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发表于 2022-7-18 10:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth!  I'M MARY!
It is with my heart bursting with joy that I come here today.  Yes I am very happy with the journey, unfortunately only of some of my children on Earth.  But today, I want to leave a broader message, a message that can reach as many sons and daughters of this beautiful planet as possible.
The evolution of this planet is moving at great strides.  This planet is enveloped in an intense layer of Light and Love;  maintained and nourished by the great Beings of Light and by all the galactic brothers that are around the planet.  The time is soon when you will know them;  you will know your precursors, your origins, those whose DNA was used to initiate the people of this planet.
It is necessary that each inhabitant be aware that he is not unique in the universe, that there is not only the human race.  Father/Mother God is not as selfish as many think, he is pure Love and as such, he expands the universe every day, within the time you know.  How could there be only the human race in such an immense universe?  It would be a total nonsense, a total lack of sense, if that were so.
This planet was freed from occult forces that manipulated, and still manipulate, but to a much lesser extent, the human race.  Today the planet is free of the great dark minds that ruled this planet.  Here are still his disciples, those who still agree with everything they did.  Very soon you will meet each one of those who kept the people of this planet in misery, in hunger, in the streets, in diseases, by their own decisions that it should be this way.  Because the greater the suffering, the more they grow in energy and financial abundance.
Then the time is near when you will know the whole truth, you will know exactly what is done with you.  Many will attack us, because they will ask where we've been all this time, that we didn't do anything, we let it happen.  I'm not here to justify anything, I just say:
Evil is outside your door.  If you open it, it goes in, if you don't open it, it doesn't go in.
So you have agreed to much that has been given to you;  it was comfortable, it was good, it brought joy, it brought pride, it brought power, it brought vices, it brought debauchery.  So you agreed to all this, nobody forced you to do anything, nobody was forced to agree to what they did.  But you liked it, you tasted it and you liked it, so don't blame us.
This planet is ruled under free will.  And what is free will?  Each human being chooses their path, we cannot interfere.  Listen well, we can't interfere.  Our interference only happens when you ask, then yes, we can act.  So don't blame us for anything, you chose this world.  The benefits presented here were fabulous and today you question the same benefits.
But this time is coming to an end.  This planet will be a planet only where Love will reign and each one of you can be there, can live this time.  But what is needed?  It is necessary for each one to make an internal, deep change, I would even say painful.  Because you will have to pull out of yourself so many beliefs that have been placed, pull out discrimination, pull out criticism, pull out judgment, pull out addictions, so many things that you are used to today and that you will need to throw away, change, not repeat anymore.
Can you do it all?  I would say that alone you can't do it.  Now, if you open your heart and ask the Being of Light what you want, it doesn't matter which one (we don't dispute between us), if you ask with the heart, we will be by your side helping you, to throw it all away.  Will it be easy?  No, I can already tell you that it won't be.  You will suffer, you will be condemned by others, because you are trying to become different from those who like what they live and don't want to give it up.
So these, those who condone this whole world of violence and hunger, unfortunately, will not remain on the planet.  Because the next stage only allows Love and these beings do not know how to emanate Love.  What is going to happen?  It is not here to say, wait and you will see.  Just be aware that only those with a pure heart will reign in this new period on Earth, on this planet.
The time of manipulation and slavery is over.  The time of hunger, misery, violence is over;  this will be no more.  When will this happen?  It will depend more on how the human race behaves than on.
So it's a process that I can say, it will still be a long one, of change, of learning, of cleaning.  Yes, you need to clean up the mess that you've made on this planet, you need to clean up all the contamination that you've made.  Will you have help?  For sure, but it will have to come from the heart of each one.  So my sons and daughters: What do you choose to live?  Continue in this world you live in or go to a perfect world?  A world where there is only Love.
Many at this moment do not believe that it is I, Mary, speaking.  It's a shame, because if you open your heart and remove the doubt, I show you right now, it's me speaking.  I give you proof.  Do you want this proof?  So there it is.  Feel my energy in your chest and you'll know it's me talking.
We are not here to deceive anyone, we are bringing the truth.  Is she tough?  Yes it is, but necessary.  You can live in this new time, just start the journey of change, the journey of evolution.  Now, those who shrug their shoulders and laugh at everything I'm talking about, it's okay, continue your walk too;  only there will come a point, that here on this planet you will not stay, you will be taken away.
This message is meant to move the hearts and minds of many, it is not meant to cause dread or fear, because the outcome will depend on each one's choice.  We are not imposing anything.  Each of you will choose your path, you will choose where you want to go.  So it's all right.  We're just being very real.  The choice is in your hands.  And always, at any time, we will respect your free will, that is, your choice.  Those who still doubt that it's me, one day you will be sure that it was me speaking.  And I hope that day isn't too late.

来自:Anjos e Luz Terapias

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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