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发表于 2020-11-28 13:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Many enlightening human beings may find themselves either changing their service path or stepping into a service role for their first time. This is a very exciting thing! You will feel very passionate about the purpose that is calling you.
What is important to remember is that each service path is as individual as the enlightenment journey itself. What is aligned as a service offering for one may not be what is meant for another to do. This is designed to provide a vast and varied amount of support for the whole as well as opportunities for many different ways to experience and express the soul’s purpose.
One service path is not better or more important than another. Understand you may be taking on one role so others will be free to explore different service. You may vacate a service contract you had for many years in order to make room for another to step up and into the joy of being of that service. Your soul may wish to express its purpose in a new way, and that is wonderful, too!
We wish for you to understand that this is all playing out in ways that are divinely perfect, both for the individual and the collective. Honour all paths, Dear Ones, because you are being very efficient in the many ways you are all working together in being of service towards the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Stillness holds the gifts of alignment, of integration, and is a reset point before movement resumes. It is the pause between the in breath and the out breath, a place of wisdom from where you can consider your next highest choice, a point of balance and potential. It is a magical, rejuvenative space that is always there for you to access whenever you choose, that acts as a portal to so much more. It is not designed for you to stay there forever, but rather a tool that allows you to connect to the energies of Home in order to receive any assistance you may require for your journey forward. It is one of the most empowering supports you have as an enlightening human being. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



We were recently asked,”How do I see us all as one when there is so much hurt and harm in the world?” We would like to address this today.
Not long ago we offered a daily message explaining the concept of vibrational layers. We asked you to imagine a building that contained a basement, a main floor, and upper floor, and an attic. The basement, or lowest layer, was a level of vibrational density. It was dark and uncomfortable. The people living there might have a concept of other floors but haven’t yet disengaged from that energy enough to climb up the stairs. You could consider this layer to be 3D.
The people living in the middle floor have a good knowing of both the density of the basement and the existence of a floor above them, and may periodically move between the two. You might consider this to be 4D.
There are other people still who resonate with the upper floor. These are the people who are well on their enlightenment journey. They are practicing far greater awareness and are dedicated to their growth and expansion, and embodying their highest selves. They are in remembrance of their own divine nature. They also have access to the attic, which is where you might find the angelic and masters residing.
All of these different layers exist within the structure of the building, all coexisting on their own levels. They are all part of the whole. So we ask you, if the building caught fire, would you only save certain people based on a certain level of attainment or would you rush to save everyone inside? You might be surprised to realize your first priority might be to assist those in the basement first, understanding they are in the most danger because they are stuck in a place that is more difficult to get out of. Your instincts show you that you already have unconditional love in your heart and honour the worthiness of even the most challenging aspects of the whole.
This example should allow you to see how many different layers can exist within the entirety of the whole, but also how you can have love and compassion for all aspects of the whole, regardless of what level they are residing in. It allows you to simply see and support people wherever they are, as all are equally precious and valuable. As you continue to evolve and grow, you won’t need extremes to see this, but will be able to embody that knowingness more and more in your day to day lives, as you will hold your balance, your love, and your mastery with greater consistency. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



If you are unsure on how to proceed, it can be helpful to examine whether you are listening to your fear voice or your flow voice because only one can result in forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


翻译:Nick Chan

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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