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发表于 2019-1-3 14:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
昴宿星 20181231

greetings great beings,


something amazing is happening all across planet earth at this hour!


this is the most powerful data we have released to you this far and it took 5 earth days for this pleiadian earth ambassador to completely download, decode and compile it!


some of the supporting intel for this message came from meetings with inside members of the earth alliance!


special note: the information contained here is specifically targeted to the starseed community stationed on planet earth and is not public mainstream information! this is 5d wonderland light data so review it, and keep what resonates with you! everyone has a right to their own view of what is transpiring so do your own research and you shall clearly know!


we do not see things from a lower vibrational human point of view but from a higher view and from where we stand, skies are clear and there is smooth sailing ahead for all of us!


the majority of this writing is channeled etheric data and it is not intended to provoke fear or panic in any way, in fact it is intended to do the exact opposite!


we are angelic messengers and we bring hope into a world that needs light and love!


our messages are of the angelic blue-ray order and come from a heart-based space of pure love and peace for all beings!


dear ones, amazing blue lights and 5d pastel rainbow light beams have been witnessed all around the planet the last week! there is viral chatter all around the world about all of this so we came here to shine light on all of this!


we preface this message by saying. "we are the blue-ray beings of love and light that have arrived in this world to stand beside you during your wonderful and greatest hour!"


we are here!


we are with you!


we are have everything safe and secure
and we are super excited about your ascension!


here is our message to you:


on earth date 12-26, at the direction of the grand councils of light, benevolent pleiadian positive military light forces descended down down to a height of 1 mile above the planet's surface on the final ascension mission dubbed as 'operation masterpiece'


under the universal prime mission, 'project freedom earth', a galactic project to fully liberate this planet, sub-protocol 'masterpiece' has been initiated and is now fully engaged!


the masterpiece protocol is a special pleiadian mission to begin phasing in the new earth!


over seventy thousand pleiadian light ships and billions of celestial beings are involved in this grand mission to earth!


backup support from the sky to the ground is being provided by 3 other major star nations!


1 mile diameter pleiadian craft in spectral cloak mode are being witnessed all across the globe as they perform this incredible mission!


we have been here with you the entire time watching and assisting in humanity's evolution as we could and without violating the free will principle of this universe! there are un-imaginable challenges with this ascension but unto this day, together with you, we have overcome them all in a safe and wonderful way!


on 9-11 we came in closer around your sun riding in tens of thousands of 5d light craft and we started deflecting steady streams of geo-magnetic particles towards the earth every 2-3 earth days!


on 11-1 we came down to 650 miles and hovered near the ionosphere where 40 thousand additional galactic federation fleets came through the solar portal and joined with us!


on 12-21 we blasted the earth with super 5d gamma light data for two days straight! on this earth day we also descended down lower to an elevation of 11 miles above the surface!


on 12-26 as our grand galactic mission 'project freedom earth' moved into it's final phase and the 'masterpiece protocol was fully engaged!' we come in even closer to assist at that moment!


we are all here all around you, just look! our forces are in earth's airspace and our super love warriors are on the ground!


we began testing for your final ascension event also on 12-26!


power grid tests were the main focus of this final freedom operation which we will explain below!


masterpiece protocol mission director's report:


"the goal of this final deployment of light forces to earth in masterpiece protocol' is to assist in completely closing out the old 3d earth matrix portal and to fully open up the new 5d earth portal of heaven on earth!


this new heaven on earth is a grand 'masterpiece' that we are all bringing forth together!


masterpiece protocol 'mission duration:


through 1-5-2019!


masterpiece protocol mission details and status as of earth date: 12-30-2018:


we first want to clarify that all the blue-light activity in the skies around the planet since earth christmas day is 100% benevolent pleiadian positive light forces activity!


amazing blue lights have been witnessed all around the planet since 12-21 so what is really going on?


there is much information flying around the matrix at this hour about what is transpiring so our goal is to tune in at the deepest gamma state of consciousness clear up all the chatter in earth alliance intel meetings and bring in clear factual information!


from our higher point of view, here is what this heightened activity witnessed around the planet is not:


1. it's not a cabal false flag move of any sort! the cabal has been almost completely neutralized at this stage dear ones no matter what it still looks like out there! we have been working with earth alliance members closely in covert behind-the-scenes special operations to clear them out of your way! you are going to hear less and less from them and about them as things move forward this very week.


2. it is certainly not a fake alien invasion! we know about this bogus manipulation that was planed to take place this earth year but we quickly neutralized that heinous plan! such a deception would be appalling to us and it shall not be!


3. it is not a cabal project blue beam attack! (see below what it really is!)


