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发表于 2020-12-22 14:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


We spoke yesterday of the importance of discernment. Today we would like to delve into how to tell if information is valid and empowering for you or not. The following will help you discern whether information is in line with your highest good. We suggest you ask the following questions:
Is this information based on love or fear? Is it expansive or restrictive? Is it inclusive and connecting or elitist and separating? Is it empowering to everyone involved? Does this advice involve giving your power away to another or following the advice blindly or does it encourage you to connect with your own wisdom and knowingness? Does it support the highest good of all? Would your inner wise one agree?
Check in with your body. How does your body respond when you feel into the information? Do you feel energy activation within your heart centre? Do you feel goosebumps? Do you feel flow, expansion, ease, or excitement? Does it allow you to be the love? All of these are your soul giving you a resounding yes.
If you feel triggered, fearful, or the energy contracting in your body, particularly in your abdomen, you are getting a clear no. The information you are receiving is not empowering to you and not an energetic match to who you really are. It could be playing to old wounds or experiences of powerlessness that you now have an opportunity to heal and evolve beyond.
Dear Ones, you always know your truth if you take a moment to sit and align with both your heart centre and your own divine guidance. This goes for information you receive through the news and social media, from spiritual teachers, and any messages you may receive yourself through spirit or your intuition. With your conscious awareness and love you will be able to navigate beyond the old structures of control and fear. By honing your discernment you will always be able to know the difference and move forward in ways that support you, the collective, and your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



The two greatest inhibitors of manifestation are putting constraints upon your creation and not being willing to receive.
Are you being too specific with your desires? Do you think they can only show up or look a certain way? What is the essence of what you wish to experience underneath that desire? Are you willing to cast your net wider? So often what you think is possible and what is actually possible are two very different things! Your willingness to allow the universe to fill in the details for you makes for much better and more satisfying matches.
Do you say no to assistance? Have you remembered to ask the universe for help? Do you gratefully receive it or are you in the habit of doing everything yourself? Do you think what you want can’t happen because you don’t know all the steps of how it will come to fruition? Do you receive compliments? Do you ask for and receive help graciously? It can be helpful to pay attention to any ways you hold yourself separate from receiving and start to consciously say yes to the support that can show up for you in a myriad of ways.
Now is the ideal time to make a commitment to loosen up and allow yourself to discover the highest potentials that exist for you just beyond what you can see, and to embrace the joy that comes from being in a more balanced flow of both giving and receiving. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Today, on this sacred day of solstice, we wish to celebrate you for reaching this incredible mile marker after such a pivotal and challenging year. What you have accomplished is truly remarkable, releasing and receiving energies at a pace that has never been experienced on your planet before. By your continued participation you have been integrating more of your soul selves into your bodies, and as such, have become anchors of the energies of heaven on earth. Even though you are well aware this year has been unlike any other you have experienced, it will be a while before you fully realize all you have done and accomplished. We thank you for being the intrepid ones, for being the ground crew of the great shift upon your planet, and we wish you much joy, peace, and love moving forward. Allow yourselves to take today to celebrate your successes, to bask in the energies, and allow the solstice to serve you by locking in your progress so you are well prepared to step into the energies of 2021 and beyond. It is a truly joyous day that heralds a new age of transformation and forward movement. Hallelujah! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



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