that he had been able to raise Lazurus from the dead, but had not been able to help himself.

But after his resurrection, and I saw him in his Ka, radiant and beautiful as ever, I understood.

From the Initiatory standpoint, to become the High God Horus means that one has activated the highest potentials of consciousness within the human form. But this was traditionally done for one'self only. But Yeshua had done it on behalf of all mankind. This is his legacy.

But I say to you it has nothing to do with religion! It has to do with physics and alchemy.

The simple teaching of Yeshua was that we are all Gods——that we all have within us the power to love and to heal——and he demonstrated this as best he could.
约书亚朴素的教导就是我们都是神 —— 我们在我们之内都有着力量去愛和去疗愈 —— 而他已尽他所能展示了这点。

In the early days of the Church—meaning the community of those who formed around Yeshua’s teachings—a most beautiful ritual emerged.
在教会的早期 —— 指的是围绕约书亚的教导形成的社团 —— 一个最美的仪式浮现了。

Those who wished to continue to be in his energy or presence would share bread and wine. Sometimes the men would share the ritual and sometimes the women. This simple act of sharing among each other was in keeping with Yeshua's intent, and yet as the years progressed the simplicity of this got lost, and only those ordained by the Church could give Communion, something which Yeshua would find most distasteful. (Having known him as well as I did, I can tell you this.)

The truth and power of Yeshua’s teaching have been perverted by the Church.

And the secrets of the elevation of consciousness through Sacred Sex, as was practiced by I and Yeshua, have been stolen by the Church.

I realize in the sharing of my story that only a handful willunderstand —— but that is enough.
我知道我分享的故事只有极少数人会理解 —— 但这已经足够了。

原文: http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_539ee1ae0102wuwz.html?type=-1


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