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发表于 2021-11-17 10:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


For those of you who have been distrustful of receiving, it likely was not receiving itself you’ve been leery of but rather anything that could potentially lead to your disempowerment. This is usually due to past life experiences where you received help only to leave you indebted to another in a way you couldn’t escape. So if that is the case for you, you can use your discernment by asking the following questions.
Does receiving empower me? Does it help me expand? Does it assist me in my service? Does it support my freedom and self expression or does it keep me trapped in a situation that doesn’t serve me? What can I do to expand beyond this situation? How can I cast my net wider?
If you don’t know the answer to that, you can simply work with the surrender, faith, flow, trust, model of the Divine Combination to discover what you can’t yet see but already exists as a solution or support for you. When you are using the Divine Combination, you can rest easy that any supports that show up for you are absolutely for your highest good.
Do you see? You can be completely open to receive because you now have the wisdom and discernment to choose what serves you and leave the rest behind. Surrender into the flow and know that it is completely safe for you to accept the help, guidance, and support that shows up for you through the use of this empowering, higher vibrational navigation system. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



We often speak of the importance of allowing your beingness to lead the way. While we understand many of you might feel confused on how to do that, let us reassure you, it is a skill you already have.
One of the few times we see most humans truly be present and at ease with themselves and their preferences is when they are on vacation. When you are on vacation you don’t worry about what is wrong with you or what needs fixing. You step out of resistance to yourself and into presence and preference.
You allow every day to unfold based on what would bring you joy. You are open to try new things and the expansion experience provides. You focus on your satisfaction and rejuvenation. You approach each day with curiosity and positive and open expectation. You are willing to embrace whatever you feel like at any given time, be it a grand adventure or a long luxurious nap.
Do you see? It is during vacation you allow your truest self to come to the forefront to decide what you would like while staying present and open to new discoveries. You move towards what will delight and inspire you and more than any other time, you make your life about you. And that, Dear Ones, is what we want for you each and every day, and it can be accomplished by incorporating the natural skills you use on vacation into your daily life. Make room for your beingness to lead the way, and from there far greater ease and satisfaction with your life can be found. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Often the most powerful healing tools are also the most simple, and that is certainly the case for the one we wish to discuss today, and that is using the words ‘thank you’.
Thank you is a powerhouse of a term. It indicates acceptance and coming to the end of a transaction. It is a phrase that supports release and staying in the flow. It also provides powerful feedback to the universe.
You are currently in a phase where many things are coming up into your awareness for release. We highly encourage you to thank the universe, your guides, your soul, and your own journey for guiding you to that awareness. Thank yourself for the fact that you have come to the point where this next piece can be released. Acknowledge what you are remembering or feeling, and identify it. Thank it for coming up to the surface for examination. Then lastly thank it for any way it may have served you and wave goodbye to it as it leaves.
If you are experiencing discomfort in your physical body, thank it! Thank the part of you that is working so hard for you. Thank it for indicating that it is in need of your attention. Ask it what it needs from you now. Thank it for never giving up on you even though it has been struggling. If you have loved ones, human or animal, who are struggling physically, thank their bodies for the hard work they are doing.
Thank your body for being in service to you from the moment you took your first breath and for providing a vehicle for your soul to experience the embodiment process. Thank your physical body, your subtle bodies, and your light body for the incredible transformations they are going through. Thank yourself for the service you provide to yourself and the whole as you continue to grow and evolve.
Thank yourself for agreeing to come into the body at this time! Thank your soul for having so much faith in humanity that it wanted to join in the great shift of humanity you are participating in. Thank your many other life selves for the experiences that have led you to this moment in time. Thank all the other wonderful souls who are also on the planet and doing the very best they can from their level of awareness.
Do you see? Thank you is a spoken declaration that moves you out of resistance and shifts you up into a far more empowered place. It is a tool you can easily use to assist you in all ways on your journey, and you may very well be amazed at how effective it is. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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