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【大天使乌列尔】 祝福间隙









发表于 2017-8-3 12:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【大天使乌列尔】 祝福间隙  

Every shift in energetic frequency and vibration holds many blessings and is a moment of grace where profound transformation and ascension movement can occur. These movements are ascension confirmations as much as they are separations from 3D density so that a higher frequency of light can enter that space. They represent gains and loss and unlimited potential and are a place of healing, wholeness, and the end of karma, soul cycles, and suffering.


An energy gap occurs when a new energy potential is created between spirit and human because the 3D energy paradigm that is carried by humanity is ready to receive new frequencies. The energy gap is the response to spirit’s invitation to expand into new levels of reality and allow new reality frequencies to become part of the human energy grid. This can be felt as a shock to the physical body because it re-arranges the energy system, removing pockets of density created by long held trauma, a source of pain, suffering and separation from the divine.


This opening is a moment of grace that allows you to see the potential of a new reality while also providing an exercise of free will – new energies and realities must be freely chosen, they are not an imposition on you. They involve a separation from the 3D reality that has been your foundation for many lifetimes as you consider the invitation to relinquish your healing missions and take up new light missions. They are also an invitation to release karma and your healing commitments and allow your soul partners to decide whether they will continue their paths without you or follow you into new realities and energetic potentials.


Energy gaps are a blessing because they are the response to your desire for a more fulfilling, joyful, and joy-filled life. Blessings are not limited to those things that make you happy and feel good; they are often those difficult choices when you must decide that you will place your entire energetic being on your own path and relinquish your belief that you are responsible for others’ healing. A blessing expands your reality, often by releasing those things that limit it. Energy gaps bless you by showing you that other realities are possible, and then you must choose how you will use that blessing.


Embrace the energy gaps as they appear in your life for they hold the promise of the expansion and light that are a new path to energy expansion, fulfillment, and the joyous 5D energies that will create heaven on earth. Your soul can help you remember the grace each energy gap holds and find the joy in the blessing of the awakening of your creative power as you embrace your spiritual mastery and anchor in the new paradigms of joy for yourself, for humanity, for the earth, and for the ascension cycle.


通灵:Jennifer Hoffman
翻译:Nick Chan http://nickchan-love.blog.163.co ... 603220177253521934/

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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