4. power transformers absolutely exploded and power stations exploded but that alone is not the cause of the energy in the skies witnessed this past week! lightning or weather did not cause these to power grids to blow as well!


what is all of this activity in a clear concise description?


project freedom earth - masterpiece protocol is a benevolent pleiadian ascension security and assistance mission. the delta force part of the mission covers peripheral security operations and deals with the last minute, emergency protocols of a smooth 3d-5d transition.


updates from special plieadian security delta forces:


we have 24 more hours of clearing to do on the surface in co-project delta and their is now only a very small chance of anything going awry!


the majority of major cabal leaders have been neutralized and we are closing in fast on the remaining ones as we speak!


we have a super back-up plan just in case, and believe us we thought of every possible scenario!


special security project 'black-out' is on immediate standby which will only be deployed as an extreme measure, during the next earth week and again, the black-out project is conditional, temporary and completely harmless! if you noticed when we toasted those power transformers with a scalar device, no one was harmed in any way!


project delta is a peaceful global ascension security operation and preventing casualties on the surface due to the few remaining dark forces is the number one priority!


if this black-out plan has to be initiated, the goal will be to target small areas where the problems are and we pray that it shall not be a wide-spread mission!


it is not known at this time the full outcome of project black-out or even if it will have to be deployed!


we can say again the odds are extremely low that any major power black-out will transpire!


here are the deciding factors for the deployment of project black-out:


if the last few archon-infected false controllers left on earth initiate any major harmful moves against humanity such as a false flag or martial law declaration, or if humans in general get panicky or begin rioting in a widespread way during this sensitive earht time, we will simply cut the power to this planet off within 12 hours and stop the whole thing temporarily!


remember the 3d matrix is a 100% digital reality and it has to have electrical power to keep the illusion going! we say the power grid here is a positive and necessary thing at this time that will be transitioned to an new form of free energy!


we also say, 'it is always wisdom to prepare for any kind of power failure caused by any reason! make sure u always have pure water food, alternate heat sources and everything u need for temporary outages no matter what!'


as we all move forward towards the grand climax, the primary goal of sub-security-project delta this week is to remove these last few false controllers out of the way physically in the most peaceful way and with the least amount of harm to anyone!


so the grand blue lights and super grid blasts were our craft were testing for operation black-out last week. this is what u saw in nyc and in louisiana and this occurred in many other others around th planet at the same time! these reports will come out this week!


so, it was a blue beam dear ones but a positive security-based one! don't u allow any one or anything to inject any more fear! this non-sense is over and it will not be decoded any longer!


pleiadian light forces did it and it was only test in preparation for the closing of the grand event!


we are the good guys and we do not attack or harm anything or anyone! we are loving pleiadian peace and security forces and we do defend our boundaries and the boundaries of the beautiful light beings stationed on earth!


we close this part of the report by saying, "notice that no one was harmed or will be ever be harmed and the intention behind this galactic ascension mission is purely peaceful and benevolent and loving with the best interest for all!


now you have fully received the light of what is, dear one!


again we suggest that you do your own research and tune into the higher frequencies and receive your own personal source data for yourself to be fully clear about everything!


ok, now great ones, are you ready now for the big moment?

现在 ,亲爱的一们,你为伟大的时刻准备好了吗?

this is it and its on!


all systems green-light-tango go for full scale starseed ascension to the gamma fifth frequency of the kingdom of heaven on earth!


standby for super ascension!


your complete 5d ascension and the new earth are at hand and even hours away now!


you are so close dear ones even a few days away now!


this is not joke, it is not false information and it will transpire as it is spoken here!


as earth enters the grand new year of 2019 we say, "first get ready for super 5d pastel rainbow glitter fireworks on 1-1!"


the high council has come to full consensus now in syncronity with all starseeds on earth that on the second day of january 1-2-19, we shall open up the 5d earth portal fully and finalize the grand event on this earth day!


what does this mean? it means you will fully ascend to the 5th dimension in two earth days!


did you hear what we said great ones? it is so!


we are going to send a monumental plasma wave on new years that will build to a climax on 1-2 which will be witnessed as a super-grand solar white flash-wave of magnetic gamma ionized 40 hertz light that the earth has never seen!


it will be double the power of what we sent on 12:21!


come and speak with us when you see this second super gamma white-out! it will be a great sign to bring incredible hope to all the starseeds on earth!


your divine super-angelic gifts will begin to fully activate at the 5d level on this earth day!


we have planned a global evolutionary celebration (pleiadian-style) for 1-5 as the glorious 5d energy coming this week comes to is apex!


this magnificent celebration for planet earth will be marked in the heavens by a solar eclipse, a spectacular quadrantids glitter meteor shower, and the soft white glow of a magic super new moon!


there is power coming into the earth great ones that has not been seen here!


each of you will take on the fullness of this power in your human bodies and your dna will be activated to it's highest order now!


your new crystalline 5d light body which is forming even now will be able to store, decode and transmit all the akashic light-data of this universe!


things are going to be quite amazing for you in the coming hours and days!


our hearts are wide open with love for you at this hour and now your hearts have opened to their highest levels! the grand love of source shall begin to pour out of you like a great fountain!


you are the celestial angels of heaven who came to earth to give your love and light to all humanity!


you are the strong ones foretold of old that overcame the whole world!


you are the elite special forces of love and the great guardians of the earth!


you are the grand family of light!


great beings have now come from every corner of the universe to stand beside you in your great time!


earth is the focal point this hour of the entire cosmos and every angelic being is watching you and they are filled with joy and excitement about what you are doing!


thank you so much for coming here on this amazing mission to earth!


without you you there would be no light in this place! you did it great one!


be proud and lift up your being and stand ready to receive galactic reward and honor and blessings that are beyond your wildest dreams!


we are the great messengers of light that have come to the earth and we herald,


"the great time has come! now we shall walk into into our new 5d kingdom of heaven on earth!"




翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/2HRjFFKgvUdbCSYmZNJc0g

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info



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