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发表于 2018-7-6 11:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear ones, I am your Divine Mother. In this day, I come forward to bring you my great love and share my heart felt message.


Yes, in this energy, the Divine has brought to you and humanity, you all have to pace yourself, get comfy with the bambardment of the ascension rays and the energies your brothers and sisters have brought to you. I know in the earth plain, at the moment, the planet is being engulfed with all sorts of energies which are here to help you to ascend. Even though the energies are designed to help, in reality, very often it takes a tremendous amount of upheaval for you to be able to absorb and integrate with the energies. So, the process is quite challenging indeed.


That being said, my children on earth are doing extremely well. Especially the light bearers who are here to transmit my energy and Divine's love. These warriors are extremely brave. They not only transmit the maximum amount of the ascension rays, but also, they do it in style which is quite amazing.


My loved ones, even if the light currently coming to the planet is intense, but remember dear heart, my intention is for you to ascend, along with Gaia and humanity so that together, we bring the whole planet home. We bring Gaia and humanity to the higher realm so that together, we achieve our goal.


Now, in this process, I have, from time to time, noticed that there are a lot of my precious children who choose not to participate in the ascension process even though at the soul level, their soul plan is to ascend, and that has caused a great deal of concern for their soul. In general, human beings have literally sunken so deep that they, generally speaking, ignore what their souls have planed for them, and they function based on their ego, not being bothered by what the spirit has to say and that has caused so much misalignment between their soul and their ego, and that is why you see so much of the population suffering the misalignment, and the result of the misalignment. Even the advanced souls who came here for the greater good for all. Yet, still cannot remember their mission and as a result, they choose to listen to the ego instead of the spirit, get on an ego trip, and that is the tragedy the Divine is facing. We are facing a massive misalignment between the human ego and the spirit world. The whole planet wide, we are facing this misalignment and that is a challenge.


We may have to change our approach in dealing with the massive misalignment so that the planetary ascension can proceed well, and Gaia and humanity's ascension can be smooth. That is the message I brought to you today. And that is something I want the Divine and the company of heaven, to work on, come up with a plan. Let's face the challenge together. Let's get the ball rolling so that the planetary ascension can be a smooth one. Souls on the planet can find a way home. Not just Gaia, but the souls who have chosen to leave the planet early will have a chance. That is the message.


I love you dear ones, I am your Divine Mother. In this massive ascension process, I also have noticed that even though Divine and the company of heaven, have repeatedly sent warnings, some souls even got themselves quarantined, and yet, the Divine plan still very often gets stalled simply because there are souls who just don't care, don't listen to the Divine. They not only risk their own personal Divine plan, but also they put the overall Divine plan at risk. I have seen that over and over again, and I want to give those dear hearts my warning. You don't know the consequences dear heart. When you put the Divine plan at risk, you have no idea what that means at the soul level. In reality, you could just lose your existence simply because you ignore your soul plan, defy the Divine plan, and that is unfortunate. I know how much your soul loves you, and how much the Divine loves you. But at end of the day, you only can afford to do certain amount of the damage to the Divine plan. You have used up all the goodwill we have for you, and at this point, you are losing yourself and losing the right of existence. And that is serious dear heart. You are my love, and I have always adored you. And, at this point, I want you to connect with the Divine, listen to the Divine. Don't go any further. You are risking too much for the sake of human ego. You are far beyond being just ego driven. You are definitely no longer just the ego game. You are at risk of losing your existence which is serious.


I love you dear ones. In the next stage of the planetary ascension process, the Divine is going to come in and rule the planet. The whole of the planet will be governed by the Divine government. The Divine government will be set up in the way that only the Divine team can get involved. In other words, only the light workers who are destined to be the leaders can come and join the team. So far, we have all the team members chosen, and all the helpers are ready. The entire team will reside in the capital of the United States. In other words, I have chosen Washington DC as my next home. I will reside there, help the Divine team to rule. Any other agenda will be ignored. Only the Divine plan can be advanced so that we can move the whole planet forward together, and make Gaia and humanity's ascension a success. That is my plan. Divine's agenda. I have notified the entire Divine the great cosmos. So it is the law from this point on. And it is the universal law indeed.


I love you my precious children on earth. I am your Universal Mother, Mother of all creation. In this day, I have spoken, and my words resounds in the whole great Cosmos and they are laws. So, listen up dear heart, listen to your dear Mother, the Mother who gave you the soul. It is essential that this time you hear me. It is essential indeed.


Go in peace dear ones. I am your Divine Mother. I love you.


通灵:Linda Li
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/sAyA-f62z9sOIpXJUewWjQ

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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