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发表于 2022-8-13 10:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Dear Ones, you don’t create the life of your dreams by finding things to say no to. You find the life of your dreams by finding what your heart can give a resounding yes to. Saying no will never light you up the way a heart-centred yes can.
So allow yourself to see what doesn’t resonate with you as the energy saying, “Not this way”, and rather than entering into resistance with it, accept it and allow yourself to redirect into what feels more joyful, expansive, and supportive. You were never put on the planet to conquer the no’s but rather to discover the yes’s that light the way into your highest self expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



There is a difference between knee-jerk resistance and discernment. Resistance is judgemental and avoidant while discernment takes the time to feel into something before deciding whether it is a match for you or not. The first is a reaction, the second based in conscious awareness. Reactivity is often a clue that there is something within you that is seeking healing around that theme or energy, while conscious awareness is more curious and neutral, and comes from a balanced place. To proceed in your life in a way that can get you where you truly wish to go, we highly recommend you wait until you can find your balance and can look at any situation from a place of wisdom before you take action. Your heart-centred choices will always lead to satisfying and empowering results, while resistance and reactivity will keep you on the merry-go-round of what is unwanted. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



The unfoldment is a supported path. If something feels wrong to you, going ten steps further into that energy is not going to suddenly make it feel better. In fact, it will only get more and more uncomfortable until you listen to what you already know.
So often we see you have the awareness that something isn’t a match for you but you continue on in the same direction because you want to please others, you think it is something you should do, or if you just try hard enough you can make it work. This is when your body will step in and do everything it can to get you to redirect. Your discomfort is like a dear friend doing whatever they can to get you to pay attention and change course!
经常我们看到你能够意识到某个东西并不匹配你,但你继续相同的方向,因为你想要取悦他人,你认为这是你应该做的,  或者只要你足够努力,你可以让它奏效。这是你的身体步入、尽它所能让你重新定向的时候。你的不适就像一个朋友,在尽己所能让你注意到并改变方向
As you move forward into the new energies, many of you will find yourselves more and more energetically sensitive. As you deepen your trust in your own abilities and give yourself permission to be the empowered leader of your own life expression, you will not need to wait until you get really uncomfortable before you listen to what your inner wisdom has been telling you all along. You will start to respond to much more subtle energies and that, Dear Ones, is exactly what will make your path forward far easier and more direct than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, all your discomfort ever wants is your acknowledgement. Sometimes you feel discomfort because your soul is trying to get your attention to redirect into something that is a better match for you. Sometimes you feel discomfort because there is something within you that is looking for your love, tender care, healing, and release. Your discomfort is simply a flashing neon sign trying to get your attention so you can take action that will bring you back into your natural state of being, which is comfort, ease, inclusion, and flow. Just like anything else in life, once your discomfort gets your attention and has been truly seen and heard, it will feel like its purpose and needs have been met and it will settle quite quickly. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



If you are a person who is energetically affected by the solar flare activity of the sun, we suggest you practice getting ten minutes of sun on your bare skin every day. You can also leave water in the sun for a short period of time to receive its benefits and then drink it as a tonic. By doing both you absorb some of the sun’s energy which allows you to shift much easier with it.
The sun’s rays also offer many more healing properties than you realize. Of course, too much of anything is not wise or recommended, but allowing yourself to take in small amounts of the sun’s energy with the intention to receive its healing can benefit you in many ways.
You might also experiment with the energy the sun offers you at different times of the day. You may find it purifying very early in the day, energizing mid day, and calming later in the day. The sun has always been there to assist you in a myriad of ways on your journey. We highly recommend you take the time to explore this wonderful resource and the different ways it can serve you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


来自:Shelley Young

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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